
Coinbase Pro API 无效签名 ColdFusion

如何解决Coinbase Pro API 无效签名 ColdFusion

我试图从 Coinbase Pro 获取简单的帐户信息,但似乎无法弄清楚 CB-ACCESS-SIGN 标头。我不断收到“无效签名”消息。

来自 Coinbase Pro API 文档:

CB-ACCESS-SIGN 标头是通过使用以下方法创建 sha256 HMAC 生成的 prehash 字符串时间戳 + 方法上的 base64 解码密钥

  • requestPath + body(其中 + 表示字符串连接)并对输出进行 base64 编码。时间戳值与 CB-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP 标头。

body为请求正文字符串,无请求时省略 正文(通常用于 GET 请求)。



        accessKey = 'xxx';
        passphrase = 'yyy';
        theSecret = 'zzz';
        // create an epoch time stamp
        theTime = Now();
        utcTime = dateConvert('local2UTC',theTime);
        ISOtimeStamp = dateFormat(utcTime,"yyyy-mm-dd")&"T"&timeFormat(utcTime,"HH:mm:ss")&".761Z";
        timeStamp = numberFormat(dateDiff("s","January 1 1970 00:00",ISOtimeStamp) + 28800.761,"_.000");
        requestPath = '/accounts';
        theBody = "";
        method = "GET";
        // create the prehash string by concatenating required parts
        what = '#timeStamp#' & '#method#' & '#requestPath#' & '#theBody#';
        // decode the base64 secret
        theKey = binaryDecode(theSecret,"base64");
        // create s sha256 hmac with the key
        theHmac = hmac("#what#","#theKey#","HMACSHA256");
        // encode the result
        cas = toBase64(theHmac);
    <cfhttp url="https://api.pro.coinbase.com/v2/accounts" method="get" result="y">
        <cfhttpparam type="header" name="CB-ACCESS-KEY" value="#accessKey#" >
        <cfhttpparam type="header" name="CB-ACCESS-SIGN" value="#ucase(cas)#" >
        <cfhttpparam type="header" name="CB-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP" value="#timeStamp#" >
        <cfhttpparam type="header" name="CB-ACCESS-PAsspHRASE" value="#passphrase#" >

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