
使用 f2py 和 intel 编译器将 MKL 与 fortran 链接

如何解决使用 f2py 和 intel 编译器将 MKL 与 fortran 链接

我有一些 Fortran 代码,其中包含对 Lapack 和 Blas 函数调用,我正在尝试使用 f2py 编译这些函数

  • Windows 10
  • Numpy 1.19 版
  • 蟒蛇 Python 3.8.5

我正在尝试编译的代码的干净版本可以在链接中找到:https://software.intel.com/content/dam/develop/external/us/en/documents/mkl-cookbook -samples-120115.zip 位于 /BlockTDS_SPD/source/ 下。


这是我尝试使用添加的 Cf2py 意图语句编译的代码

! copyright(C) 2014-2015 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
! The source code,information  and  material ("Material") contained herein is
! owned  by Intel Corporation or its suppliers or licensors,and title to such
! Material remains  with Intel Corporation  or its suppliers or licensors. The
! Material  contains proprietary information  of  Intel or  its  suppliers and
! licensors. The  Material is protected by worldwide copyright laws and treaty
! provisions. No  part  of  the  Material  may  be  used,copied,reproduced,! modified,published,uploaded,posted,transmitted,distributed or disclosed
! in any way  without Intel's  prior  express written  permission. No  license
! under  any patent,copyright  or  other intellectual property rights  in the
! Material  is  granted  to  or  conferred  upon  you,either  expressly,by
! implication,inducement,estoppel or  otherwise.  Any  license  under  such
! intellectual  property  rights must  be express  and  approved  by  Intel in
! writing.
! *Third Party Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
! Unless otherwise  agreed  by Intel  in writing,you may not remove  or alter
! this  notice or  any other notice embedded  in Materials by Intel or Intel's
! suppliers or licensors in any way.
!  Content:
!      Subroutine DPBLTRF for Cholesky factorization of symmetric  
!         positive definite block tridiagonal matrix.
! DeFinition:
! ===========
! ..Scalar arguments..
! ..       
! ..Array arguments..
!      REAL*8 D(LDD,*),B(LDB,*)
! ..
! Purpose:
! ========  
! DPBLTRF computes Cholesky L*L^t-factorization of symmetric positive 
! definite block tridiagonal matrix A
!   D_1  B_1^t
!   B_1  D_2   B_2^t
!        B_2  D_3   B_3^t
!           .     .      .
!               .     .      .
!                 B_N-2  D_N-1   B_N-1^t
!                        B_N-1    D_N   
! The factorization has the form A = L*L**t,where L is a lower 
! bidiagonal block matrix 
!   L_1  
!   C_1  L_2   
!        C_2   L_3 
!           .     .      .
!               .     .      .
!                 C_N-2  L_N-1
!                        C_N-1    L_N   
! This is a block version of LAPACK DPTTRF subroutine.
! Arguments:
! ==========  
! N (input) INTEGER
!     The number of block rows of the matrix A.  N >= 0.
! NB (input) INTEGER
!     The size of blocks.  NB >= 0.
! D (input/output) REAL*8 array,dimension (LDD,N*NB)
!     On entry,the array stores N diagonal blocks (each of size NB by  
!         NB) of the matrix to be factored. The blocks are stored 
!         sequentially: first NB columns of D store block D_1,second NB 
!         columns store block D_2,...,last NB columns store block D_N.
!     Note: As the diagonal blocks are symmetric only lower or upper 
!     ====
!         triangle is needed to store blocks' elements. In this code 
!         lower storage is used!!!
!     On exit,the array stores diagonal blocks of triangular factor L. 
!         Diagonal blocks of lower triangular factor L replace
!         respective lower triangles of blocks D_j (1 <= j <= N). 
!     Caution: upper triangles of diagonal blocks are not zeroed on 
!     =======
!         exit!!!
! LDD (input) INTEGER
!     The leading dimension of array D. LDD >= NB.
! B (input/output) REAL*8 array,dimension (LDB,(N-1)*NB)
!     On entry,the array stores sub-diagonal  blocks (each of size NB
!         by NB) of the matrix to be factored. The blocks are stored 
!         sequentially: first NB columns of B store block B_1,second  
!         NB columns store block B_2,last NB columns store block 
!         B_N-1.
!     On exit,the array stores sub-diagonal blocks of triangular factor 
!         L.  
! LDB (input) INTEGER
!     The leading dimension of array B. LDB >= NB.
! INFO (output) INTEGER
!     = 0:        successful exit
!     < 0:        if INFO = -i,the i-th argument had an illegal value
!     > 0:        if INFO = i,the leading minor of order i (and 
!                 therefore the matrix A itself) is not 
!                 positive-definite,and the factorization Could not be
!                 completed. This may indicate an error in forming the 
!                 matrix A.
! =====================================================================

