



我现在遇到的问题是来自leetcode的Generalized Abbreviation


一个单词的广义缩写可以通过取任意数量的非重叠子串并用它们各自的长度替换它们来构造。例如,“abcde”可以简写为“a3e”(“bcd”变成“3”)、“1bcd1”(“a”和“e”都变成“1”)和“23”(“ab ”变成“2”,“cde”变成“3”)。


Input: word = "word"
Output: ["4","3d","2r1","2rd","1o2","1o1d","1or1","1ord","w3","w2d","w1r1","w1rd","wo2","wo1d","wor1","word"]
Input: word = "a"
Output: ["1","a"]


/* package whatever; // don't place package name! */

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.io.*;

/* Name of the class has to be "Main" only if the class is public. */
class Ideone
    public static List<String> generateAbbreviations(String word){
        List<String> ans = new ArrayList<String>();
        backtrack(ans,new StringBuilder(),word,0);
        return ans;
    // i is the current position
    // k is the count of consecutive abbreviated characters
    private static void backtrack(List<String> ans,StringBuilder builder,String word,int i,int k){
        int len = builder.length(); // keep the length of builder 
        if(i == word.length()){
            if (k != 0) builder.append(k); // append the last k if non zero
        } else {
            // the branch that word.charat(i) is abbreviated
            backtrack(ans,builder,i + 1,k + 1);
            // the branch that word.charat(i) is kept
            if (k != 0) builder.append(k);
       builder.setLength(len); // reset builder to the original state
       System.out.println("Length of Stringbuilder : " + builder.length() + ",Current element : " + builder.toString() + ",len : " + len);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    List<String> result = Ideone.generateAbbreviations("ab");
    System.out.println("Generalized abbreviation are: " + result);


Length of Stringbuilder : 1,Current element : 2,len : 0
Length of Stringbuilder : 2,Current element : 1b,len : 2
Length of Stringbuilder : 2,Current element : a1,len : 1
Length of Stringbuilder : 2,Current element : ab,len : 1
Length of Stringbuilder : 1,Current element : a,len : 0



从标准输出第 2 行到第 3 行, 'len' 如何从递归堆栈中变为 0?


Leetcode 上的标准输出:

Length of Stringbuilder : 0,Current element :,len : 0
Length of Stringbuilder : 2,Current element : 1b,len : 2
Length of Stringbuilder : 0,len : 0
Length of Stringbuilder : 1,Current element : a,len : 1
Length of Stringbuilder : 2,Current element : ab,len : 2
Length of Stringbuilder : 1,len : 1
Length of Stringbuilder : 0,len : 0

函数调用将是这样的(我将使用 (i,k,lenOfBuilder) 表示它们)。 lenOfBuilder 是在每个函数调用的第一行计算的长度。

对于输入词 = "ab"

第一次调用 (0,0) -> 从主方法调用。

第二次调用 (1,1,0) -> 从第一次调用的 else 条件调用的第一次回溯()。

第三次调用 (2,2,0) -> 从第二次调用的 else 条件调用的第一个回溯()。

Now base condition hits as (i == 2 and k != 0). So "2" added to the answer.
Return back to 2nd call.

第 4 次调用 (2,2) -> 从第 2 次调用的 else 条件调用的第 2 次 backtrack()。在此调用之前,我们已将“k”和 charAt(i) 添加到构建器,即“1b”

Now base condition hits as (i == 2). But K is 0. So "1b" added to the answer.
Return back to 2nd call.



builder.setLength(len); // As the length of builder in 2nd call was 0. So this sets the length of builder to zero -> "0".
Sysout statement will print this updated length i.e 0

这就是您的代码如何将构建器的长度更新为 0。在您第二次调用的第一行,您已经计算出原始长度为 0。在第二次调用的 else 条件结束之后。您将长度更新为 0 并打印 0。

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