
如何在 SwiftUI 中将多文本添加到列表中?数据流

如何解决如何在 SwiftUI 中将多文本添加到列表中?数据流

我正在尝试通过 swiftUI 构建一个演示应用程序,它从用户那里获取多文本并将它们添加到列表中,下面,每次用户按下 AddListView 的加号按钮时,都会有一个应用程序的图像显示用户用户可以在列表中添加多文本。我有一个问题,通过新的 switUI 数据流将它们添加到列表中我不知道如何传递数据。(我评论更多信息) 谢谢?

enter image description here

这是我的 AddListView 代码

import SwiftUI

struct AddListView: View {

@State var numberOfTextFiled = 1
@Binding var showAddListView : Bool

var body: some View {
    ZStack {
        Title(numberOfTextFiled: $numberOfTextFiled)
        vstack {
            ScrollView {
                    ForEach(0 ..< numberOfTextFiled,id: \.self) { item in
        .offset(y: 40)
        Buttons(showAddListView: $showAddListView)
    .frame(width: 300,height: 200)
    .shadow(color: Color.black.opacity(0.3),radius: 10,x: 0,y: 10)

struct SwiftUIView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        AddListView(showAddListView: .constant(false))

struct PreAddTextField: View {

// I made this standalone struct and use @State to every TextField text be independent
// if i use @Binding to pass data all Texfield have the same text value
@State var textInTextField = ""

var body: some View {
    vstack {
        TextField("Enter text",text: $textInTextField)

struct Buttons: View {
    @Binding var showAddListView : Bool
    var body: some View {
        vstack {
            HStack(spacing:100) {
                Button(action: {
                    showAddListView = false}) {
                Button(action: {
                    showAddListView = false
                    // What should happen here to add Text to List???
            }) {
    .offset(y: 70)

struct Title: View {

@Binding var numberOfTextFiled : Int

var body: some View {
    vstack {
        HStack {
            Text("Add Text to list")
            Button(action: {
                numberOfTextFiled += 1
            }) {
                Image(systemName: "plus")


import SwiftUI

struct Text1 : Identifiable,Hashable{
    var id = UUID()
    var text : String

var textData = [
    Text1(text: "SwiftUI"),Text1(text: "Data flow?"),]


import SwiftUI

struct ListView: View {
    @State var showAddListView = false

var body: some View {
    NavigationView {
        vstack {
            ZStack {
                List(textData,id : \.self){ text in
                if showAddListView {
                    AddListView(showAddListView: $showAddListView)
                                Button(action: {showAddListView = true}) {
                                    Image(systemName: "plus")

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {


由于问题的多个项目部分,这变得不那么微不足道了。但是,结合使用 ObservableObject 和回调函数,绝对可行。查看代码中的内联注释以了解正在发生的事情:

struct Text1 : Identifiable,Hashable{
    var id = UUID()
    var text : String

//Store the items in an ObservableObject instead of just in @State
class AppState : ObservableObject {
    @Published var textData : [Text1] = [.init(text: "Item 1"),.init(text: "Item 2")]

//This view model stores data about all of the new items that are going to be added
class AddListViewViewModel : ObservableObject {
    @Published var textItemsToAdd : [Text1] = [.init(text: "")] //start with one empty item
    //save all of the new items -- don't save anything that is empty
    func saveToAppState(appState: AppState) {
        appState.textData.append(contentsOf: textItemsToAdd.filter { !$0.text.isEmpty })
    //these Bindings get used for the TextFields -- they're attached to the item IDs
    func bindingForId(id: UUID) -> Binding<String> {
        .init { () -> String in
            self.textItemsToAdd.first(where: { $0.id == id })?.text ?? ""
        } set: { (newValue) in
            self.textItemsToAdd = self.textItemsToAdd.map {
                guard $0.id == id else {
                    return $0
                return .init(id: id,text: newValue)

struct AddListView: View {
    @Binding var showAddListView : Bool
    @ObservedObject var appState : AppState
    @StateObject private var viewModel = AddListViewViewModel()
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            Title(addItem: { viewModel.textItemsToAdd.append(.init(text: "")) })
            VStack {
                ScrollView {
                    ForEach(viewModel.textItemsToAdd,id: \.id) { item in //note this is id: \.id and not \.self
                        PreAddTextField(textInTextField: viewModel.bindingForId(id: item.id))
            .offset(y: 40)
            Buttons(showAddListView: $showAddListView,save: {
                viewModel.saveToAppState(appState: appState)
        .frame(width: 300,height: 200)
        .shadow(color: Color.black.opacity(0.3),radius: 10,x: 0,y: 10)

struct PreAddTextField: View {
    @Binding var textInTextField : String //this takes a binding to the view model now
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            TextField("Enter text",text: $textInTextField)

struct Buttons: View {
    @Binding var showAddListView : Bool
    var save : () -> Void //callback function for what happens when "Add" gets pressed
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            HStack(spacing:100) {
                Button(action: {
                        showAddListView = false}) {
                Button(action: {
                    showAddListView = false
                }) {
        .offset(y: 70)

struct Title: View {
    var addItem : () -> Void //callback function for what happens when the plus button is hit
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            HStack {
                Text("Add Text to list")
                Button(action: {
                }) {
                    Image(systemName: "plus")

struct ListView: View {
    @StateObject var appState = AppState() //store the AppState here
    @State private var showAddListView = false
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            VStack {
                ZStack {
                    List(appState.textData,id : \.self){ text in
                    if showAddListView {
                        AddListView(showAddListView: $showAddListView,appState: appState)
                                    Button(action: {showAddListView = true}) {
                                        Image(systemName: "plus")

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