
有没有办法用 plm 或其他包从 panelAR 复制功能?

如何解决有没有办法用 plm 或其他包从 panelAR 复制功能?

我正在尝试复制和扩展 2011 年的一项研究,该研究恰好用作演示之一 “panelAR”包中的示例。我不知道究竟是如何或为什么,但演示代码从原始研究的一个部分产生了完全相同的回归结果。其中一位作者在他们的网站上发布了他们的复制代码,但它在 Stata 中,所以我无法在“panelAR”演示代码中继续了解它如何完成与 Stata 代码相同的事情。

这里是原始 STATA codearticledata链接



下面是运行第一个回归模型的 R 代码


# A tibble: 858 x 14
   country      id  year redist ratio9050 ratio5010 ratio9010  skew turnout fempar propind  pvoc union unempl
   <chr>     <int> <int>  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 Australia     1  1960     NA        NA        NA        NA    NA      NA     NA      NA    NA    NA     NA
 2 Australia     1  1961     NA        NA        NA        NA    NA      NA     NA      NA    NA    NA     NA
 3 Australia     1  1962     NA        NA        NA        NA    NA      NA     NA      NA    NA    NA     NA
 4 Australia     1  1963     NA        NA        NA        NA    NA      NA     NA      NA    NA    NA     NA
 5 Australia     1  1964     NA        NA        NA        NA    NA      NA     NA      NA    NA    NA     NA
 6 Australia     1  1965     NA        NA        NA        NA    NA      NA     NA      NA    NA    NA     NA
 7 Australia     1  1966     NA        NA        NA        NA    NA      NA     NA      NA    NA    NA     NA
 8 Australia     1  1967     NA        NA        NA        NA    NA      NA     NA      NA    NA    NA     NA
 9 Australia     1  1968     NA        NA        NA        NA    NA      NA     NA      NA    NA    NA     NA
10 Australia     1  1969     NA        NA        NA        NA    NA      NA     NA      NA    NA    NA     NA
# … with 848 more rows

LupPon <- LupPon[!is.na(LupPon$redist),]
LupPon$redist.lag <- unlist(by(LupPon,LupPon$id,function(x){c(NA,x[,"redist"]
LupPon$time <- unlist(by(LupPon,function(x) seq(1:nrow(x))))
out1 <- panelAR(redist ~ redist.lag + ratio9050 + ratio5010 + turnout + fempar + propind + 
pvoc + union + unempl,data=LupPon,panelVar='id',timeVar='time',autoCorr='ar1',panelCorrMethod='pcse',rho.na.rm=TRUE,panel.weight='t-1',bound.rho=TRUE)
    Panel Regression with AR(1) Prais-Winsten correction and panel-corrected standard errors

Unbalanced Panel Design:                                               
 Total obs.:       68 Avg obs. per panel 4.5333
 Number of panels: 15 Max obs. per panel 9     
 Number of times:  9  Min obs. per panel 1     

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -3.26666   11.15944  -0.293 0.770776    
redist.lag   0.50658    0.12652   4.004 0.000179 ***
ratio9050    3.81044    3.35976   1.134 0.261402    
ratio5010   -4.76833    2.06327  -2.311 0.024405 *  
turnout      0.09781    0.03644   2.684 0.009454 ** 
fempar       0.09134    0.05464   1.672 0.099973 .  
propind      0.07253    2.54464   0.029 0.977360    
pvoc         0.01860    0.03668   0.507 0.613909    
union        0.08862    0.03736   2.372 0.021029 *  
unempl       0.12415    0.13443   0.923 0.359580    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

R-squared: 0.8886
Wald statistic: -708.2314,Pr(>Chisq(9)): 1

编辑 2:这里是运行第一个回归模型的 STATA 代码

** Redistribution models (Table 2)

keep if redist!=.
sort id year
by id: egen order = seq()
tsset id order

xtpcse redist l1.redist dvpratio9050 dvpratio5010 dvturnout dvfempar dvstddisp_gall dvpvoc dvunion dvunempl,pairwise cor(ar1)
predict pred if e(sample),xb
gen resid = redist-pred
egen stresid=std(resid)
gen outlier = 0 if e(sample)
replace outlier = 1 if abs(stresid)>1.5

编辑 3:以下是 R 和 STATA 中接下来 7 个回归模型的所有代码

#### Regressions in R
# Removing outliers...
mod1.resid <- out1$residuals
index <- which(abs((mod1.resid-mean(mod1.resid))/sd(mod1.resid)) <= 1.5)
LupPon.nooutlier <- out1$model[index,]> out2 <- panelAR(redist ~ redist.lag + ratio9050 + ratio5010 + turnout + fempar + propind + pvoc + union + unempl,data=LupPon.nooutlier,bound.rho=TRUE)
The following units have non-consecutive observations. Use runs.analysis() on output for additional details: 12,15,16,17,4,6.
Panel-specific correlations bounded to [-1,1]

