
在 Python 中使用 fsolve 时缺少必需的位置参数

如何解决在 Python 中使用 fsolve 时缺少必需的位置参数

我正在编写代码来帮助使用 fsolve 模拟行星的轨道,但我不断收到此错误

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-22-6ee902b5be74> in <module>
     12     # Backward Euler Method
---> 13     pn = p + dt*fsolve(nPointSystem,q,args = [m,G,n],xtol=1e-12)
     14     qn = q + dt*pn/mx3

TypeError: nPointSystem() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'G' and 'n'


import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

# mass of bodies
m = [1,1/6023600,1/408523.71,1/328900.5614,1/3098708,1/1047.3486,1/3497.898,1/22902.98,1/19412.24,1/135200000]

# Initial positions
q = [[0.00450250884530125842,0.00076707348146464055,0.00026605632781203556],[0.35726020644727541518,-0.09154904243051842990,-0.08598103998694037053],[0.60824943318560406033,-0.34913244319590053792,-0.19554434578540693592],[0.11601490913916648627,-0.92660555364038517604,-0.40180627760698804496],[-0.11468858243909270380,-1.32836653083348816476,-0.60615518941938081574],[-5.38420940699214597622,-0.83124765616108382433,-0.22509475703354987777],[7.88988993382281817537,4.59571072692601301962,1.55843151672508969735],[-18.26990081497826660524,-1.16271158021904696130,-0.25036954074255487461],[-16.05954509192446441763,-23.94294829087950141524,-9.40042278035400838599],[-30.48782211215555045830,-0.87324543019672926542,8.91129698418475509659]]

# Initial veLocities

# Gravitation Constant
G = 2.95912208286e-4

# Convert Lists to np arrays
m = np.array(m)
q = np.array(q)
qdot = np.array(qdot)

# Converting m from an nx1 to an nx3 array
mx3 = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(m,1),3,axis=1)

# Initial momentum
p = mx3 * qdot

# Time step in days
dt = 5

# number of planets
n = len(m)

def nPointSystem(q,m,n):
    pdot = np.zeros((n,3))
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            if i != j:
                q_len = np.linalg.norm(q[i,:]-q[j,:])
                pdot[i,:] -= G*m[i]*m[j]*(q[i,:])/q_len**3   
    return pdot

# Time Stepper
    for i in range(1,100):
    # Backward Euler Method
    pn = p + dt*fsolve(nPointSystem,xtol=1e-12)
    qn = q + dt*pn/mx3
# Replace values of p and q
    p = pn
    q = qn


pn = p + dt*qn
qn = q + dt*pn/mx3


在 fsolve 中,我使用 q 作为第一个值的猜测点,因为它会有点接近下一个计算值。

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