
ARMv7 程序集,我如何改进这个伪随机数生成器?

如何解决ARMv7 程序集,我如何改进这个伪随机数生成器?

我有这个伪随机函数,它基于 unix epotch 作为种子的时间,我需要得到 1-5 之间的 4 个数字,目前我所做的是一次获取一个数字并打印它。这最初是针对 0-9 之间的数字,然后将其更改为 1-5 我意识到数字 6-9 总是会导致 5,这意味着 5 出现的总体概率高于任何其他数字。>



    MOV r7,#78         @gettimeofday returns time
    LDR r0,=time       @address of holder for time_t
    MOV r1,#0          @timezone not needed
    SWI #0
    LDR r0,=time       @set r0 back to label addr
    LDRB r1,[r0,#4]   @load epotch value from r0 into r1
    MOV PC,LR          @back to calling location,Then it will branch to the function below.

    CMP r1,#10         @Ensuring we don't create a negative
    SUBGE r1,r1,#10   @decrease r1 by 10 until it's a single digit
    CMP r1,#10
    BGE fakemod         @if the number in r1 is still greater than 10 loop
singledigit:            @Need a value between 1-5
    CMP r1,#5          @Checks in r1 has a value larger than 5
    SUBGT r1,#1    @subtracts if r1 is a integer greater than 5
    CMP r1,#5          @compares if the number is greater than 5 still
    BGT singledigit     @if greater than 5 go back to loop start.
    CMP r1,#0       @needs to be between 1-5,so if it's 0,just add 1
    ADDEQ r1,#1
    MOV PC,LR          @once it's an integer between 1-5,go back to call location. 

我没有从大于 5 的值中连续减去 1 并将 1 添加到 0 的值中,而是尝试了以下操作,结果得到了“垃圾”作为输出

timeofday and fakemod loop are the same.

CMP r1,#5
BGT timeofday

CMP r1,#0
BEQ timeofday


我将 fakemod 函数更改为以下内容,并得到了我理想中想要的结果。在随机数生成器中将 1 添加到 0 并不理想,但它足以满足我的需要。几周前写的,所以我有点忘记目的了。

    CMP r1,#5       @Ensuring we don't create a negative
    SUBGT r1,r1,#5 @decrease r1 by 5 until it's a single digit
    CMP r1,#5
    BGT fakemod         @if the number in r1 is still greater than 10 loop

    CMP r1,#0
    ADDEQ r1,#1

    MOV PC,LR          @once it's an integer less than 5,go to top. 

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