Panel Regression with AR(1) Prais-Winsten correction and panel-corrected standard errors

Unbalanced Panel Design:                                               
 Total obs.:       58 Avg obs. per panel 3.8667
 Number of panels: 15 Max obs. per panel 8     
 Number of times:  9  Min obs. per panel 1     

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  0.57080    7.27261   0.078   0.9378    
redist.lag   0.49404    0.07800   6.333 7.74e-08 ***
ratio9050    6.04188    2.81801   2.144   0.0371 *  
ratio5010   -6.58628    1.32426  -4.974 8.82e-06 ***
turnout      0.06427    0.02554   2.516   0.0153 *  
fempar       0.07852    0.03606   2.178   0.0344 *  
propind     -2.46670    2.05462  -1.201   0.2358    
pvoc         0.01582    0.02327   0.680   0.4999    
union        0.12558    0.01634   7.686 6.59e-10 ***
unempl       0.04132    0.10911   0.379   0.7066    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

R-squared: 0.931
Wald statistic: 2323.5873,Pr(>Chisq(9)): 0

out3 <- panelAR(redist ~ ratio9050 + ratio5010 + as.factor(id),bound.rho=TRUE)
Panel-specific correlations bounded to [-1,1]

Panel Regression with AR(1) Prais-Winsten correction and panel-corrected standard errors

Unbalanced Panel Design:                                               
 Total obs.:       77 Avg obs. per panel 5.1333
 Number of panels: 15 Max obs. per panel 10    
 Number of times:  10 Min obs. per panel 1     

                 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)      13.97114    9.87777   1.414 0.162412    
ratio9050        14.05312    4.99515   2.813 0.006619 ** 
ratio5010        -8.13602    4.90541  -1.659 0.102420    
as.factor(id)3   13.18767    1.50276   8.776 2.36e-12 ***
as.factor(id)4   -0.69241    2.81607  -0.246 0.806616    
as.factor(id)5   11.97750    2.20502   5.432 1.07e-06 ***
as.factor(id)6   10.30933    1.94688   5.295 1.78e-06 ***
as.factor(id)7   -2.09143    1.43608  -1.456 0.150511    
as.factor(id)8   -1.66623    1.03527  -1.609 0.112766    
as.factor(id)9   -0.07301    2.12339  -0.034 0.972686    
as.factor(id)12   6.05386    1.73534   3.489 0.000916 ***
as.factor(id)14   8.45693    1.95346   4.329 5.77e-05 ***
as.factor(id)15  13.59385    2.24826   6.046 1.03e-07 ***
as.factor(id)16 -12.92293    1.34996  -9.573 1.09e-13 ***
as.factor(id)17  -2.62601    1.37326  -1.912 0.060623 .  
as.factor(id)18  -9.95612    2.26996  -4.386 4.74e-05 ***
as.factor(id)20 -13.69930    2.20810  -6.204 5.59e-08 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

R-squared: 0.8806
Wald statistic: 189246.9165,Pr(>Chisq(16)): 0

# Removing outliers...
mod3.resid <- out3$residuals
index <- which(abs((mod3.resid-mean(mod3.resid))/sd(mod3.resid)) <= 1.5)
LupPon.nooutlier <- out3$model[index,]> out4 <- panelAR(redist ~ ratio9050 + ratio5010 + as.factor(id),5,1]

Panel Regression with AR(1) Prais-Winsten correction and panel-corrected standard errors

Unbalanced Panel Design:                                               
 Total obs.:       68 Avg obs. per panel 4.5333
 Number of panels: 15 Max obs. per panel 8     
 Number of times:  10 Min obs. per panel 1     

                Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)      20.6537     6.0314   3.424  0.00122 ** 
ratio9050         9.8536     3.2130   3.067  0.00346 ** 
ratio5010        -7.7280     4.0575  -1.905  0.06248 .  
as.factor(id)12   6.8209     1.5622   4.366 6.19e-05 ***
as.factor(id)14   7.1422     1.6633   4.294 7.87e-05 ***
as.factor(id)15  11.7269     1.3660   8.585 1.79e-11 ***
as.factor(id)16 -13.1042     1.3083 -10.016 1.22e-13 ***
as.factor(id)17  -2.3581     1.0988  -2.146  0.03664 *  
as.factor(id)18  -8.6729     1.5719  -5.518 1.16e-06 ***
as.factor(id)20 -12.3829     1.4979  -8.267 5.57e-11 ***
as.factor(id)3   12.6117     1.1372  11.091 3.37e-15 ***
as.factor(id)4   -1.8655     2.2007  -0.848  0.40057    
as.factor(id)5   12.7513     0.8727  14.612  < 2e-16 ***
as.factor(id)6    8.6724     0.8584  10.102 9.10e-14 ***
as.factor(id)7   -1.1486     1.0426  -1.102  0.27575    
as.factor(id)8   -1.7659     1.0488  -1.684  0.09833 .  
as.factor(id)9    0.6549     1.6795   0.390  0.69822    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

