我正在创建一段代码,可以将 24 小时时间转换为可以读取的时间(例如 1 分钟到午夜 12 点)。我已经快写完了代码,但是有一些bug,因为当分钟大于30时,我的代码会出错,例如2359会产生2359的时间是1分钟到晚上11点。这是我的代码
times = []
test_cases = int(input("How many test cases do you have?: "))
for _ in range(test_cases):
user_input = input(str("What is your time? "))
for n in times:
first_half = n[:len(n) // 2]
second_half = int(n[len(n) // 2:])
if int(first_half) == 12:
first_half_2 = f"{12} noon"
elif int(first_half) == 00:
first_half_2 = f"{12} midnight"
elif int(first_half) > 12:
first_half_2 = f"{int(first_half) - 12}pm"
first_half_2 = f"{int(first_half)}am"
if second_half == 00:
second_half_2 = ""
elif second_half == 1:
second_half_2 = "a minute to "
elif second_half == 15:
second_half_2 = "a quarter past "
elif second_half == 59:
second_half_2 = "a minute to "
elif (00 < second_half < 30) and second_half != 15:
second_half_2 = f"{second_half} minutes past "
elif second_half == 30:
second_half_2 = "half past "
elif (30 < second_half < 59) and second_half != 45:
second_half_2 = f"{60 - second_half} minutes to "
second_half_2 = "a quarter to "
print(f"{n} is {second_half_2}{int(first_half_2) + 1}")
while True:
time = input("Enter the time or -1 quit: ")
if time == "-1":
first_half = int(time[:len(time) // 2])
second_half = int(time[len(time) // 2:])
if first_half not in range(0,24) or second_half not in range(0,61):
print("Not an actual time...")
if second_half == 0:
second_half_2 = ""
elif second_half == 15:
second_half_2 = "a quarter past "
elif second_half in range(1,30) and second_half!= 15:
second_half_2 = f"{second_half} minutes past "
elif second_half == 30:
second_half_2 = "half past "
elif second_half == 45:
second_half_2 = "a quarter to "
first_half += 1
elif second_half == 59:
first_half += 1
second_half_2 = "a minute to "
elif second_half in range(31,60) and second_half != 45:
second_half_2 = f"{60 - second_half} minutes to "
first_half += 1
if first_half == 12:
first_half_2 = f"{12} noon"
elif first_half == 00 or first_half == 24:
first_half_2 = f"{12} midnight"
elif first_half in range(1,12):
first_half_2 = f"{first_half}am"
elif first_half in range(13,23):
first_half_2 = f"{first_half - 12}pm"
if len(str((first_half))) < 10:
print(f"{time} is {second_half_2}{int(first_half_2[:1])}{first_half_2[1:]}")
print(f"{time} is {second_half_2}{int(first_half_2[:2])}{first_half_2[2:]}")
user_input = str(input("What is your time?"))
def split_num(n): return [str(i) for i in str(n)]
def recombine(lst): return ''.join(lst)
split_time = split_num(user_input)
hour = recombine(split_time[0:2])
minute = recombine(split_time[2:5])
至于您遇到的问题,我尝试修复它,但似乎用户输入集合存在其他一些更大的问题,这可能间接导致了该问题。我认为现在你可以用我上面写的代码更整齐地组织数据了。你现在不需要任何 for 循环。试试看,让我知道它是否有效!
此外,其中包含 3 个数字的 elif 语句的编写方式可能不起作用。我为你重写了它们:
elif (second_half > 0) and (second_half < 30) and (second_half != 15):
second_half_2 = f"{second_half} minutes past "
elif (second_half > 30) and (second_half < 59) and (second_half != 45):
second_half_2 = f"{60 - second_half} minutes to "
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