Py-Game Connect4 - Minimax递归程序停止

如何解决Py-Game Connect4 - Minimax递归程序停止

from Player import Player

import tkinter as tk
import pygame
import pygame_menu
import time
import colors
import Connect4 as cFour
import Minimax as mx

def text_format(option,textSize,textColor):
    Creates a text object to show in the main menu
    newFont = pygame.font.Font(pygame_menu.font.FONT_FRANCHISE,textSize)
    newText = newFont.render(option,textColor)
    return newText

def load_screen():
    This initializes the window for pygame to use
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600,600))
    return screen

def get_player_details(screen):
    Creates a tkinter object(button) that gets players names
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("Player Names!")

    tk.Label(root,text="Player One",fg="blue").grid(row=0)
    tk.Label(root,text="Player Two",fg="red").grid(row=1)

    p1 = tk.Entry(root,font=(None,15))
    p2 = tk.Entry(root,15))


    tk.Button(root,text='Play!',command= lambda: play_game(p1.get(),p2.get(),root,screen)).grid(row=10,column=1,sticky=tk.W)
def get_player_ai_details(screen):
    Creating the panel to allow the user to select a color and go against the AI
    options = ["Player 1","Player 2"]
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("Player 1(Blue) or 2(Red)?")

    colorChoice= tk.StringVar(root)


    p1 = tk.Entry(root,15))
    p1.grid(row=3,text="Play Computer!",command=lambda: play_computer(colorChoice.get(),p1.get(),column=1)

def play_computer(colorChoice,playerName,screen):
    Connect4 play function (human v computer)

    if colorChoice == "Player 1":
def play_game(p1Name,p2Name,screen):
    Connect4 play function (human v human)
    game = cFour.Connect4(Player(p1Name.strip()),Player(p2Name.strip()),screen).play()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    screen = load_screen()

    features = [
        ("Player Vs Player",colors.yellow),("Player Vs AI",,("Quit",colors.gray)

    iterator = 0
    menu = True
    while menu:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

            #This if block makes it where the user doesnt have to click arrow key up/down if they have exhausted the possible options,it will loop you throughout options
            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                    iterator += 1
                    if iterator == len(features):
                        iterator = 0

                if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                    iterator -= 1
                    if iterator < 0:
                        iterator = len(features) - 1

                if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
                    if selected == "Player Vs Player":
                    if selected == "Player Vs AI":
                    if selected == "Quit":
            selected = features[iterator][0]
        screen_rect = screen.get_rect()
        for i in range(0,len(features)):
            counter = -50 + (i * 90) # Equation that sets distance between each choice in main menu
            if i == iterator:
                text = text_format(features[i][0],80,features[i][1])
                text = text_format(features[i][0],
            player_rect = text.get_rect(
            player_rect[1] = player_rect[1] + counter

import pygame
import colors
import tkinter as tk
import pygame_menu
# import pandas as pd
import random

class Connect4:
    Class used to represent connect4 game
    def __init__(self,player1,player2,screen):

        # Use 1 version of the screen instead of trying to create a new one
        self.screen = screen

        # Circle Radius and Width
        self.WIDTH = 0
        self.CIRCLERADIUS = 25

        # Game-Time Variables
        self.player1 = player1
        self.player2 = player2
        self.moveNumber = 0
        self.gameOver = False
        self.COLUMNS = 7
        self.ROWS = 6
        self.EMPTY = 99
        self.board = [[self.EMPTY for x in range(self.COLUMNS)] for y in range(self.ROWS)]

        # The distance between where the window starts and the game board is placed
        self.DISTANCE = 90

        # Space between each circle
        self.DISTANCEGAP = 70

        # Setting rectangle default       
        self.LEFT = 50
        self.TOP = 70
        self.HEIGHT = 470
        self.RECWIDTH = 500

        #Creating new tkinterobject
        self.root = tk.Tk()
        self.scoreboard = { 0, 0,"ties": 0}
        # Storing locations of available moves given a user clicks the window -- Tuple of locations
        self.POSITIONS = [
                self.DISTANCE + (self.DISTANCEGAP*column) - self.CIRCLERADIUS,self.DISTANCE + (self.DISTANCEGAP*column) + self.CIRCLERADIUS
            for column in range(0,self.COLUMNS)

    def who_won(self,board,piece):
        Determines the state of the game and finds if there is a winner
        # Horizontal
        for col in range(0,self.COLUMNS - 3):
            for row in range(0,self.ROWS):
                if board[row][col] == piece and board[row][col + 1] == piece and board[row][col + 2] == piece and board[row][col + 3] == piece:
                    return True

