


我在 Unity 中使用计算着色器和纹理制作了一个体素 raycaster。但在 1080p 时,它的视距仅限于 30 fps 的 100。由于还没有光反弹或任何东西,我对这种表现感到非常失望。

我尝试学习 Vulkan,最好的教程都是基于光栅化的,我想我真正想做的就是在 GPU 上并行计算像素。我熟悉 CUDA 并且我读过有时用于渲染的内容?或者是否有一种简单的方法可以在 Vulcan 中并行计算像素?我已经有一个模板 Vulkan 项目,可以打开一个空白窗口。我不需要从 GPU 取回任何数据,只需在提供数据后直接渲染到屏幕即可。

使用下面的代码,与 Unity 计算着色器相比,Vulkan 中的速度会明显更快吗?它有很多 if/else 语句,我读过这些语句对 GPU 不利,但我想不出任何其他的写法。

编辑:我尽可能地优化它,但它仍然很慢,比如 1080p 时 30 fps。


#pragma kernel CSMain

RWTexture2D<float4> Result; // the actual array of pixels the player sees
const float width; // in pixels
const float height;

const StructuredBuffer<int> voxelMaterials; // for Now just getting a flat voxel array
const int voxelBufferRowSize;
const int voxelBufferPlanesize;
const int voxelBufferSize;
const StructuredBuffer<float3> rayDirections; // I'm Now actually using it as points instead of directions
const float maxRaydistance;

const float3 playerCameraPosition; // relative to the voxelData,ie the first voxel's bottom,back,left corner position,no negative coordinates
const float3 playerWorldForward;
const float3 playerWorldRight;
const float3 playerWorldUp;

void CSMain (uint3 id : SV_dispatchThreadID)
    Result[id.xy] = float4(0,0); // setting the pixel to black by default
    float3 pointHolder = playerCameraPosition; // initializing the first point to the player's position
    const float3 p = rayDirections[id.x + (id.y * width)]; // vector transformation getting the world space directions of the rays relative to the player
    const float3 u1 = p.x * playerWorldRight;
    const float3 u2 = p.y * playerWorldUp;
    const float3 u3 = p.z * playerWorldForward;
    const float3 direction = u1 + u2 + u3; // the direction to that point

    float distanceTraveled = 0;
    int3 directionAxes; // 1 for positive,0 for zero,-1 for negative
    int3 directionIfReplacements = { 0,0 }; // 1 for positive,-1 for negative
    float3 axesUnit = { 1 / abs(direction.x),1 / abs(direction.y),1 / abs(direction.z) };
    float3 distancesXYZ = { 1000,1000,1000 };
    int face = 0; // 1 = x,2 = y,3 = z // the current face the while loop point is on

    // comparing the floats once in the beginning so the rest of the ray traversal can compare ints
    if (direction.x > 0) {
        directionAxes.x = 1;
        directionIfReplacements.x = 1;
    else if (direction.x < 0) {
        directionAxes.x = -1;
    else {
        distanceTraveled = maxRaydistance; // just ending the ray for Now if one of it's direction axes is exactly 0. You'll see a line of black pixels if the player's rotation is zero but this never happens naturally
        directionAxes.x = 0;
    if (direction.y > 0) {
        directionAxes.y = 1;
        directionIfReplacements.y = 1;
    else if (direction.y < 0) {
        directionAxes.y = -1;
    else {
        distanceTraveled = maxRaydistance;
        directionAxes.y = 0;
    if (direction.z > 0) {
        directionAxes.z = 1;
        directionIfReplacements.z = 1;
    else if (direction.z < 0) {
        directionAxes.z = -1;
    else {
        distanceTraveled = maxRaydistance;
        directionAxes.z = 0;

    // calculating the first point
    if (playerCameraPosition.x < voxelBufferRowSize &&
        playerCameraPosition.x >= 0 &&
        playerCameraPosition.y < voxelBufferRowSize &&
        playerCameraPosition.y >= 0 &&
        playerCameraPosition.z < voxelBufferRowSize &&
        playerCameraPosition.z >= 0)
        int voxelIndex = floor(playerCameraPosition.x) + (floor(playerCameraPosition.z) * voxelBufferRowSize) + (floor(playerCameraPosition.y) * voxelBufferPlanesize); // the voxel index in the flat array

        switch (voxelMaterials[voxelIndex]) {
        case 1:
            Result[id.xy] = float4(1,0);
            distanceTraveled = maxRaydistance; // to end the while loop
        case 2:
            Result[id.xy] = float4(0,1,0);
            distanceTraveled = maxRaydistance;
        case 3:
            Result[id.xy] = float4(0,0);
            distanceTraveled = maxRaydistance;

