
如果给定二元组的概率为 0,如何找到二元组的困惑度

如何解决如果给定二元组的概率为 0,如何找到二元组的困惑度


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当要预测的句子中单词 per 的概率之一为 0 时,如何进行?

With qry1 As (
    SELECT      Cust_Id,DATEDIFF(year,BirthDate,GETDATE()) As Age
    FROM        Customers 
    WHERE       BirthDate is not null 
),qry2 As (
    SELECT      Max(Age) As Max_Age
    FROM        qry1
SELECT      Customers.Cust_Id,Customers.Prefix,Customers.FirstName,Customers.MiddleName,Customers.LastName,Customers.Suffix,Qry1.Age
FROM        Customers
Inner Join  Qry1 On Customers.Cust_Id = Qry1.Cust_Id
Inner Join  Qry2 On Qry1.Age = Qry2.Max_Age

例如,如果 # just examples,don't mind the counts corpus_bigram = {'<s> Now': 2,'Now is': 1,'is as': 6,'as one': 1,'one mordant': 1,'mordant </s>': 5} word_dict = {'<s>': 2,'Now': 1,'is': 6,'as': 1,'one': 1,'mordant': 5,'</s>': 5} test_bigram = {'<s> Now': 2,'Now <UNK>': 1,'<UNK> as': 6,'as </s>': 5} n = 1 # Add one smoothing probabilities = {} for bigram in test_bigram: if bigram in corpus_bigram: value = corpus_bigram[bigram] first_word = bigram.split()[0] probabilities[bigram] = (value + n) / (word_dict.get(first_word) + (n * len(word_dict))) else: probabilities[bigram] = 0 的概率为


ZeroDivisionError: 除以零


常见的解决方案是分配不出现小概率的单词,例如1/NN 是单词总数。所以你假装一个没有出现在你的数据中的词确实出现过一次;这只会引入一个小错误,但会停止除以零。

所以在你的情况下,probabilities[bigram] = 1 / <sum of all bigram frequencies>

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