如何解决比较 Word 文档并创建带有跟踪更改的新文档
我正在尝试在 Excel 文档中创建一个 vba 脚本,以便比较 Word 文档版本并创建具有差异(跟踪更改)的摘要 Word 文档。
Option Explicit
Private Sub ButtonSummaryReport_Click()
'Initialize the progressbar and the label
Dim k As Integer
Dim filesNumber As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim objFolderAPath As String
Dim objFolderBPath As String
Dim objFolderCPath As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim WDApp As Object 'Word.Application
Dim WDDocA As Object 'Word.Document
Dim WDDocB As Object 'Word.Document
Dim WDDocC As Object 'Word.Document
'Declare variable
Dim objFSOA As Object
Dim objFSOB As Object
Dim objFSOC As Object
Dim objFolderA As Object
Dim objFolderB As Object
Dim objFolderC As Object
Dim colFilesA As Object
Dim objFileA As Object
Dim PathFileA As String
Dim PathFileB As String
Dim PathFileC As String
Dim wordapp
k = 0
Me.LabelSummaryReport.Caption = "Please wait..."
Me.ProgressBarSummaryReport.Value = k
'Create an instance of the FileSystemObject
Set objFSOA = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFSOB = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFSOC = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Select the path for the 3 folders
Set objFolderA = objFSOA.GetFolder(ChooseFolder("Choose the folder with the original documents"))
objFolderAPath = objFolderA.Path
Debug.Print objFolderAPath
Set objFolderB = objFSOB.GetFolder(ChooseFolder("Choose the folder with revised documents"))
objFolderBPath = objFolderB.Path
Debug.Print objFolderBPath
Set objFolderC = objFSOC.GetFolder(ChooseFolder("Choose the folder for the comparisons documents"))
objFolderCPath = objFolderC.Path
Debug.Print objFolderCPath
Set colFilesA = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFileA = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set colFilesA = objFolderA.Files
'Turn off displayAlerts
Application.displayAlerts = wDalertsNone
'Number of files in the folder
filesNumber = objFolderA.Files.Count
Me.LabelSummaryReport.Caption = "The comparison process starts..."
For Each objFileA In colFilesA
PathFileA = objFolderA.Path & "\" & objFileA.Name
Debug.Print PathFileA
PathFileB = objFolderB.Path & "\" & objFileA.Name
Debug.Print PathFileB
PathFileC = objFolderC.Path & "\" & objFileA.Name
Debug.Print PathFileC
If objFileA.Name Like "*.docx" Then
'Creating object of the word application
Set WDApp = CreateObject("word.Application")
'Making visible the word application
WDApp.Visible = True
'opening the required word document
Set WDDocA = WDApp.Documents.Open(PathFileA)
'opening the required word document
Set WDDocB = WDApp.Documents.Open(PathFileB)
WDApp.CompareDocuments _
'On Error Resume Next
'Kill objFolderC.Path & "\" & objFileA.Name
'On Error GoTo 0
'Turn off displayAlerts
WDApp.displayAlerts = wDalertsNone
Set WDDocC = WDApp.ActiveDocument
WDDocC.SaveAs FileName:=PathFileC
WDDocC.Close SaveChanges:=True
End If
'Update of the progressbar and the label
k = k + 1
Me.LabelSummaryReport.Caption = k * 100 / filesNumber & "% Completed"
Me.ProgressBarSummaryReport.Value = k * 100 / filesNumber
Next objFileA
Me.LabelSummaryReport.Caption = "The process is complete. Comparison reports have been created."
End Sub
Function ChooseFolder(title) As String
Dim fldr As FileDialog
Dim sItem As String
Set fldr = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
With fldr
.title = title
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.InitialFileName = strPath
If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode
sItem = .SelectedItems(1)
End With
ChooseFolder = sItem
Set fldr = nothing
End Function
确保您使用 Option Explicit
我建议始终激活 Option Explicit
:在 VBA 编辑器中转到 Tools › Options › Require Variable Declaration .因此,您已在所有新代码中自动激活它。
如果您使用像 Set WDApp = CreateObject("word.Application")
这样的后期绑定,则 Excel 中不存在所有 Word 枚举常量(例如 wdAlertsNone
和 wdCompareDestinationNew
- 首先在 Excel 中定义它们
- 或使用早期绑定(通过在 Extras > References 菜单中设置对 Word 的引用)
- 或将所有 wd 常量替换为其特定的
值。见Word Enumerated Constants
此外,您还需要 Set WDDocC = WDApp.ActiveDocument
,因为 Excel 期望 ActiveDocument
是 Excel 中的某个东西,而它并不存在,它只存在于 Word 中。您需要指定您指的是 Word 应用程序 ActiveDocument
的 WDApp
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