


根据 plaid 文档,plaid 不支持 10% 的银行机构的身份验证。



是的,有! Plaid 网站 Testing all Auth flows 上有一份包含所有详细信息的文档。

适用于 90% 银行的 Auth 的完整支持版本称为 Instant Auth。其他流程称为即时匹配、自动小额存款验证和当日小额存款验证。

要测试即时匹配和自动小额存款验证,您可以使用测试机构 Houndstooth Bank,然后按照文章中的描述选择特定的测试账户。我建议只阅读这篇文章,因为它包含所有详细信息,但这里是摘要版本:


Search for “Houndstooth Bank” in Link.
Enter user_good and pass_good in the Credential pane.
Select the second account that is returned: Plaid Savings (****1111).
In the Routing number input,enter: 021000021 or 011401533
In the Account number input,enter: 1111222233331111


Search for “Houndstooth Bank” in Link.
Enter user_good and microdeposits_good in the Credential pane.
Select the first account that is returned: Plaid Checking (****0000)
In the Routing number input,enter: 1111222233330000
Enter your legal first and last name.
Select personal as the account type.
Link will display the Automated Micro-deposit success view – click continue to trigger the onSuccess callback with a public_token.
The micro-deposit verification will automatically succeed after twenty-four hours. To test a failed micro-deposit,or to skip the twenty-four hour waiting period,use the /sandbox/item/set_verification_status endpoint to manually control the Item's micro-deposit verification status.

对于当日小额存款验证(这是真正无法连接到 Plaid 的银行的流程):

Search for an institution,and scroll to the bottom of the search results,click on connect your bank manually.
Select “checking” or “savings” as the account type.
In the Routing number input,enter: 110000000
In the Account number input,enter: 1111222233330000
Link will display the success view – click continue to trigger the onSuccess callback with a public_token.

To verify the deposit,call /item/public_token/exchange with your public_token from the previous step to receive an access_token.
Call /link/token/create and provide the access_token from the previous step to receive a link_token.
Open Link with your link_token.
In the first deposit input,enter $0.01
In the second deposit input,enter $0.02

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