




# The puzzle itself
board = [

# A function which prints out the board in grids
def print_board():

    j = 1

    for rows in board:
        i = 1
        for elements in rows:
            if i % 3 == 0:
                print(elements,"|",end=" ")
                print(elements,end=" ")

            i += 1

        if j % 3 == 0:

        j += 1

# A function which searches for the coordinate [x,y] of empty Boxes (in this case if the value = 0 it is empty)
def search_empty():

    empty_list = []

    j = 0

    for rows in board:
        i = 0
        for elements in rows:
            if elements == 0:

            i += 1

        j += 1

    return empty_list

# A function which takes the coordinate of an empty Box and returns all the coordinates of Boxes which fall in the same grid.
def set_grid(x,y):
    if x in range(3) and y in range(3):
        return [[0,1],2],[1,2]]

    elif x in range(3,6) and y in range(3):
        return [[3,[3,[4,[5,2]]

    elif x in range(6,9) and y in range(3):
        return [[6,[6,[8,2]]

    elif x in range(3) and y in range(3,6):
        return [[0,3],5],5]]

    elif x in range(3,6) and y in range(3,6):
        return [[3,5]]

    elif x in range(6,9) and y in range(3,6):
        return [[6,5]]

    elif x in range(3) and y in range(6,9):
        return [[0,6],8],8]]

    elif x in range(3,6) and y in range(6,9):
        return [[3,8]]

    elif x in range(6,9) and y in range(6,9):
        return [[6,8]]

# A function which takes 3 inputs: lower,x and y.
# lower is the starting integer to test on,so first Box defaults to 0. If say integer = 6 is the first answer to the first empty
# Box,but 1 - 9 does not satisfy the rules of Sudoku for the second Box,we backtrack to first Box and start from integer + 1
# x and y are both coordinates of the empty Box
def conditions(lower,x,y):

        grid_list = set_grid(x,y)
        for integers in range(lower,10):
            print("Conditions running.")
            grid_test = True
            vertical_test = True
            horizontal_test = True
            # Grid test is to test if the current integer is present in the grid. If present,fails the grid test.
            for i in grid_list:
                [p,q] = i
                if integers == board[q][p]:
                    grid_test = False

            # Horizontal test is to test if the current integer is present in the same row. If present,fails the row test.
            for i in board[y]:
                if integers == i:
                    horizontal_test = False
            # Vertical test is to test if the current integer is present in the same column. If present,fails the vertical test.
            for i in range(9):
                if integers == board[i][x]:
                    vertical_test = False
            # If all three tests are satisfied and passed,the function returns True and the integer which satisfies all 3 rules.
            if grid_test and horizontal_test and vertical_test:
                print("Condition satisfied.")
                return True,integers

        print("Condition unsatisfied.")
        return False,0

# This is where the backtracking begins.
def trials():

    n = 0

    a = 1

    # A list which records all the "correct at that time" integers from prevIoUs empty Boxes. New "correct" integers are appended.

    history = []

    # Creates a static list of coordinates of empty Boxes.
    empty_list = search_empty()

    while True:
        ## This line is to debug

        # p has value of True or False,and q has value of the correct integer if True,0 if False
        [p,q] = conditions(a,empty_list[n][0],empty_list[n][1])

        if not p:
            # If p is false,we backtrack by shifting to the last empty Box.
            n -= 1

            # a is the 'lower' input for conditions() function.
            a = history[n] + 1

            [x,y] = empty_list[n]

            # Since the 'correct' answer of prevIoUs Box is not correct anymore,we are replacing it back with 0 (erasing it).
            board[y][x] = 0

            ## This line is to debug.
            print("a:",a,"old a:",history[n])

            # Removing the old 'correct' answer from the history list.

            # If p is True,the 'correct' integer gets appended to the list.

            [x,y] = empty_list[n]

            # The correct answer is replacing the 0 (writing it on the empty Box).
            board[y][x] = q

            # n increments by 1 to proceed to the next empty Box.
            n += 1
        # When we run through the entire list of empty Boxes,we break this loop.
        if n == len(empty_list) - 1:



