
在 symfony 的 phpunit-bridge 中第二次运行后,如何强制显示所有弃用通知?

如何解决在 symfony 的 phpunit-bridge 中第二次运行后,如何强制显示所有弃用通知?

我在 symfony 3.4 中有一个旧项目,我想让它免弃用,以便能够升级到 symfony 4.0。


PHP bin/simple-phpunit


186x: Creating Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\UnderscoreNamingStrategy without making it [...]
186x: YAML mapping driver is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0,[...]
3x: The "assetic.filter.cssrewrite" service is private,getting it from the container [...]
3x: The "assetic.filter.less" service is private,getting it from the [...]
1x: Not quoting the scalar "%nodeBin%" starting with the "%" indicator  [...]
1x: Not quoting the scalar "%nodePaths%" starting with the "%" indicator  [...]
1x: The "framework.trusted_proxies" configuration key has been  [...]
1x: Not setting "logout_on_user_change" to true on firewall [...]
1x: Enabling the "sensio_framework_extra.router.annotations" configuration  [...]
1x: The "sensio_framework_extra.routing.loader.annot_class" service  [...]
1x: The "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Routing\AnnotatedRouteControllerLoader" class [...]
1x: The "sensio_framework_extra.routing.loader.annot_dir" service is [...]
1x: The "sensio_framework_extra.routing.loader.annot_file" service is  [...]
1x: The "assetic.filter_manager" service is private,getting it from the  [...]

尽管如此,当我运行非常精确的 PHP bin/simple-phpunit 命令时,对于 second 和以下时间,我只会得到:

186x: Creating Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\UnderscoreNamingStrategy without making it [...]
186x: YAML mapping driver is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0,[...]

这似乎相当不确定,这个。我希望 simple-phpunit 是无状态的,并且不记得它在之前的调用中做了什么。



  • 如何“强制”第一次“按原样”制作第 2 次和随后的弃用情况的完整报告?

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