
Google Apps Script 函数在我手动运行时执行,但在作为触发器运行时失败,引用错误代码 INTERNAL

如何解决Google Apps Script 函数在我手动运行时执行,但在作为触发器运行时失败,引用错误代码 INTERNAL

我有一个链接到 Google 表格的 Google 表单。在 Google 表格中,我有一个 Google Apps Script 函数,它将输入与 Google 表单分开并逐行存储每个项目。我有一个 VLookup 设置,可以根据 Google Apps 脚本的解析从另一个电子表格中提取信息。提取信息后,我会将信息通过电子邮件发送到通过 Google 表单提供的电子邮件我有一个触发器设置,可以在提交表单时自动运行该功能。下图是表格中的表格结果。

Form submission information

当我在 Google 表单上选择一些选项时,触发器会起作用。一旦我选择了更多选项(大约 20 多个),它会返回以下错误代码

很抱歉,JavaScript 引擎报告了意外错误错误代码内部。

当我手动运行该函数时,它完美地执行。我不太确定是什么问题。我发现的与此问题有关的唯一其他问题是 Web App call fails with "... Error code INTERNAL" with Custom API,但我已经在使用 openByID。下面函数 onFormSubmit 中的 e 是我尝试使用表单对象,但我还没有让它起作用。不过,我不认为这会导致问题。

//Object to store city & state in one object
function city (city,state) {
  this.city = city;
  this.state = state;

function onFormSubmit (e) {
  // Set active sheet and store form information in variables
  //This function runs based off a formSubmit trigger
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('sampleID'); 
  var lastRow = String(sheet.getLastRow());
  var email = String(sheet.getRange('D' +lastRow).getValue());
  var name = String(sheet.getRange('B' + lastRow).getValue());
  var company = String(sheet.getRange('C' + lastRow).getValue());
  var state = String(sheet.getRange('E' + lastRow).getValue()).split(",");
  var list_cities = [];

  //Separates City,State into object with City & State properties
  n = 0
  for (x of String(sheet.getRange('F' + lastRow).getValue()).split(",")) {
    if (n == 0) {
      var city_name = x.trim();
      n = 1;
    else {
      n = 0;
      var temp = new city(city_name,x.trim());

  //Moves to next sheet

  //Clear Form tab
  lastRow = String(SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getLastRow());
  SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRangeList(['A2:B2','A3:F' + lastRow]).clear();
  // Initializes first row
  var row = 2;
  //Fills in State column
  for (x of state) {
    row = row + 1;
  //Fills in City column
  for (x of list_cities) {
    row = row + 1

  //List of cell column headers
  var letters = ["C","D","E","F"];
  //copies down formula for each column
  for (x of letters) {
    var sourceRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(x + String(2));
    var destination = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(x + String(2) + ":" + x + String(row-1));


  //Extracts only completed sheet
  var url = "https://docs.google.com/";
  var params = {
    method      : "get",headers     : {"Authorization": "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getoAuthToken()},muteHttpExceptions: true
  var blob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,params).getBlob();
  blob.setName(SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getName() + ".xlsx");

  //Set email information and send email
  var message = {
    to: email,name: 'Name',subject: company + " Subject",body: "Body text",attachments: blob


看起来这是 v8 引擎中的一个问题,现在正在研究中: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/184759540

要解决此问题,同时将代码从运行时 V8 切换到 DEPRECATED_ES5 应该可以解决问题。

除此之外,您通过 onFormSubmit 参数传递事件对象,但不使用它。


function onFormSubmit(e) {
  let response = e.namedValues;

  var email = response['Email:'];
  var name = response['Name:'];
  var company = response['Company:'];
  var state = response['State:'];

  //Remaining code below!

获取命名值返回一个对象,其中键是 Google 表单中的问题,值是表单提交中的答案。

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