
sonarlint 消息的描述部分可以关闭吗?

如何解决sonarlint 消息的描述部分可以关闭吗?

我正在使用 gradle 插件 name.remal.sonarlint 在 CI 管道中运行 sonarlint。 sonarlint 输出的消息由 3 部分组成:

[rank 5] [java:S6068] /builds/xxxxx/XxxxTest.java:23:39
  Call to Mockito method "verify","when" or "given" should be simplified
  Mockito provides argument matchers for flexibly stubbing or verifying method calls.
  Mockito.verify(),Mockito.when(),Stubber.when() and BDDMockito.given() each have overloads with
  and without argument matchers.
  However,the default matching behavior (i.e. without argument matchers) uses equals(). If only
  the matcher org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.eq() is used,the call is equivalent to the call without
  matchers,i.e. the eq() is not necessary and can be omitted. The resulting code is shorter and
  easier to read.
  Noncompliant Code Example
  public void mytest() {
    given(foo.bar(eq(v1),eq(v2),eq(v3))).willReturn(null);   // Noncompliant
    when(foo.baz(eq(v4),eq(v5))).thenReturn("foo");   // Noncompliant
    doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(foo).quux(eq(42));    // Noncompliant
    verify(foo).bar(eq(v1),eq(v3));   // Noncompliant
  Compliant Solution
  public void mytest() {
    doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(foo).quux(42);
  * Mockito documentation
    - argument matchers
  * {rule:java:S6073} - Mockito argument matchers should be used on all parameters

如何将 sonarlint 配置为仅生成前 2 个部分?

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