
如何在答案/输入的 .csv 文件中找到最接近的数字?

如何解决如何在答案/输入的 .csv 文件中找到最接近的数字?

我正在尝试找出一种方法,从 CSV 文件中的答案中找到最接近的数字。 我真的是python的初学者。我尝试了很多想法来让这里的任何事情都能奏效,但我应该多学习。

顺便说一句,有我的代码和 .cvs 文件life-expectancy.csv

来自 CSV 文件的示例行:

Entity,Code,Year,Life expectancy (years)


import csv

i = 0
j = 0
average = 0
sum_age = 0
max_age = -1
max_year = -1
max_country = ""
min_age = 1000
min_year = 1000
min_country = ""
lowest_age = 100
lowest_year = 1000
lowest_country = ""
highest_age = -1
highest_year = -1
highest_country = ""

interest = int(input("Enter the year of interest: ")) 

with open("life-expectancy.csv") as life_expct:
    for line in life_expct:
        i = i + 1
        clean_line = line.strip()
        splitting = clean_line.split(",")
        if i > 1:
            country = splitting[0]
            year = int(splitting[2])
            age = float(splitting[3])

            if max_age < age:
                max_age = age
                max_year = year                
                max_country = country                                

            if min_age > age:
                min_age = age
                min_year = year                
                min_country = country                                  
            if interest == year:
                sum_age += age      
                j = j + 1               
                if highest_age < age:
                    highest_age = age
                    highest_year = year
                    highest_country = country  

                if lowest_age > age:
                    lowest_age = age
                    lowest_year = year
                    lowest_country = country                   

average = sum_age / j      

print(f"The overall max life expectancy is: {max_age} from {max_country} in {max_year}")
print(f"The overall min life expectancy is: {min_age} from {min_country} in {min_year}")

print(f"For the year {interest}:")
print(f"The average life expectancy across all countries was {average:.2f}")
print(f"The max life expectancy was in {highest_country} with {highest_age}")
print(f"The min life expectancy was in {lowest_country} with {lowest_age}")

我试着把这样的代码放在最后,但我不知道该怎么做。 这是我尝试过的代码


given_value = 2
a_list = [1,5,8]
absolute_difference_function = lambda list_value : abs(list_value - given_value)

closest_value = min(a_list,key=absolute_difference_function)


Enter the year of interest: 1965

The overall max life expectancy is: 86.751 from Monaco in 2019
The overall min life expectancy is: 17.76 from Iceland in 1882

For the year 1965:
The average life expectancy across all countries was 57.55
The max life expectancy was in Sweden with 73.81
The min life expectancy was in Mali with 29.489



也许您想查看 pandas 库,它是为像您这样的项目而设计的。这只是一个非常粗略的例子,很容易改进。

    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.read_csv("life-expectancy.csv",sep=",")

    interest = int(input("Please enter year of interest:"))
    df_interest = df[df['Year'] == interest]

    interest_min = df_interest[df_interest['Life expectancy (years)'] == df_interest['Life expectancy (years)'].min()]
    interest_ent,interest_code,interest_year,interest_exp = interest_min.squeeze().to_list()

    print(f"The overall min life expectancy is: {interest_exp} from {interest_ent} in {interest_year}")

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