
Netlogo:从 csv 文件应用年龄分布时出错

如何解决Netlogo:从 csv 文件应用年龄分布时出错

我刚刚在我的模型中发现了一个错误,我创建了一个具有家庭规模分布和相关年龄分布的人口。我的问题是我的程序在决定年龄时似乎没有正确分配每个结果的概率。我应该有 16% 的老年人,但我的模型给了我 3%(总人口)。



to hatch-family ; hatching the rest of the household using percentual distribution of household size in berlin population
  ifelse random-float 1 <= 0.01 [set household-size 6  set dwelling patch-here hatch 5]
  [ifelse random-float 1 <= 0.02 [set household-size 5 set dwelling patch-here hatch 4]
    [ifelse random-float 1 <= 0.06 [set household-size 4  set dwelling patch-here hatch 3]
      [ifelse random-float 1 <= 0.11 [set household-size 3 set dwelling patch-here hatch 2]
        [ifelse random-float 1 <= 0.31 [set household-size 2 set dwelling patch-here hatch 1]
          [ifelse random-float 1 <= 0.49 [set household-size 1 set dwelling patch-here]


to assign-age; assign age depending on household size according to distribution on csv file,;i = the different rows representing different household sizes
  if household-size = 1 [get-age-breed 1]
  if household-size = 2 [get-age-breed 2]
  if household-size = 3 [get-age-breed 3]
  if household-size = 4 [get-age-breed 4]
  if household-size = 5 [get-age-breed 5]
  if household-size = 6 [get-age-breed 6]

to get-age-data ; reading csv file and creating dataset with age distribution of the population
  file-close-all                          ; close all open files
    if not file-exists? "Data/age-dist-breeds.csv"  [
    user-message "No file 'age-dist-breeds' exists!"

  file-open "Data/age-dist-breeds.csv"  ; open the file with the turtle data
  set age-data csv:from-file "Data/age-dist-breeds.csv"
  file-close                              ; making sure to close the file

to get-age-breed [i]; process for assigning age after distribution for household size i,will repeat itself if no age is assigned in prevIoUs run
  let child-var item 1 item i age-data
ifelse (random-float 1 <= child-var)
   [set age random 14 set breed children set age-susceptibility 0.0025]
   [let teen-var item 2 (item i age-data)
     ifelse (random-float 1 <= teen-var)
    [set age 15 + random 4 set breed teens set age-susceptibility 0.005]
    [let adult-var item 3 (item i age-data)
        ifelse ( random-float 1 <= adult-var)
           [let age-susc-var random 49
            set age 20 + age-susc-var set breed adults set age-susceptibility (age-susc-var / 49) * 0.075 + 0.015]
           [let elder-var item 4 (item i age-data)
  ifelse ( random-float 1 <= elder-var )
        [ set age 70 + random 30 set breed elderly set age-susceptibility 0.08]
        [get-age-breed i]






to hatch-family
  ifelse random-float 1 <= 0.01
  [ ifelse random-float 1 <= 0.02
    [ ifelse random-float 1 <= 0.06
      [ ifelse random-float 1 <= 0.11
        [ ifelse random-float 1 <= 0.31
          [ ifelse random-float 1 <= 0.49
            [ hatch-family ]

所以它抽取一个数字,满足第一个条件的概率为 1%,否则它抽取另一个数字,依此类推直到结束。更重要的是,它会在大约一半的时间内再次完成整个过程,因为该过程将自己称为最终绘制的错误分支。


to hatch-family
  let my-draw random-float 1
  ifelse my-draw <= 0.01 []
  [ ifelse my-draw <= 0.02 []
    [ ifelse my-draw <= 0.06 []

但您也可以使用多选 ifelse 来清理代码(假设您使用的是当前版本的 NetLogo),看起来像:

to hatch-family
  let my-draw random-float 1
  ( ifelse
     my-draw <= 0.01 []
     my-draw <= 0.02 []
     my-draw <= 0.06 []

注意开头(让 NetLogo 知道需要两个以上的子句。

或者您可以使用 Steve 已经提到的 rnd 扩展名。


所以我最终通过@JenB 的一些输入解决了它。在这里发布,以防有​​人对它感兴趣。



; hatching the rest of the household using percentual distribution of household size of Berlin population (Zensus Datenbank)
; (nr of households with specific size / total number of households in Berlin,; hence the percentage of the total population will be accurate as the population increases with each hatching)
to hatch-family
ask turtles
  let my-draw random-float 1
   my-draw <= 0.01 [set household-size 6 set dwelling patch-here hatch 5]
   my-draw <= 0.03 [set household-size 5 set dwelling patch-here hatch 4]
   my-draw <= 0.09 [set household-size 4 set dwelling patch-here hatch 3]
   my-draw <= 0.20 [set household-size 3 set dwelling patch-here hatch 2]
   my-draw <= 0.51 [set household-size 2 set dwelling patch-here hatch 1]
      my-draw <= 1 [set household-size 1 set dwelling patch-here]


(我用 up-to-n-of 命令解决了这个问题,而不是随机浮点数,以解决概率并不总是按最低->最高顺序的问题)

to assign-age; assign age depending on household size according to distribution on csv file,;second item [i] = the different rows representing different household sizes
  ask turtles [set age 0]
  get-age-data ; reading csv file and naming it age-data
  get-age-breed 1
  get-age-breed 2
  get-age-breed 3
  get-age-breed 4
  get-age-breed 5
  get-age-breed 6

to get-age-breed [i]; process for assigning age after distribution for household size i
  let child-var up-to-n-of ((count turtles with [household-size = i]) * item 1 (item i age-data)) (turtles with [household-size = i and age = 0])
  ask child-var [set age random 14 set breed children set age-susceptibility 0.0025]
  let teen-var up-to-n-of (count turtles with [household-size = i] * item 2 item i age-data) (turtles with [household-size = i and age = 0])
  ask teen-var [set age 15 + random 4 set breed teens set age-susceptibility 0.005]
  let elder-var up-to-n-of (count turtles with [household-size = i] * item 4 item i age-data) (turtles with [household-size = i and age = 0])
  ask elder-var [set age 70 + random 30 set breed elderly set age-susceptibility 0.08]
  let adult-var up-to-n-of (count turtles with [household-size = i] * item 3 item i age-data) (turtles with [household-size = i and age = 0])
  ask adult-var [let age-susc-var random 49 set age 20 + age-susc-var set breed adults set age-susceptibility (age-susc-var / 49) * 0.075 + 0.015]



恐怕我没有了解您的整个情况,但我认为您应该查看 NetLogo 中内置的 Rnd 扩展。它至少应该对您正在做的一些事情有所帮助。

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