! ..Scalar arguments..
! ..Array arguments..
      REAL*8 D(LDD,*)
! =====================================================================
! .. Local Scalars ..
Cf2py integer,intent(in) N,LDB
Cf2py intent(in,out,copy) :: D,B
Cf2py integer,intent(out) :: INFO

! ..
! .. Executable Statements ..
! ..
!    Test the input arguments.
      INFO = 0
      IF(N .LT. 0) THEN
          INFO = -1
      ELSE IF(NB .LT. 0) THEN
          INFO = -2
          INFO = -4
          INFO = -6
      END IF
      IF(INFO .NE. 0) THEN
      END IF
! ..
! Compute Cholesky factorization of the first diagonal block
      IF(INFO .NE. 0) THEN
      END IF
! Main loop
      DO K = 1,N-1
          CALL DTRSM('R','L','T','N',1D0,&                D(1,(K-1)*NB+1),B(1,LDB)
          CALL DSYRK('L',-1D0,&               B(1,D(1,K*NB+1),LDD)
          CALL DPOTRF('L',INFO)
          IF(INFO .NE. 0) THEN
              INFO = INFO + K*NB
! INFO is equal to not local but global number of the row              
          END IF
      END DO

我使用以下命令将代码链接到 MKL 并使用 Intel Visual Fortran 64 位编译器进行编译:

python -m numpy.f2py -c --fcompiler=intelvem -L"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\compiler\2021.2.0\windows\compiler\lib\intel64_win" -lifconsol -L"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\mkl\2021.2.0\lib\intel64" -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -L"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\mkl\2021.2.0\lib\intel64" -lmkl_sequential -L"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\mkl\2021.2.0\lib\intel64" -lmkl_core -I"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\mkl\2021.2.0\include" dpbltrf.f -m SBTCF


d,b,info = dpbltrf(n,nb,d,[ldd,ldb,overwrite_d,overwrite_b])

Wrapper for ``dpbltrf``.

n : input int
nb : input int
d : input rank-2 array('d') with bounds (ldd,*)
b : input rank-2 array('d') with bounds (ldb,*)

Other Parameters
overwrite_d : input int,optional
    Default: 0
ldd : input int,optional
    Default: shape(d,0)
overwrite_b : input int,optional
    Default: 0
ldb : input int,optional
    Default: shape(b,0)

d : rank-2 array('d') with bounds (ldd,*)
b : rank-2 array('d') with bounds (ldb,*)
info : int

然后我可以在 Python 中导入创建的模块并调用它。这是一个最小的例子:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from SBTCF import dpbltrf


def mx(x,a):
    x = np.ravel(x)
    npts = len(x)
    distances = np.abs(x[:,None] - x[None,:])
    mat = np.exp(-distances / a)
    return mat

# Assemble arrays
Nx = 5
Nt = 10
t = np.linspace(0,1,Nt)
mat_t = mx(t,1.0)

# Stack the arrays horizontally into the shape required by dpbltrf. D is diagonal
# and B is off-diagonal
D = mat_t
for i in range(Nx-1):
    D = np.hstack([D,mat_t])

B = mat_t
for i in range(Nx-2):
    B = np.hstack([B,mat_t])



d,info = dpbltrf(Nx,Nt,B)


英特尔 MKL 错误:进入 DPOTRF 时参数 4 不正确



您正在尝试在 Python 模块中包含 Fortran 模块。如果你想要,名字必须不同,参考这个问题

Compile Fortran module with f2py

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