
我可以做些什么来加速 PowerShell 中嵌套的 DHCP foreach 循环?

如何解决我可以做些什么来加速 PowerShell 中嵌套的 DHCP foreach 循环?

我有 3 个嵌套循环,它们执行以下操作:

  1. 从 DHCP 获取范围
  2. 从 csv 文件获取主机名
  3. 比较主机名和租约,将匹配项添加到哈希表中

有 5 个 DHCP 服务器、100 个范围和数千个租约。



$DHServers = Get-DhcpserverInDC #get DHCP info
$hashtable = @{} #create hash table

foreach ($server in $DHServers){
$scopes = Get-DHcpserverv4Scope -ComputerName $server.dnsname #get all scopes in DHCP   
    foreach ($_ in (Import-Csv C:\script\Asset_List.csv | Select-Object -ExpandProperty asset)){ #get hostnames from list          
        foreach ($scope in $scopes){            
            if($scope | Get-DhcpserverV4Lease -ComputerName $server.dnsname | Where-Object HostName -like "$_*" ){ #compares the hostname to find which lease it is in
                $scopename=$scope.name #matches give scope name
                $hashtable[$_] = $scopename #when a match is found,add keys and values to table

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