
无法使用 Chrome 发送带有 PDF 附件的电子邮件

如何解决无法使用 Chrome 发送带有 PDF 附件的电子邮件

我有一个用户输入信息并可以选择上传文档的表单。一旦他们填写了表格并单击提交按钮,就会向指定的收件人发送一封电子邮件。这在 IE 和 Firefox 中工作正常(无论用户上传/不上传文档)。

但是,当用户上传文档并在 chrome 中提交表单时,似乎 chrome 尝试处理该文档然后崩溃。


<cfif isdefined("FORM.file_type_attachment") AND Len(FORM.file_type_attachment) GT 0>
   <!--- first actually upload the file --->
   <cffile action="upload"
             destination="destination of file"
    <!--- Now create a temporary holder for the attachment later on --->
    <cfset attachment_local_file_1 = "file location">

<!--- Attaches attachment to email. --->
    <!--- Note that I used the <CFSILENT> tag,this will kill the white space in this area so your email is not cluttered with white space. --->
    <cfif isdefined("FORM.file_type_attachment") AND Len(FORM.file_type_attachment) GT 0>
        <cfmailparam file="#attachment_local_file_1#">

Update5:我可以毫无问题地发送某些文件。但是,当用户尝试通过电子邮件发送 pdf 文件时,Chrome 无法处理并且会填充错误通知用户发生了错误。在开发工具上,我看到以下内容

This is what I have done so far. This works fine if a

以下代码是我尝试允许用户附加文档的方法。处理 PDF 时是否有不同的方法?任何帮助将不胜感激。

        var sendForm = function(event) {
            var url = 'marcomrequestSent.cfm';
            document.getElementById('smbt').disabled = true;
            var form = event.target;
            var formData = new FormData(form);
            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
            xhr.onload = function(e) { 
                if(xhr.status == 200) {
                    //open the modal once the form passes validation
                    var m = modal.open({content: "<div class='modal-content'><div class='modal-header'><h4 class='modal-title' style='color: #9EC630 !important; font-size:28px; text-align:center;'>Request Sent</h4><button style='border:none;' id='closex' type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-label='Close'><span aria-hidden='true' style='color:black'>x</span></button></div><br /><div class='modal-body'>" + "<p style='font-size:16px'>To return to the Marketing page,please click <a href='marketing.cfm'>here</a>."});             
                    if(m == true) {
                        return m;
                    console.log('Form data (including any attachment) has been uploaded successfully.'); 
                else {
                    if(xhr.status == 500){
                        alert("We seem to have encountered a problem. Please contact IT.");
            xhr.onerror = function(e) { 
                alert("We seem to have encountered a problem. Please contact IT."); 



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