    // traversing the ray beyond the first point
    while (distanceTraveled < maxRaydistance) 
        switch (face) {
        case 1:
            distancesXYZ.x = axesUnit.x;
            distancesXYZ.y = (floor(pointHolder.y + directionIfReplacements.y) - pointHolder.y) / direction.y;
            distancesXYZ.z = (floor(pointHolder.z + directionIfReplacements.z) - pointHolder.z) / direction.z;
        case 2:
            distancesXYZ.y = axesUnit.y;
            distancesXYZ.x = (floor(pointHolder.x + directionIfReplacements.x) - pointHolder.x) / direction.x;
            distancesXYZ.z = (floor(pointHolder.z + directionIfReplacements.z) - pointHolder.z) / direction.z;
        case 3:
            distancesXYZ.z = axesUnit.z;
            distancesXYZ.x = (floor(pointHolder.x + directionIfReplacements.x) - pointHolder.x) / direction.x;
            distancesXYZ.y = (floor(pointHolder.y + directionIfReplacements.y) - pointHolder.y) / direction.y;
            distancesXYZ.x = (floor(pointHolder.x + directionIfReplacements.x) - pointHolder.x) / direction.x;
            distancesXYZ.y = (floor(pointHolder.y + directionIfReplacements.y) - pointHolder.y) / direction.y;
            distancesXYZ.z = (floor(pointHolder.z + directionIfReplacements.z) - pointHolder.z) / direction.z;

        face = 0; // 1 = x,3 = z
        float smallestdistance = 1000;
        if (distancesXYZ.x < smallestdistance) {
            smallestdistance = distancesXYZ.x;
            face = 1;
        if (distancesXYZ.y < smallestdistance) {
            smallestdistance = distancesXYZ.y;
            face = 2;
        if (distancesXYZ.z < smallestdistance) {
            smallestdistance = distancesXYZ.z;
            face = 3;
        if (smallestdistance == 0) {

        int3 facesIfReplacement = { 1,1 };
        switch (face) { // directionIfReplacements is positive if positive but I want to subtract so invert it to subtract 1 when negative subtract nothing when positive
        case 1:
            facesIfReplacement.x = 1 - directionIfReplacements.x;
        case 2:
            facesIfReplacement.y = 1 - directionIfReplacements.y;
        case 3:
            facesIfReplacement.z = 1 - directionIfReplacements.z;

        pointHolder += direction * smallestdistance; // the acual ray marching
        distanceTraveled += smallestdistance;

        int3 voxelIndexXYZ = { -1,-1,-1 }; // the integer coordinates within the buffer
        voxelIndexXYZ.x = ceil(pointHolder.x - facesIfReplacement.x);
        voxelIndexXYZ.y = ceil(pointHolder.y - facesIfReplacement.y);
        voxelIndexXYZ.z = ceil(pointHolder.z - facesIfReplacement.z);

        //check if voxelIndexXYZ is within bounds of the voxel buffer before indexing the array
        if (voxelIndexXYZ.x < voxelBufferRowSize &&
            voxelIndexXYZ.x >= 0 &&
            voxelIndexXYZ.y < voxelBufferRowSize &&
            voxelIndexXYZ.y >= 0 &&
            voxelIndexXYZ.z < voxelBufferRowSize &&
            voxelIndexXYZ.z >= 0)
            int voxelIndex = voxelIndexXYZ.x + (voxelIndexXYZ.z * voxelBufferRowSize) + (voxelIndexXYZ.y * voxelBufferPlanesize); // the voxel index in the flat array
            switch (voxelMaterials[voxelIndex]) {
            case 1:
                Result[id.xy] = float4(1,0) * (1 - (distanceTraveled / maxRaydistance));
                distanceTraveled = maxRaydistance; // to end the while loop
            case 2:
                Result[id.xy] = float4(0,0) * (1 - (distanceTraveled / maxRaydistance));
                distanceTraveled = maxRaydistance;
            case 3:
                Result[id.xy] = float4(0,0) * (1 - (distanceTraveled / maxRaydistance));
                distanceTraveled = maxRaydistance;
        else {
            break; // should be uncommented in actual game implementation where the player will always be inside the voxel buffer


enter image description here


#pragma kernel CSMain

RWTexture2D<float4> Result; // the actual array of pixels the player sees
float4 resultHolder;
const float width; // in pixels
const float height;

const Buffer<int> voxelMaterials; // for Now just getting a flat voxel array
const Buffer<float4> voxelColors;
const int voxelBufferRowSize;
const int voxelBufferPlanesize;
const int voxelBufferSize;
const Buffer<float3> rayDirections; // I'm Now actually using it as points instead of directions
const float maxRaydistance;

const float3 playerCameraPosition; // relative to the voxelData,no negative coordinates
const float3 playerWorldForward;
const float3 playerWorldRight;
const float3 playerWorldUp;