        # Vertical
        for col in range(0,self.COLUMNS):
            for row in range(0,self.ROWS - 3):
                if board[row][col] == piece and board[row + 1][col] == piece and board[row + 2][col] == piece and board[row + 3][col] == piece:
                    return True
        # Up-Left/Down-Right
        for col in range(3,self.COLUMNS):
            for row in range(3,self.ROWS):
                if board[row][col] == piece and board[row - 1][col - 1] == piece and board[row - 2][col - 2] == piece and board[row - 3][col - 3] == piece:
                    return True
        # Up-Right/Down-Left
        for col in range(0,self.COLUMNS - 3):
            for row in range(3,self.ROWS):
                if board[row][col] == piece and board[row - 1][col + 1] == piece and board[row - 2][col + 2] == piece and board[row - 3][col + 3] == piece:
                    return True
        # A winning move is not found
        return False

    def is_legal_move(self,position,board):
        Validates if a move is available/legal
        if board[0][position] == self.EMPTY:
            return True
        return False

    def display_board(self):
        Displaying the game board to the user
        # Function: rect(surface,color,rectangle object,optional width) -- First one forms the outline of the board

        # This forms inner-most rectangle that users play on
        for column in range(0,self.COLUMNS):
            colEq = self.DISTANCE + (self.DISTANCEGAP * column)
            for row in range(0,self.ROWS):
                # 125 is used here to make a the board placed in the center of the board and helps finding a value for self.TOP easier
                rowEq = 125 + (self.DISTANCEGAP * row)
                if self.board[row][column] == self.EMPTY:
                    color = colors.white
                elif self.board[row][column] == 0:
                    color = colors.realBlue
                elif self.board[row][column] == 1:
                    color =
    def play(self):
        This is the game-loop
        while not self.gameOver:
            if self.moveNumber % 2 == 0:
                userText,userRect = self.display_player_name(,colors.realBlue)
            elif self.moveNumber % 2 == 1:
                userText,userRect = self.display_player_name(,

            for event in pygame.event.get():
                self.screen.fill(colors.aquamarine) # Set up background color
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT: 
                    self.gameOver = True 
                elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                    x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                    position = self.get_column_position(x)
                    if self.moveNumber % 2 == 0 and position != self.EMPTY:
                        if self.is_legal_move(position,self.board):                            
                            if self.who_won(self.board,0):
                                self.gameOver = True
                                self.scoreboard[] = self.scoreboard.get( + 1
                                userText,userRect = self.display_player_name( + " " + "Wins!!!",colors.dark_gray)
                            elif self.check_if_tie(self.board):
                                self.gameOver = True
                                self.scoreboard["ties"] = self.scoreboard.get("ties") + 1
                                userText,userRect = self.display_player_name("It is a TIE!!!",colors.dark_gray)

                    elif self.moveNumber % 2 == 1 and position != self.EMPTY:
                        if self.is_legal_move(position,1):
                                self.gameOver = True
                                self.scoreboard[] = self.scoreboard.get( + 1
                                userText,userRect = self.display_player_name( + " " + "Wins!!!",colors.dark_gray)
    def display_scoreboard(self,isAi):
        This enables the tkinter object so I can display the user options after : Victory/Loss/Tie

        # This creates the feedback information screen that the user sees after a game
        tk.Label(self.root,text="Close window to go to main menu",15,'underline'),anchor='w',justify='left').grid(row=0,sticky="NSEW")
        tk.Label(self.root, + ": " + str(self.scoreboard.get(,15),justify='left').grid(row=1,sticky = "NSEW")
        tk.Label(self.root, + ": " + str(self.scoreboard.get(,justify='left').grid(row=2,text="Ties: " + str(self.scoreboard.get("ties")),justify='left').grid(row=3,sticky="NSEW")

