
编译失败:Tweenmax 未定义,Rx 在我的反应应用程序中未定义

如何解决编译失败:Tweenmax 未定义,Rx 在我的反应应用程序中未定义

我刚刚开始学习 React,我正在尝试制作一个网站。如果有人帮助我,将不胜感激

我在浏览器中遇到的错误: 源\组件\脚本.js 第 16:30 行:'Rx' 未定义 no-undef 第 17:29 行:'Rx' 未定义 no-undef 第 18:30 行:'Rx' 未定义 no-undef 第 19:28 行:'Rx' 未定义 no-undef 第 49:9 行:'TweenMax' 未定义 no-undef 第 50:9 行:'TweenMax' 未定义 no-undef 第 53:19 行:'Power1' 未定义 no-undef 第 163:13 行:'TweenMax' 未定义 no-undef 第 165:13 行:'TweenMax' 未定义 no-undef 第 166:13 行:'TweenMax' 未定义 no-undef 第 166:88 行:“弹性”未定义 no-undef 第 182:13 行:'TweenMax' 未定义 no-undef 第 183:13 行:'TweenMax' 未定义 no-undef 第 183:110 行:“弹性”未定义 no-undef 第 208:9 行:'TweenMax' 未定义 no-undef 第 209:9 行:'TweenMax' 未定义 no-undef 第 210:9 行:'TweenMax' 未定义 no-undef 第 210:74 行:“弹性”未定义 no-undef 第 236:9 行:'TweenMax' 未定义 no-undef 第 237:9 行:'TweenMax' 未定义 no-undef 第 268:9 行:'Rx' 未定义 no-undef 第 271:9 行:'Rx' 未定义 no-undef 第 284:9 行:'Rx' 未定义 no-undef 第 293:9 行:'TweenMax' 未定义 no-undef 第 353:49 行:意外使用“self”无限制全局变量


"use strict";
// Tidier code with webpack and better Typescript in Github
// https://github.com/ste-vg/plant-drawer
var BranchState;
(function (BranchState) {
    BranchState[BranchState["ready"] = 0] = "ready";
    BranchState[BranchState["animating"] = 1] = "animating";
    BranchState[BranchState["ended"] = 2] = "ended";
})(BranchState || (BranchState = {}));
var Branch = /** @class */ (function () {
    function Branch(stage,settings,grid,placeBehind) {
        if (placeBehind === void 0) { placeBehind = null; }
        this.branches = [];
        this.state = BranchState.ready;
        this.branchOut = new Rx.Subject();
        this.thornOut = new Rx.Subject();
        this.flowerOut = new Rx.Subject();
        this.leafOut = new Rx.Subject();
        this.grid = 50; //grid;
        this.stage = stage;
        this.placeBehind = placeBehind;
        settings.width = 2;
        settings.opacity = 1;
        this.state = BranchState.animating;
        var path = this.createLine(settings);
        var branchCount = 2;
        for (var i = 0; i < branchCount; i++) {
    Branch.prototype.createSqwig = function (index,total,settings) {
        var _this = this;
        var branch = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",'path');
        branch.style.fill = 'none';
        branch.style.stroke = this.getColor(index);
        branch.style.strokeLinecap = "round";
        settings.length = branch.getTotalLength();
        settings.progress = settings.length;
        branch.style.strokeDasharray = settings.length + "," + settings.length;
        branch.style.strokeDashoffset = "" + settings.length;
        this.branches.push({ path: branch,settings: settings });
        if (!this.placeBehind)
        var widthTarget = settings.sections * 0.8;
        TweenMax.set(branch,{ x: -index * 2,y: -index * 2 });
        TweenMax.to(settings,settings.sections * 0.4,{
            progress: 0,width: widthTarget,ease: Power1.eaSEOut,delay: index * (settings.sections * 0.001),onUpdate: function () {
                if (index == 0 && settings.sections > 4) {
                    var choice = Math.random();
                    var length = settings.length - settings.progress;
                    var pos = branch.getPointAtLength(length);
                    var sec = Math.ceil((settings.progress / settings.length) * settings.sections) - 2;
                    if (sec < 4)
                        sec = 4;
                    var out = {
                        position: { x: pos.x,y: pos.y },sections: sec
                    if (choice < 0.02)
                    else if (choice < 0.1)
                    else if (choice < 0.2)
                    else if (choice < 0.4)
            },onComplete: function () {
                if (index = total - 1)
                    _this.state = BranchState.ended;
    Branch.prototype.update = function () {
        this.branches.map(function (set) {
            set.path.style.strokeDashoffset = "" + set.settings.progress;
            set.path.style.strokeWidth = set.settings.width + "px";
            //set.path.style.opacity = `${set.settings.opacity}`;
    Branch.prototype.createLine = function (settings) {
        var x = settings.x;
        var y = settings.y;
        var dx = settings.directionX;
        var dy = settings.directionY;
        var path = [
            'M','' + x,'' + y
        var steps = settings.sections;
        var step = 0;
        var getNewDirection = function (direction,goAnywhere) {
            if (!goAnywhere && settings['direction' + direction.toupperCase()] != 0)
                return settings['direction' + direction.toupperCase()];
            return Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1;
        if (steps * 2 > step)
        while (step < steps * 2) {
            var stepUp = this.stepUp(step);
