
如何使用sklearn consine相似性对相似的句子进行分组

如何解决如何使用sklearn consine相似性对相似的句子进行分组

我有一个 Pandas 系列 description,我使用 sklearn 计算了句子之间的相似性

0            0114600043776001 loan payment receipt
1                   ogsg s u b e b june 2018 salar
2                                 sal admin charge
3                     sms alert charge outstanding
4     vat onverve*issuance fee*506108*********1112
5           verve*issuance fee*506108*********1112
6              visa credit card repayment jul 2018
7          trsf 0043776013 12140114fcmb ijebu ode1
8                      maint fee recovery jun 2018
9                  vat maint fee recovery jun 2018
10           0114600043776001 loan payment receipt
11           0114600043776001 loan payment receipt
12                             ogsg subeb july sal
13                    sms alert charge outstanding
14         trsf 0043776013 12141363fcmb ijebu ode2
15                     maint fee recovery jul 2018
16                 vat maint fee recovery jul 2018
17         recry card maintenance charge july 2018
18                              ogsg subeb aug sal
19              433090995 wd 10322883 15 ibadan rd

def cosine_sim(description):
    vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1,analyzer='word',ngram_range=(1,3),stop_words='english')
    tfidf_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform(description)
    # similarities of this doc
    matches = cosine_similarity(tfidf_matrix,tfidf_matrix)

    return matches

cosine_sim 函数返回一个矩阵数组,其值介于 (0,1) 之间。现在我想匹配相似度在 0.2 和 0.99999 之间的句子

similarities = cosine_sim(description)
nums = similarities[(0.2<similarities) & (similarities<=0.99999)] and return a list of list,I simple can't figure out a way around this.


['0114600043776001 loan payment receipt','0421209017073500 loan payment receipt'],['ogsg s u b e b june 2018 salar'],['sal admin charge'],['sms alert charge outstanding'],['vat onverve*issuance fee*506108*********1112'],['verve*issuance fee*506108*********1112'],['visa credit card repayment jul 2018','visa credit card repayment sep 2018','visa credit card repayment oct 2018','visa credit card repayment nov 2018','visa credit card repayment aug 2018'],['trsf 0043776013 12140114fcmb ijebu ode1','trsf 0043776013 12141363fcmb ijebu ode2'],['maint fee recovery jun 2018','vat maint fee recovery jun 2018','maint fee recovery jul 2018','vat maint fee recovery jul 2018','maint fee recovery aug 2018','vat maint fee recovery aug 2018','maint fee recovery oct 2018','vat maint fee recovery oct 2018','maint fee recovery nov 2018','vat maint fee recovery nov 2018','maint fee recovery may 2018','vat maint fee recovery may 2018','maint fee 29 jun 2018 30 jul 2018','vat maint fee 29 jun 2018 30 jul 2018','maint fee 31 jul 2018 30 aug 2018']]


首先,我们需要记住 cosine_similarity(tfidf_matrix,tfidf_matrix) 使用 tfidf_matrix 索引返回一个相似度矩阵,因此对于这种情况 matches[i][j]==matches[j][i] 并且该值表示 description[i] 和 {{1} 之间的相似度}.




#for each description
for index in similarities:
    #get match index for that description 
    matchs_sentences[index]= similarities[(0.2<similarities[index]) & (similarities[index]<=0.99999)].index

matchs_text 的最终值是这样的:

#for each "match group"
for index in matchs_sentences :
    # get group sentenses
    m =list( description[matchs_sentences[index]])
    # insert self on result

! 注意有交集和重复的字符串。 如果你不想要交叉点,你可以使用这样的东西:

[['0114600043776001 loan payment receipt'],['ogsg s u b e b june 2018 salar'],['sal admin charge'],['sms alert charge outstanding'],['verve*issuance fee*506108*********1112','vat onverve*issuance fee*506108*********1112'],['vat onverve*issuance fee*506108*********1112','verve*issuance fee*506108*********1112'],['visa credit card repayment jul 2018'],['trsf 0043776013 12141363fcmb ijebu ode2','trsf 0043776013 12140114fcmb ijebu ode1'],... ]

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