        # if isAi == True:
        #     # tk.Button(self.root,text='Rematch!',command=self.playAi,12),fg="blue").grid(row=4,sticky=tk.W)
        # else:
        # tk.Button(self.root,text='Rematch with Swap!',command= lambda: self.swapPlayers(isAi),fg="red").grid(row=4,column=2,sticky=tk.W)

    def check_if_tie(self,board):
        A possible game state : Checking for a tie
        totalPieces = 0
        for col in range(0,self.ROWS):
                if board[row][col] == 0 or board[row][col] == 1:
                    totalPieces += 1  
        if totalPieces == 42:
            return True
            return False

    def display_player_name(self,name,color):
        A feature to help users know who's turn it is that gets displayed
        font = pygame.font.Font(pygame_menu.font.FONT_FRANCHISE,60) 
        text = font.render(name,True,color)
        textRect = text.get_rect() = (len(name) * 30,20)
        return text,textRect

    def drop_piece_animation(self,position):
        Inserting a piece at a given position with the animation of a piece drop
        tmpRow = 5
        while self.board[tmpRow][position] == 1 or self.board[tmpRow][position] == 0:
            tmpRow -= 1

        for i in range(0,tmpRow + 1):
            self.board[i][position] = self.moveNumber % 2
            self.board[i][position] = self.EMPTY

        self.board[tmpRow][position] = self.moveNumber % 2
        self.moveNumber += 1

    def get_column_position(self,position):
        Takes a X coordinate value dependent on a click and determines what column user clicked
        index = 0
        for i in self.POSITIONS:
            if position + self.CIRCLERADIUS/2 >= i[0] and position - self.CIRCLERADIUS/2 <= i[1]:
                return index
            index += 1
        return self.EMPTY

    def reset(self):
        Restoring the game in its original state
        self.moveNumber = 0
        self.board = [[self.EMPTY for x in range(self.COLUMNS)] for y in range(self.ROWS)]
        self.gameOver = False
    def play_computer(self):
        This is the game-loop used for AI play
        # If/else block to distinguish the human/Ai because the ai cant mouse click events
        if == "Ed": # Ed Watkins (Staten Island)
            humanPlayer = 1
            computerPlayer = 0

            humanName =
            computerName =

        elif == "Ed":
            humanPlayer = 0
            computerPlayer = 1

            humanName =
            computerName =
        while not self.gameOver:
            if self.moveNumber % 2 == 0:
            elif self.moveNumber % 2 == 1:
                userText,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                    position = self.get_column_position(x)
                    if self.moveNumber % 2 == humanPlayer and position != self.EMPTY:
                        if self.is_legal_move(position,humanPlayer):
                                self.gameOver = True
                                self.scoreboard[humanName] = self.scoreboard.get(humanName) + 1
                                userText,userRect = self.display_player_name(humanName + " " + "Wins!!!",colors.dark_gray)
            if self.moveNumber % 2 == computerPlayer and self.gameOver == False:
                move = self.generate_move(self.board,4,computerPlayer,humanPlayer,self.moveNumber)
                if self.who_won(self.board,computerPlayer):
                    self.gameOver = True
                    self.scoreboard[computerName] = self.scoreboard.get(computerName) + 1
                    userText,userRect = self.display_player_name(computerName + " " + "Wins!!!",colors.dark_gray)
                elif self.check_if_tie(self.board):
                    self.gameOver = True
                    self.scoreboard["ties"] = self.scoreboard.get("ties") + 1


from Connect4 import Connect4
import random
from copy import copy,deepcopy
import pygame

class Minimax(Connect4):
    def __init__(self,screen):
    def is_game_over(self,board):
        if self.who_won(board,1) or self.who_won(board,0):
            return True
        return False

    def generate_move(self,depth,maximizingPlayer,moveNumber):
        if depth == 0 or self.is_game_over(board) or self.check_if_tie(board):
            if self.is_game_over(board):
                if self.who_won(board,computerPlayer):
                    return 1000000
                elif self.who_won(board,humanPlayer):
                    return -1000000
                elif self.check_if_tie(board):
                    return 0
                return self.get_game_score(board,humanPlayer)

        if maximizingPlayer:
            maxValue = -1000000
            for move in range(0,self.COLUMNS):
                tmpBoard = self.copyBoard(board)
                if self.is_legal_move(move,tmpBoard):
                    result = self.generate_move(tmpBoard,depth - 1,False,moveNumber + 1)
                    if result >= maxValue:
                        maxValue = result
                        bestMove = move
            return bestMove
            minValue = 1000000
            for move in range(0,moveNumber + 1)
                    if result <= minValue:
                        minValue = result
                        thismove = move
            return thismove

    def copyBoard(self,board):
        tmpList = [[self.EMPTY for x in range(self.COLUMNS)] for y in range(self.ROWS)]
        for row in range(0,self.ROWS):
            for col in range(0,self.COLUMNS):
                tmpList[row][col] = board[row][col]
        return tmpList

