VBA - 循环遍历列表,查找数据并以 html 电子邮件发送

如何解决VBA - 循环遍历列表,查找数据并以 html 电子邮件发送

我有以下列表,其中包含一个或多个特定 ID 的条目。

enter image description here

我有一个包含 ID(唯一)和电子邮件地址的第二个列表。

enter image description here

我需要遍历列表,向每个 ID 发送一封电子邮件,并列出电子邮件中每个匹配行的数据,并提及总金额。我知道如何使用 VBA 发送 html 电子邮件,但我不确定如何使其工作。

这将是发送到 ID 1234 foo@bar.com 的电子邮件示例:

enter image description here


Sub SendEmail()

Dim strbody1 As String
Dim strbody2 As String
Dim Signature As String

Dim i As Integer,Mail_Object,Email_Subject,o As Variant,lr As Long

lr = Cells(Rows.Count,"A").End(xlUp).Row

strbody1 = "Hi,<br><br>" & _
strbody2 = "Test1.<br><br>" & _
Signature = "<H4><B>My Name</B></H4>" & _
              "Something<br>" & _
              "Something<br>" & _
              "T: +1 000 000 000<br>" & _
              "<A href=""mailto:foo@bar.com"">foo@bar.com</A><br>" & _
              "<A HREF=""http://www.bar.com"">www.bar.com</A>"

If MsgBox(("This will send all emails in the list. Do you want to proceed?"),vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub
Set Mail_Object = CreateObject("outlook.application")
For i = 2 To lr
        With Mail_Object.CreateItem(o)
            .Subject = Range("B" & i).Value
            .SentOnBehalfOfName = "foo@bar.com"
            .To = Range("A" & i).Value
            .Body = Range("C" & i).Value
            .HTMLBody = strbody1 & strbody2 & Signature
            .Send 'disable display and enable send to send automatically
    End With
Next i
        MsgBox "E-mail successfully sent",64
        Application.displayAlerts = False
Set Mail_Object = nothing
End Sub


您可以将 ID 放入 Dictionary Object。然后依次扫描每个 ID 的数据,将具有该 ID 的行添加到 html 表中。如果性能有问题,请先将数据复制到阵列并扫描。

Option Explicit

Sub SendEMail()

    Const WS_ID = "Sheet1"
    Const WS_DATA = "Sheet2"
    Const HEAD = "<head><style>body {font: 20px Verdana;} " & _
                 " .amount {text-align:right;}</style></head>"
    Const TABLE = "<table cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""5""" & _
              " border=""1"">" & _
              "<tr bgcolor=""#EEEEEE""><th>REF</th><th>Amount</th></tr>"
    Const TXT = "This is a test email"

    Dim wb As Workbook,ws As Worksheet
    Dim iLastRow As Long,i As Long
    Dim dictID As Object,ID,addr As String

    Set dictID = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    ' get list of IDS
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook
    Set ws = wb.Sheets(WS_ID)
    iLastRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count,"A").End(xlUp).Row
    For i = 2 To iLastRow
        ID = Trim(ws.Cells(i,"A"))
        addr = Trim(ws.Cells(i,"B"))
        If dictID.exists(ID) Then
            MsgBox ID & " is duplicated",vbCritical,"Duplicate ID"
            Exit Sub
        ElseIf InStr(1,addr,"@") > 0 Then
            dictID.Add ID,addr
        End If

    Dim objOut
    Set objOut = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

    ' scan data
    Dim total As Double,htm As String
    Set ws = wb.Sheets(WS_DATA)
    iLastRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count,"A").End(xlUp).Row
    For Each ID In dictID
        total = 0
        addr = dictID(ID)
        ' build html table
        htm = "<html>" & HEAD & "<body><p>" & TXT & "</p>" & TABLE
        For i = 2 To iLastRow
            If ws.Cells(i,"A") = CStr(ID) Then
               htm = htm & "<tr><td>" & ws.Cells(i,"B") & _
                     "</td><td class=""amount"">" & ws.Cells(i,"C") & "</td></tr>" & vbCrLf
               total = total + ws.Cells(i,"C")
            End If
        total = Format(total,"#,##0")
        htm = htm & "<tr bgcolor=""#CCFFCC"" style=""font-weight:bold""><td>TOTAL</td>" & _
              "<td class=""amount"">" & total & "</td></tr></table><br/>" & _
              "<p>The total amount is " & total & "</p></body></html>"
        ' send email
        Call SendOneEMail(objOut,CStr(ID),htm)
    MsgBox dictID.Count & " emails sent",vbInformation

End Sub

Sub SendOneEMail(objOut,sID As String,sTo As String,htm As String)
    ' create email
    With objOut.CreateItem(0) 'olMailItem
        .Subject = sID
        .SentOnBehalfOfName = "foo@bar.com"
        .To = sTo
        .HTMLBody = htm
        '.Send 'disable display and enable send to send automatically
    End With

End Sub

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