R-squared: 0.9517
Wald statistic: 5785762.7106,Pr(>Chisq(16)): 0

out5 <- panelAR(redist ~ redist.lag + ratio9010 + skew + turnout + fempar + propind + pvoc + union + unempl,1]

Panel Regression with AR(1) Prais-Winsten correction and panel-corrected standard errors

Unbalanced Panel Design:                                               
 Total obs.:       68 Avg obs. per panel 4.5333
 Number of panels: 15 Max obs. per panel 9     
 Number of times:  9  Min obs. per panel 1     

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -14.73371    9.19697  -1.602 0.114585    
redist.lag    0.49211    0.12412   3.965 0.000204 ***
ratio9010    -0.01548    1.13592  -0.014 0.989172    
skew         10.17135    3.67271   2.769 0.007529 ** 
turnout       0.10182    0.03629   2.806 0.006819 ** 
fempar        0.08536    0.05333   1.601 0.114901    
propind      -0.06816    2.45060  -0.028 0.977905    
pvoc          0.01991    0.03702   0.538 0.592875    
union         0.09013    0.03607   2.499 0.015316 *  
unempl        0.11177    0.13563   0.824 0.413280    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

R-squared: 0.8918
Wald statistic: -151.0228,Pr(>Chisq(9)): 1

# Removing outliers...
mod5.resid <- out5$residuals
index <- which(abs((mod5.resid-mean(mod5.resid))/sd(mod5.resid)) <= 1.5)
LupPon.nooutlier <- out5$model[index,]> out6 <- panelAR(redist ~ redist.lag + ratio9010 + skew + turnout + fempar + propind + pvoc + union + unempl,1]

Panel Regression with AR(1) Prais-Winsten correction and panel-corrected standard errors

Unbalanced Panel Design:                                               
 Total obs.:       58 Avg obs. per panel 3.8667
 Number of panels: 15 Max obs. per panel 8     
 Number of times:  9  Min obs. per panel 1     

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -12.43089    6.18074  -2.011   0.0499 *  
redist.lag    0.48096    0.07362   6.533 3.83e-08 ***
ratio9010    -0.16200    0.94572  -0.171   0.8647    
skew         12.98571    2.58573   5.022 7.48e-06 ***
turnout       0.06363    0.02581   2.466   0.0173 *  
fempar        0.07440    0.03485   2.135   0.0379 *  
propind      -2.37649    1.93445  -1.229   0.2252    
pvoc          0.01183    0.02326   0.509   0.6134    
union         0.12312    0.01525   8.073 1.71e-10 ***
unempl        0.05119    0.10653   0.480   0.6331    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

R-squared: 0.9346
Wald statistic: 2147.9426,Pr(>Chisq(9)): 0

out7 <- panelAR(redist ~ ratio9010 + skew + as.factor(id),1]

Panel Regression with AR(1) Prais-Winsten correction and panel-corrected standard errors

Unbalanced Panel Design:                                               
 Total obs.:       77 Avg obs. per panel 5.1333
 Number of panels: 15 Max obs. per panel 10    
 Number of times:  10 Min obs. per panel 1     

                Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)      -4.6646     8.6392  -0.540 0.591242    
ratio9010         1.3439     1.5360   0.875 0.385089    
skew             24.4739     7.5166   3.256 0.001860 ** 
as.factor(id)3   12.3092     1.3360   9.214 4.32e-13 ***
as.factor(id)4   -0.0509     2.7927  -0.018 0.985518    
as.factor(id)5   11.0080     2.1338   5.159 2.95e-06 ***
as.factor(id)6    9.0069     1.9432   4.635 1.97e-05 ***
as.factor(id)7   -2.6626     1.2938  -2.058 0.043947 *  
as.factor(id)8   -1.6262     0.9011  -1.805 0.076137 .  
as.factor(id)9    0.6049     2.1973   0.275 0.784038    
as.factor(id)12   5.9046     1.6921   3.490 0.000913 ***
as.factor(id)14   7.9706     1.7490   4.557 2.60e-05 ***
as.factor(id)15  11.9357     2.3695   5.037 4.62e-06 ***
as.factor(id)16 -12.8997     1.5345  -8.406 9.96e-12 ***
as.factor(id)17  -2.1192     1.3775  -1.538 0.129196    
as.factor(id)18  -9.3785     2.2897  -4.096 0.000128 ***
as.factor(id)20 -13.1480     2.2069  -5.958 1.45e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