0 0 6 | 8 4 0 | 0 0 0 | 
2 0 1 | 0 6 0 | 0 0 7 | 
0 3 9 | 0 0 0 | 0 1 0 | 
0 0 0 | 0 9 8 | 3 0 0 | 
0 6 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 9 0 | 
0 0 7 | 3 2 0 | 0 0 0 | 
0 4 0 | 0 0 0 | 1 3 0 | 
7 0 0 | 0 1 0 | 8 0 4 | 
0 0 0 | 0 3 5 | 7 0 0 | 
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Condition satisfied.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
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Condition satisfied.
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Condition satisfied.
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Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Condition unsatisifed
a: 3 old a: 2
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Condition satisfied.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Condition unsatisifed
a: 10 old a: 9
Condition unsatisifed
a: 2 old a: 1
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
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Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Condition satisfied.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Condition unsatisifed
a: 10 old a: 9
Condition unsatisifed
a: 3 old a: 2
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Condition satisfied.
Condition unsatisifed
a: 4 old a: 3
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Condition satisfied.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Condition unsatisifed
a: 10 old a: 9
Condition unsatisifed
a: 8 old a: 7
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Condition unsatisifed
a: 6 old a: 5
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Conditions running.
Condition unsatisifed

我正在努力理解 [5,7] 如何在没有执行任何条件检查的情况下跳转到 [5](从 [5] 和 [5,7] 之间没有“条件运行”可以看出这一点。这让我相信这是算法失败的主要原因。




您的问题是在找到好的解决方案时您从不重置 a。一种解决方案可能是在 while 循环的 a=1 末尾添加 else。此外,您使用 history.remove(history[n]) 删除 history 中等于 history[n] 的第一项,从而导致一些错误。您应该将其替换为 del。这是更正的循环:

   while True:
        ## This line is to debug

        # p has value of True or False,and q has value of the correct integer if True,0 if False
        [p,q] = conditions(a,empty_list[n][0],empty_list[n][1])

        if not p:
            # Removing the old 'correct' answer from the history list.
            # If p is false,we backtrack by shifting to the last empty box.
            n -= 1

            # a is the 'lower' input for conditions() function.
            a = history[n] + 1

            board[y][x] = 0
            [x,y] = empty_list[n]

            # Since the 'correct' answer of previous box is not correct anymore,we are replacing it back with 0 (erasing it).

            ## This line is to debug.

            # If p is True,the 'correct' integer gets appended to the list.
            [x,y] = empty_list[n]

            # The correct answer is replacing the 0 (writing it on the empty box).
            board[y][x] = q
            n += 1

            # n increments by 1 to proceed to the next empty box.
        # When we run through the entire list of empty boxes,we break this loop.
        if n == len(empty_list):


0 0 6 | 8 4 0 | 0 0 0 | 
2 0 1 | 0 6 0 | 0 0 7 | 
0 3 9 | 0 0 0 | 0 1 0 | 
0 0 0 | 0 9 8 | 3 0 0 | 
0 6 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 9 0 | 
0 0 7 | 3 2 0 | 0 0 0 | 
0 4 0 | 0 0 0 | 1 3 0 | 
7 0 0 | 0 1 0 | 8 0 4 | 
0 0 0 | 0 3 5 | 7 0 0 | 
5 7 6 | 8 4 1 | 9 2 3 | 
2 8 1 | 9 6 3 | 5 4 7 | 
4 3 9 | 2 5 7 | 6 1 8 | 
1 2 4 | 5 9 8 | 3 7 6 | 
3 6 8 | 1 7 4 | 2 9 5 | 
9 5 7 | 3 2 6 | 4 8 1 | 
6 4 5 | 7 8 9 | 1 3 2 | 
7 9 3 | 6 1 2 | 8 5 4 | 
8 1 2 | 4 3 5 | 7 6 9 | 


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