



例如学校有 5 个学生,我输入

  • “约翰”“85”

  • “迈克尔”“59”

  • “罗伯特”“64”

  • “简”“100”

  • “托尼”“42”


  • 0-39:
  • 40-69:***
  • 70-89:*
  • 90-100:*

这是小代码和设计。 (这不是考试题或作业,我是 C# 新手,只是想解决一些问题。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace csharcpconsole
    class Program
        class Student
            public string name;
            public int grade;

            public Student(string studentname,int studentgrade)
                name = studentname;
                grade = studentgrade;


        static void Main ()
            Console.WriteLine("How many student you will add?");
            int studentcount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            for(int i=0;i<studentcount;i++)
                Console.WriteLine($"Please enter the {i + 1}'th student name.");
               Student  st = new Student (Console.ReadLine())

                Console.WriteLine($"Please enter the {i + 1}'th student name and grade.");
                Student st = new Student int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())





  1. 我会将您的 Student 类更改为使用自动属性

  2. 使用 List<T> 来存储创建的每个新学生

  3. 打印到控制台并使用 Linq 获取年级范围内的学生人数

    public class Student
        public string Name { get; set;} //auto property
        public int Grade { get; set; } //auto property
    static void Main ()
        Console.WriteLine("How many student will you add?");
        string consoleInput = Console.ReadLine();
        //int for out parameter of int.TryParse()
        int outInt = default(int); //Or in C# 9 - int outInt = default;
        int studentcount = Int32.TryParse(consoleInput,out outInt) ? 
                             outInt : 0; // Or throw an exception??
        //initialize a List<T> of Student type
        List<Student> students = new List<Student>(studentcount);
        for(int i=0;i<studentcount;i++)
           Console.WriteLine($"Please enter the {i + 1}'th student name.");
           Student st = new Student { Name = Console.ReadLine() };
           Console.WriteLine($"Please enter the {i + 1}'th student name and grade.");
           //You don't need to create another Student,use the one from above
           //re-use the string from above
           consoleInput = Console.ReadLine();
           st.Grade = Int32.TryParse(consoleInput,out outInt) ? 
                          outInt : 0; //Or throw exception??
           //Add your student to the list
        //Print the result to the console
        if(students.Count > 0)
            //Get students 0-39
            int number = students.Where(z => z.Grade < 40).Count();
            Console.WriteLine("0-39: " + ReturnAsteriks(number));
            //students 40-69
            number = students.Where(z => z.Grade >= 40 && z.Grade < 70).Count();
            Console.WriteLine("40-69: " + ReturnAsteriks(number));
            //students 70-89
            number = students.Where(z => z.Grade >= 70 && z.Grade < 90).Count();
            Console.WriteLine("70-89: " + ReturnAsteriks(number));
            //students 90-100
            number = students.Where(z => z.Grade >= 90).Count();
            Console.WriteLine("90-100: " + ReturnAsteriks(number));
    //Private method to build the number of asteriks
    //Takes an int and returns a string of asteriks
    private string ReturnAsteriks(int numOfAsteriks)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
        for(int z = 0; z < numOfAsteriks; z++)
        return sb.ToString();

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