
(function (..., row.names = NULL, check.rows = FALSE, check.names = TRUE, : 参数暗示不同的行数:1, 3, 4

如何解决(function (..., row.names = NULL, check.rows = FALSE, check.names = TRUE, : 参数暗示不同的行数:1, 3, 4

我正在尝试从 json 文件创建数据框。

我尝试了以下代码: > 头(名称(data_jstor))

[1] "creator" "datePublished" "docType" "fullText"
[5] "id" "identifier"

> names(data_jstor)

[1] "creator" "datePublished" "docType" "fullText"
[5] "id" "identifier" "isPartOf" "issueNumber"
[9] "language" "outputFormat" "pageCount" "pageEnd"
[13] "pageStart" "pagination" "provider" "publicationYear" [17] "publisher" "sourceCategory" "tdmCategory" "title"
[21] "url" "volumeNumber" "wordCount" "unigramCount"
[25] "bigramCount" "trigramCount"
    > head(na.action(data_jstor))
> str(data_jstor)

List of 26 $ creator : chr "Fred. Perry Powers" $ datePublished : chr "1900-08-01" $ docType : chr "article" $ fullText : chr [1:8] "552 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS THE STOCK OF GOLD IN THE COUNTRY. The amount of gold in the country,as comp"| truncated "NOTES AND MEMORANDA 553 If we eliminate the state banks,we find that the percent- ages of gold and of legal te"| truncated "554 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS three years the percentage which each kind of money consti- tuted in the tot"| truncated "NOTES AND MEMORANDA 555 Treasury stated to be in the hands of the people,and the per- centages deposited in 5,"| truncated ... $ id : chr "http://www.jstor.org/stable/1883426" $ identifier :List of 5 ..$ :List of 2


但是我有一条错误消息:Error in (function (...,row.names = NULL,check.rows = FALSE,check.names = TRUE,: 参数意味着不同的行数:1,3,4



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