R-squared: 0.8874
Wald statistic: 63452.5759,Pr(>Chisq(16)): 0

# Removing outliers...
mod7.resid <- out7$residuals
index <- which(abs((mod7.resid-mean(mod7.resid))/sd(mod7.resid)) <= 1.5)
LupPon.nooutlier <- out7$model[index,]> out8 <- panelAR(redist ~ ratio9010 + skew + as.factor(id),1]

Panel Regression with AR(1) Prais-Winsten correction and panel-corrected standard errors

Unbalanced Panel Design:                                               
 Total obs.:       67 Avg obs. per panel 4.4667
 Number of panels: 15 Max obs. per panel 8     
 Number of times:  10 Min obs. per panel 1     

                Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)       3.8009     5.5166   0.689  0.49402    
ratio9010        -1.5372     0.9529  -1.613  0.11298    
skew             24.4161     5.8523   4.172  0.00012 ***
as.factor(id)12   6.1617     1.4439   4.267 8.80e-05 ***
as.factor(id)14   5.0717     1.4991   3.383  0.00140 ** 
as.factor(id)15   8.3799     1.3962   6.002 2.17e-07 ***
as.factor(id)16 -14.9084     1.2974 -11.491 1.22e-15 ***
as.factor(id)17  -0.7629     1.0720  -0.712  0.47999    
as.factor(id)18  -5.5874     1.5338  -3.643  0.00064 ***
as.factor(id)20  -9.3915     1.5103  -6.218 1.00e-07 ***
as.factor(id)3   10.5130     1.0326  10.181 8.77e-14 ***
as.factor(id)4    1.4597     2.0448   0.714  0.47862    
as.factor(id)5   10.6512     0.8865  12.015 2.35e-16 ***
as.factor(id)6    6.2242     1.0314   6.035 1.93e-07 ***
as.factor(id)7   -1.5296     0.7421  -2.061  0.04451 *  
as.factor(id)8   -1.7578     0.7908  -2.223  0.03079 *  
as.factor(id)9    3.7324     1.7773   2.100  0.04079 *  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

R-squared: 0.9683
Wald statistic: 1080793.3476,Pr(>Chisq(16)): 0
# Regressions in STATA
xtpcse redist l1.redist dvpratio9050 dvpratio5010 dvturnout dvfempar dvstddisp_gall dvpvoc dvunion dvunempl if outlier!=1,pairwise cor(ar1) hetonly
drop pred resid stresid outlier

xi: xtpcse redist dvpratio9050 dvpratio5010 i.id,xb
gen resid = redist -pred
egen stresid=std(resid)
gen outlier = 0 if e(sample)
replace outlier = 1 if abs(stresid)>1.5

xi: xtpcse redist dvpratio9050 dvpratio5010 i.id if outlier!=1,pairwise cor(ar1)
drop pred resid stresid outlier

xtpcse redist l1.redist dvratio9010 dvskew dvturnout dvfempar dvstddisp_gall dvpvoc dvunion dvunempl,xb
gen resid = redist -pred
egen stresid=std(resid)
gen outlier = 0 if e(sample)
replace outlier = 1 if abs(stresid)>1.5

xtpcse redist l1.redist dvratio9010 dvskew dvturnout dvfempar dvstddisp_gall dvpvoc dvunion dvunempl if outlier!=1,pairwise cor(ar1)
drop pred resid stresid outlier

xi: xtpcse redist dvratio9010 dvskew i.id,xb
gen resid = redist -pred
egen stresid=std(resid)
gen outlier = 0 if e(sample)
replace outlier = 1 if abs(stresid)>1.5

xi: xtpcse redist dvratio9010 dvskew i.id if outlier!=1,pairwise cor(ar1)
drop pred resid stresid outlier



如果您主要关心的是导出格式化的表格,那么用 texreg 替换 stargazer 比使用其他包复制结果要容易得多。根据我的经验,texreg 包支持 panelAR 对象。例如: screenreg(list(panelAR_model1,panelAR_model2)) 将在控制台中显示一个格式化的表,因此您可以检查输出,而 texreg(list(panelAR_model1,panelAR_model2)) 将生成一个 Latex 表。请参阅 texreg 文档以进行自定义。

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