            x += (dx * stepUp) * this.grid;
            y += (dy * stepUp) * this.grid;
            if (step != 1)
            path.push('' + x);
            path.push('' + y);
            if (step % 2 != 0) {
                dx = dx == 0 ? getNewDirection('x',step > 8) : 0;
                dy = dy == 0 ? getNewDirection('y',step > 8) : 0;
        return path.join(' ');
    Branch.prototype.stepUp = function (step) {
        var r = Math.random() * 10;
        return step / (10 + r);
    Branch.prototype.clear = function () {
        this.branches.map(function (set) { return set.path.remove(); });
    Branch.prototype.getColor = function (index) {
        var base = ['#646F4B'];
        var greens = ['#335eea']; //,'#5DC4A8','#4BBD9E','#3AB795','#A7CCBA','#91C0A9','#86BAA1']
        var chooseFrom = index == 0 ? base : greens;
        return chooseFrom[Math.floor(Math.random() * chooseFrom.length)];
    return Branch;
var Flower = /** @class */ (function () {
    function Flower(stage,position,size,colors) {
        //outer petals
        this.petals = [];
        var petalCount = 8;
        var p = petalCount;
        var rotateAmount = 360 / petalCount;
        var growRotation = (Math.random() * 120) - 60;
        while (p > 0) {
            var petal = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",'path');
            petal.setAttribute('d',this.createPetalPath({ x: 0,y: 0 },size));
            petal.style.fill = colors.outer;
            petal.style.stroke = 'none';
            var rotate = (rotateAmount * p) + Math.random() * 30;
            TweenMax.set(petal,{ scale: 0,x: position.x,y: position.y,rotation: rotate });
            var delay = Math.random();
            TweenMax.to(petal,1.5,{ scale: 1,delay: delay });
            TweenMax.to(petal,3,{ rotation: '+=' + growRotation,delay: delay,ease: Elastic.eaSEOut });
        // inner petals
        petalCount = 6;
        p = petalCount;
        rotateAmount = 360 / petalCount;
        while (p > 0) {
            var petal = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",size / 2));
            petal.style.fill = colors.inner;
            petal.style.stroke = 'none';
            var rotate = (rotateAmount * p) + Math.random() * 30;
            TweenMax.set(petal,rotation: rotate });
            TweenMax.to(petal,6,rotation: '+=' + growRotation,delay: 1 + Math.random(),ease: Elastic.eaSEOut });
    Flower.prototype.createPetalPath = function (p,size) {
        var top = size * 4;
        var middle = size * 1.8;
        var width = size;
        var path = "M " + p.x + " " + p.y + " Q " + (p.x - width) + " " + (p.y + middle) + "  " + p.x + " " + (p.y + top) + " Q " + (p.x + width) + " " + (p.y + middle) + " " + p.x + " " + p.y + " Z";
        return path;
    Flower.prototype.clear = function () {
        this.petals.map(function (petal) { return petal.remove(); });
    return Flower;
var Leaf = /** @class */ (function () {
    function Leaf(stage,size) {
        this.leaf = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",'path');
        this.leaf.setAttribute('d',this.createLeafPath({ x: 0,size));
        this.leaf.style.fill = this.getColor();
        this.leaf.style.stroke = 'none';
        var rotate = Math.random() * 360;
        var rotateGrow = (Math.random() * 300) - 150;
        TweenMax.set(this.leaf,rotation: rotate });
        TweenMax.to(this.leaf,{ scale: 1 });
        TweenMax.to(this.leaf,4,{ rotation: rotate + rotateGrow,ease: Elastic.eaSEOut });
    Leaf.prototype.createLeafPath = function (p,size) {
        var top = size * (3 + Math.random() * 2);
        var middle = size * (1 + Math.random());
        var width = size * (1.5 + Math.random() * 0.5);
        var path = "M " + p.x + " " + p.y + " Q " + (p.x - width) + " " + (p.y + middle) + "  " + p.x + " " + (p.y + top) + " Q " + (p.x + width) + " " + (p.y + middle) + " " + p.x + " " + p.y + " Z";
        return path;
    Leaf.prototype.getColor = function () {
        var greens = ['#000','#040020','#FF1493','#680090'];
        return greens[Math.floor(Math.random() * greens.length)];
    Leaf.prototype.clear = function () {
    return Leaf;
var Thorn = /** @class */ (function () {
    function Thorn(stage,size) {
        this.thorn = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",'path');
        this.thorn.setAttribute('d',this.createThornPath({ x: 0,size));
        this.thorn.style.fill = '#646F4B';
        this.thorn.style.stroke = 'none';
        TweenMax.set(this.thorn,rotation: Math.random() * 360 });
        TweenMax.to(this.thorn,{ scale: 1 });
    Thorn.prototype.createThornPath = function (p,w) {