void CSMain(uint3 id : SV_dispatchThreadID)
    resultHolder = float4(0,0); // setting the pixel to black by default
    float3 pointHolder = playerCameraPosition; // initializing the first point to the player's position
    const float3 p = rayDirections[id.x + (id.y * width)]; // vector transformation getting the world space directions of the rays relative to the player
    const float3 u1 = p.x * playerWorldRight;
    const float3 u2 = p.y * playerWorldUp;
    const float3 u3 = p.z * playerWorldForward;
    const float3 direction = u1 + u2 + u3; // the transformed ray direction in world space
    const bool anyDir0 = direction.x == 0 || direction.y == 0 || direction.z == 0; // preventing a division by zero
    float distanceTraveled = maxRaydistance * anyDir0;

    const float3 nonZeroDirection = { // to prevent a division by zero
        direction.x + (1 * anyDir0),direction.y + (1 * anyDir0),direction.z + (1 * anyDir0)
    const float3 axesUnits = { // the distances if the axis is an integer
        1.0f / abs(nonZeroDirection.x),1.0f / abs(nonZeroDirection.y),1.0f / abs(nonZeroDirection.z)
    const bool3 isDirectionPositiveOr0 = {
        direction.x >= 0,direction.y >= 0,direction.z >= 0

    while (distanceTraveled < maxRaydistance)
        const bool3 pointIsAnInteger = {
            (int)pointHolder.x == pointHolder.x,(int)pointHolder.y == pointHolder.y,(int)pointHolder.z == pointHolder.z

        const float3 distancesXYZ = {
            ((floor(pointHolder.x + isDirectionPositiveOr0.x) - pointHolder.x) / direction.x * !pointIsAnInteger.x)  +  (axesUnits.x * pointIsAnInteger.x),((floor(pointHolder.y + isDirectionPositiveOr0.y) - pointHolder.y) / direction.y * !pointIsAnInteger.y)  +  (axesUnits.y * pointIsAnInteger.y),((floor(pointHolder.z + isDirectionPositiveOr0.z) - pointHolder.z) / direction.z * !pointIsAnInteger.z)  +  (axesUnits.z * pointIsAnInteger.z)

        float smallestdistance = min(distancesXYZ.x,distancesXYZ.y);
        smallestdistance = min(smallestdistance,distancesXYZ.z);

        pointHolder += direction * smallestdistance;
        distanceTraveled += smallestdistance;

        const int3 voxelIndexXYZ = {
            floor(pointHolder.x) - (!isDirectionPositiveOr0.x && (int)pointHolder.x == pointHolder.x),floor(pointHolder.y) - (!isDirectionPositiveOr0.y && (int)pointHolder.y == pointHolder.y),floor(pointHolder.z) - (!isDirectionPositiveOr0.z && (int)pointHolder.z == pointHolder.z)

        const bool inBounds = (voxelIndexXYZ.x < voxelBufferRowSize && voxelIndexXYZ.x >= 0) && (voxelIndexXYZ.y < voxelBufferRowSize && voxelIndexXYZ.y >= 0) && (voxelIndexXYZ.z < voxelBufferRowSize && voxelIndexXYZ.z >= 0);

        const int voxelIndexFlat = (voxelIndexXYZ.x + (voxelIndexXYZ.z * voxelBufferRowSize) + (voxelIndexXYZ.y * voxelBufferPlanesize)) * inBounds; // meaning the voxel on 0,0 will always be empty and act as a our index out of range prevention

        if (voxelMaterials[voxelIndexFlat] > 0) {
            resultHolder = voxelColors[voxelMaterials[voxelIndexFlat]] * (1 - (distanceTraveled / maxRaydistance));
        if (!inBounds) break;
    Result[id.xy] = resultHolder;


计算着色器是这样的:一个在 GPU 上运行的程序,无论是在 vulkan 上,还是在 Unity 中,所以无论哪种方式,您都可以并行执行。然而,vulkan 的重点在于它让您可以更好地控制在 GPU 上执行的命令 - 同步、内存等。因此它在 vulkan 中不一定比在 unity 中更快。所以,你实际上应该做的是optimise your shaders

此外,if/else 的主要问题是 divergence within groups of invocations which operate in lock-step。所以,如果你能避免它,性能影响将大大减少。 These 可以帮助您。

如果您仍然想在 vulkan 中完成所有这些...


您只需要将交换链图像作为描述符中的 storage image 传递给计算着色器(当然,您的着色器可能需要的任何其他数据,都是通过描述符传递的)。为此,您需要在交换链创建结构中指定 VK_IMAGE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT

然后,在您的命令缓冲区中,您将描述符集与图像和其他数据绑定,绑定计算管道,并像您在 Unity 中所做的那样调度它。交换链演示和提交命令缓冲区不应与教程中的图形工作方式不同。

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