
VBA 如何创建此 If IsNumber 公式作为函数

如何解决VBA 如何创建此 If IsNumber 公式作为函数

所以我想转换这个公式 =IF(A3,IF(ISNUMBER(C3/B3),C3/B3,""),"") 变成一个私有函数,这样我就可以使用它了。我已经尝试过但未能让它在 VBA 中工作,如果它是数字并且是数字,我该如何从两个单元格中执行划分?

enter image description here


Function GetSpendPerHead(Ra As Range,rb As Range,rc As Range) 
    GetSpendPerHead = "" 
    If Ra.Value = True Then
      If IsNumeric(rb.Value) And IsNumeric(rc.Value) Then 
        If rb.Value <> 0 Then
          GetSpendPerHead = rc / rb 
        End If  
      End If 
    End If 
End Function



Sub UnitTestGetSpendPerHead()
    Dim ra As Range: Set ra = Range("A1")
    Dim rb As Range: Set rb = Range("B1")
    Dim rc As Range: Set rc = Range("C1")
    Dim test As Variant
    rb.NumberFormat = "General"
    ' Test 1
    ra.Value2 = ""
    rb.Value2 = 1
    rc.Value2 = 2
    test = GetSpendPerHead(ra,rb,rc)
    Debug.Print "Test 1 Result: " & test
    ' Test 2
    ra.Value2 = 2014
    rb.Value2 = 2
    rc.Value2 = "a"
    test = GetSpendPerHead(ra,rc)
    Debug.Print "Test 2 Result: " & test
    ' Test 3
    ra.Value2 = 2015
    rb.NumberFormat = "@"
    rb.Value2 = "4"
    rc.Value2 = 2
    test = GetSpendPerHead(ra,rc)
    Debug.Print "Test 3 Result: " & test
End Sub

Function GetSpendPerHead(ra As Range,rb As Range,rc As Range)
    GetSpendPerHead = ""
    If Not IsEmpty(ra.Value) Then
      If IsNumeric(rb.Value) And IsNumeric(rc.Value) Then
        If rb.Value <> 0 Then
          GetSpendPerHead = rc / rb
        End If
      End If
    End If
End Function
Function CheckNumber()

'Define the variables
Dim FirstNumber As Double
Dim SecondNumber As Double
Dim Result As Double

'If we have an error when are reading the variables go to Oops
On Error GoTo Oops
    'Read the first number from row 3 and column 3 (C)
    FirstNumber = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(3,3).Value
    'Read the first number from row 3 and column 2 (B)
    SecondNumber = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(3,2).Value
    'Calculate C3/B3
    Result = FirstNumber / SecondNumber
    'Get the result as message box
    MsgBox Result

'If we have error we get this message: Not Number
    MsgBox "Not Number"

End Function

谢谢大家,调试后,问题改为或 Ra.Value = true ,然后我设置 Ra.Value = 1 并且它工作了

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