    def drop_piece_computer(self,moveNumber):
        Inserting a piece at a given position with the animation of a piece drop
        tmpRow = 5
        while board[tmpRow][position] == 1 or board[tmpRow][position] == 0:
            tmpRow -= 1

        board[tmpRow][position] = moveNumber % 2
        # moveNumber += 1

    def get_game_score(self,humanPlayer):
        totalScore = 0
        totalScore += self.get_hori_score(board,humanPlayer)
        # totalScore += self.get_vert_score(board,humanPlayer)
        # totalScore += self.get_upright_score(board,humanPlayer)
        # totalScore += self.get_upleft_score(board,humanPlayer)

        return totalScore

    def get_hori_score(self,humanPlayer):
        score = 0
        # List to collect all the groupings of 4(Horizontally) out of the current game state
        groupingFourList = []
        for col in range(0,self.ROWS):
                groupingFourList.append(board[row][col + 1])
                groupingFourList.append(board[row][col + 2])
                groupingFourList.append(board[row][col + 3])

                computerPieces = self.count_player_pieces(groupingFourList,1)
                humanPieces = self.count_player_pieces(groupingFourList,0)
                emptyPieces = self.count_player_pieces(groupingFourList,self.EMPTY)

                score += self.score_metric(computerPieces,humanPieces,emptyPieces)
                groupingFourList = []
        return score

    def get_upright_score(self,self.ROWS):
                groupingFourList.append(board[row - 1][col + 1])
                groupingFourList.append(board[row - 2][col + 2])
                groupingFourList.append(board[row - 3][col + 3])

                computerPieces = self.count_player_pieces(groupingFourList,emptyPieces)
                groupingFourList = []
        return score

    def get_upleft_score(self,humanPlayer):
        score = 0
        # List to collect all the groupings of 4(Horizontally) out of the current game state
        groupingFourList = []
        for col in range(3,self.ROWS):
                groupingFourList.append(board[row - 1][col - 1])
                groupingFourList.append(board[row - 2][col - 2])
                groupingFourList.append(board[row - 3][col - 3])

                computerPieces = self.count_player_pieces(groupingFourList,humanPlayer)
                emptyPieces = self.count_player_pieces(groupingFourList,emptyPieces)
                groupingFourList = []
        return score

    def get_vert_score(self,self.ROWS -3):
                groupingFourList.append(board[row + 1][col])
                groupingFourList.append(board[row + 2][col])
                groupingFourList.append(board[row + 3][col])

                computerPieces = self.count_player_pieces(groupingFourList,computerPlayer)
                humanPieces = self.count_player_pieces(groupingFourList,emptyPieces)
                groupingFourList = []
        return score

    def count_player_pieces(self,groupingFourList,playerPiece):
        totalPieces = 0

        for piece in groupingFourList:
            if piece == playerPiece:
                totalPieces += 1
        return totalPieces

    def score_metric(self,computerPieces,emptyPieces):
        score = 0

        # Making bot prioritize playing defense than offense
        # Thats why the score is lower when regarding the enemy: AI chooses highest scoring move
        if (computerPieces == 4):
            score += 100
        elif (computerPieces == 3 and emptyPieces == 1):
            score += 20
        elif (computerPieces == 2 and emptyPieces == 2):
            score += 10
        if (humanPieces == 3 and emptyPieces == 1):
            score -= 100

        return score


Valid colors to use got it from this link :
realBlue = (0,255)
white = (255,255,255)
green = (0,0)
black = (0,0)
orange = (255,100,10)
blue_green = (0,170)
marroon = (115,0)
lime = (180,100)
pink = (255,180)
purple = (240,255)
magenta = (255,230)
brown = (100,40,0)
forest_green = (0,50,0)
navy_blue = (0,100)
rust = (210,150,75)
dandilion_yellow = (255,200,0)
highlighter = (255,100)
sky_blue = (0,255)
light_gray = (200,200)
dark_gray = (50,50)
tan = (230,220,170)
coffee_brown = (200,190,140)
moon_glow = (235,245,255)
burlywood = (255,211,155)
salmon = (139,76,57)
aquamarine = (127,212)