        var path = "M " + p.x + " " + p.y + " Q " + (p.x - w / 2) + " " + p.y + "  " + (p.x - w / 2) + " " + (p.y + w / 4) + " L " + p.x + " " + (p.y + w * 2) + " L " + (p.x + w / 2) + " " + (p.y + w / 4) + " Q " + (p.x + w / 2) + " " + p.y + " " + p.x + " " + p.y + " Z";
        return path;
    Thorn.prototype.clear = function () {
    return Thorn;
var App = /** @class */ (function () {
    function App(container,downloadButton) {
        var _this = this;
        this.branches = [];
        this.thorns = [];
        this.flowers = [];
        this.leaves = [];
        this.width = 600;
        this.height = 600;
        this.grid = 40;
        this.container = container;
        this.downloadButton = downloadButton;
        this.svg = document.getElementById('stage');
        this.branchGroup = document.getElementById('branchGroup');
        this.thornGroup = document.getElementById('thornGroup');
        this.leafGroup = document.getElementById('leafGroup');
        this.flowerGroup = document.getElementById('flowerGroup');
            .map(function (mouseEvent) { mouseEvent.preventDefault(); })
            .subscribe(function () { return _this.download(); });
            .map(function (mouseEvent) {
            return {
                x: mouseEvent.clientX,y: mouseEvent.clientY
            .subscribe(function (position) {
        this.startBranch(16,{ x: this.width / 2,y: this.height / 2 },true);
        Rx.Observable.fromEvent(window,"resize").subscribe(function () { return _this.onResize(); });
    App.prototype.clearOld = function () {
        this.branches.map(function (branch) {
        this.thorns.map(function (thorn) { return thorn.clear(); });
        this.flowers.map(function (flower) { return flower.clear(); });
        this.leaves.map(function (leaf) { return leaf.clear(); });
        this.branches = [];
        this.thorns = [];
        this.flowers = [];
        this.leaves = [];
    App.prototype.startBranch = function (sections,setColors) {
        var _this = this;
        if (setColors === void 0) { setColors = false; }
        if (setColors) {
            this.flowerColors = {
                outer: this.getColor(),inner: this.getColor()
        var dx = Math.random();
        if (dx > 0.5)
            dx = dx > 0.75 ? 1 : -1;
            dx = 0;
        var dy = 0;
        if (dx == 0)
            dx = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1;
        var settings = {
            x: position.x,directionX: dx,directionY: dy,sections: sections
        var newBranch = new Branch(this.branchGroup,this.grid / 2 + Math.random() * this.grid / 2,this.branches.length > 1 ? this.branches[this.branches.length - 2] : null);
        newBranch.branchOut.debounceTime(200).subscribe(function (out) { return _this.startBranch(out.sections,out.position); });
        newBranch.thornOut.debounceTime(100).subscribe(function (out) { return _this.thorns.push(new Thorn(_this.thornGroup,out.position,out.width)); });
        newBranch.flowerOut.debounceTime(300).subscribe(function (out) { return _this.flowers.push(new Flower(_this.flowerGroup,out.width,_this.flowerColors)); });
        newBranch.leafOut.debounceTime(50).subscribe(function (out) { return _this.leaves.push(new Leaf(_this.leafGroup,out.width)); });
    App.prototype.onResize = function () {
        this.width = this.container.offsetWidth;
        this.height = this.container.offsetHeight;
    App.prototype.tick = function () {
        var _this = this;
        var step = this.branches.length - 1;
        while (step >= 0) {
            if (this.branches[step].state != BranchState.ended) {
        requestAnimationFrame(function () { return _this.tick(); });
    App.prototype.download = function () {
        var a = document.createElement('a'),xml,ev;
        a.download = 'my-amazing-plant(by ste.vg).svg';
        xml = (new XMLSerializer()).serializetoString(this.svg);
        a.href = 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,' + btoa(xml);
        ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
    App.prototype.getColor = function () {
        var offset = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
        var r = Math.sin(0.3 * offset) * 100 + 155;
        var g = Math.sin(0.3 * offset + 2) * 100 + 155;
        var b = Math.sin(0.3 * offset + 4) * 100 + 155;
        return "#" + this.componentToHex(r) + this.componentToHex(g) + this.componentToHex(b);
    App.prototype.componentToHex = function (c) {
        var hex = Math.round(c).toString(16);
        return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex : hex;
    return App;
var container = document.getElementById('app');
var downlaodButton = document.getElementById('download-button');
var app = new App(container,downlaodButton);
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