#Colors used for menu
blue = (135,206,250)
yellow = (255,0)
red = (255,0)
gray = (128,128,128)


class Player():
    def __init__(self,name): = name

解决方案已解决,但 stackoverflow 不允许我删除问题。我想删除这个问题的原因是因为提供的答案不是解决方案,所以它只会让其他人望而却步。



在这部分代码中,将遍历搜索空间的一部分,并根据每个玩家的最佳动作评估游戏状态。通过这个算法,AI 知道每个玩家的最佳走法,并且可以做出“好的”走法。

        if maximizingPlayer:
            maxValue = -1000000
            for move in range(0,self.COLUMNS):
                tmpBoard = self.copyBoard(board)
                if self.is_legal_move(move,tmpBoard):
                    result = self.generate_move(tmpBoard,depth - 1,computerPlayer,humanPlayer,False,moveNumber + 1)
                    if result >= maxValue:
                        maxValue = result
                        bestMove = move
            return bestMove
            minValue = 1000000
            for move in range(0,True,moveNumber + 1)
                    if result <= minValue:
                        minValue = result
                        thismove = move
            return thismove

但是,如果您仔细观察,当我在 !maximizing player 函数中递归地将函数调用回 AI 时:

result = self.generate_move(tmpBoard,moveNumber + 1)

换句话说,当模拟人类玩家在通用棋盘上玩以生成 ai 移动时,它假设有 2 个人类玩家,这就是为什么会发生暂停的原因,因为您不能与 2 个相同的玩家进行游戏.


result = self.generate_move(tmpBoard,moveNumber + 1)


result = self.generate_move(tmpBoard,moveNumber + 1)

False 代替 True 放在 if maximizingPlayer 块中,将 True 代替 False 放在 else 子句中作为递归的倒数第二个参数调用 generate_move 似乎可以解决问题。

即将 第 33 行的 False 改为 True,将第 44 行的 True 改为 False。

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使用本地python环境可以成功执行 import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 设置字体 plt.rcParams[&#39;font.sans-serif&#39;] = [&#39;SimHei&#39;] # 能正确显示负号 p
错误1:Request method ‘DELETE‘ not supported 错误还原:controller层有一个接口,访问该接口时报错:Request method ‘DELETE‘ not supported 错误原因:没有接收到前端传入的参数,修改为如下 参考 错误2:cannot r
错误1:启动docker镜像时报错:Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint quirky_allen 解决方法:重启docker -&gt; systemctl r
错误1:private field ‘xxx‘ is never assigned 按Altʾnter快捷键,选择第2项 参考: 错误2:启动时报错,不能找到主启动类 #
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错误1:maven打包报错 错误还原:使用maven打包项目时报错如下 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:3.2.0:resources (default-resources)
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错误1:运行项目后报如下错误 解决方案 报错2:Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) on project sb 解决方案:在pom.
参考 错误原因 过滤器或拦截器在生效时,redisTemplate还没有注入 解决方案:在注入容器时就生效 @Component //项目运行时就注入Spring容器 public class RedisBean { @Resource private RedisTemplate&lt;String
使用vite构建项目报错 C:\Users\ychen\work&gt;npm init @vitejs/app @vitejs/create-app is deprecated, use npm init vite instead C:\Users\ychen\AppData\Local\npm-
参考1 参考2 解决方案 # 点击安装源 协议选择 http:// 路径填写 URL类型 软件库URL 其他路径 # 版本 7
报错1 [root@slave1 data_mocker]# --bootstrap-server slave1:9092 --topic topic_db [2023-12-19 18:31:12,770] WARN [Consumer clie
错误1 # 重写数据 hive (edu)&gt; insert overwrite table dwd_trade_cart_add_inc &gt; select, &gt; data.user_id, &gt; data.course_id, &gt; date_format(
错误1 hive (edu)&gt; insert into huanhuan values(1,&#39;haoge&#39;); Query ID = root_20240110071417_fe1517ad-3607-41f4-bdcf-d00b98ac443e Total jobs = 1
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虚拟及没有启动任何服务器查看jps会显示jps,如果没有显示任何东西 [root@slave2 ~]# jps 9647 Jps 解决方案 # 进入/tmp查看 [root@slave1 dfs]# cd /tmp [root@slave1 tmp]# ll 总用量 48 drwxr-xr-x. 2
报错1 hive&gt; show databases; OK Failed with exception Error in configuring object Time taken: 0.474 se
报错1 [root@localhost ~]# vim -bash: vim: 未找到命令 安装vim yum -y install vim* # 查看是否安装成功 [root@hadoop01 hadoop]# rpm -qa |grep vim vim-X11-7.4.629-8.el7_9.x
修改hadoop配置 vi /usr/local/software/hadoop-2.9.2/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml # 添加如下 &lt;configuration&gt; &lt;property&gt; &lt;name&gt;yarn.nodemanager.res