
OpenCV 内存和 CPU 使用率

如何解决OpenCV 内存和 CPU 使用率

我正在为我的学士项目制造 USV(无人水面车辆)。它需要保持的轨道是通过在轨道的左侧/右侧和障碍物上放置彩色浮标来制作的。 所以我需要跟踪这些物体的深度,并将所有这些信息提供给我的导航程序。

我使用 ROS 和 OpenCV 编写了一个 Python 代码,用 ZED2 相机跟踪这些浮标。但是我遇到了 cpu 和内存问题。 ubuntu 桌面开始滞后的地方。 使用 Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX,我使用了 85% 的 cpu 和 5.5+/7.59Gb 内存。


from __future__ import print_function
import roslib
import sys
import rospy
import cv2
from main.msg import VarRed,VarGreen,varyellow,RedHSV,GreenHSV,YellowHSV,MidPoint
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
from cv_bridge import CvBridge,CvBridgeError
import numpy as np
import imutils
import time
from collections import deque
import math

class image_converter:
    def __init__(self):

        self.image_subd = rospy.Subscriber("/zed2/zed_node/depth/depth_registered",Image,self.callbackDepth)
        self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/zed2/zed_node/rgb_raw/image_raw_color",self.callbackVideo)
        self.image_pub = rospy.Publisher("/Tracking/RG_image",queue_size = 1)

        self.RedHSV_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/Tracking/Red_HSV",self.redHSV)
        self.GreenHSV_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/Tracking/Green_HSV",self.greenHSV)
        self.YellowHSV_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/Tracking/Yellow_HSV",self.yellowHSV)

        self.MidPoint_pub = rospy.Publisher("/Tracking/MidPoint",MidPoint,queue_size = 1)

        self.red_bridge = CvBridge()
        self.red_publisher = rospy.Publisher("/Tracking/red",VarRed,queue_size = 1)

        self.green_bridge = CvBridge()
        self.green_publisher = rospy.Publisher("/Tracking/green",queue_size = 1)
        self.yellow_bridge = CvBridge()
        self.yellow_publisher = rospy.Publisher("/Tracking/yellow",queue_size = 1)

        self.RedLower =  (0,101,68)                                                                                # Declaring the red-specter
        self.RedUpper = (15,255,255)

        self.GreenLower =  (75,145,48)                                                                               # Declaring the green-specter
        self.GreenUpper = (96,75)

        self.YellowLower =  (28,56,91)                                                                            # Declaring the yellow-specter
        self.YellowUpper = (51,152,150)

        self.red_pts = deque(maxlen=14)
        self.red_counter = 0
        self.red_x = 0
        self.red_y = 0
        self.red_radius = 30

        self.green_pts = deque(maxlen=14)
        self.green_counter = 0
        self.green_x = 0
        self.green_y = 0
        self.green_radius = 30

        self.yellow_pts = deque(maxlen=14)
        self.yellow_counter = 0
        self.yellow_x = 0
        self.yellow_y = 0
        self.yellow_radius = 30

    def redHSV(self,msg):
        self.RedLower = (msg.r_h_low-10,msg.r_s_low-10,msg.r_v_low-10)
        self.RedUpper = (msg.r_h_high+10,msg.r_s_high+10,msg.r_v_high+10)

    def greenHSV(self,msg):
        self.GreenLower = (msg.g_h_low-10,msg.g_s_low-10,msg.g_v_low-10)
        self.GreenUpper = (msg.g_h_high+10,msg.g_s_high+10,msg.g_v_high+10)

    def yellowHSV(self,msg):
        self.YellowLower = (msg.y_h_low-10,msg.y_s_low-10,msg.y_v_low-10)
        self.YellowUpper = (msg.y_h_high+10,msg.y_s_high+10,msg.y_v_high+10)

    def callbackDepth(self,msg_depth):
            cv_image_depth = self.red_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg_depth,"32FC1")                                        # CV_Bridge Depth
        except CvBridgeError as e:


        except CvBridgeError as e:
    def callbackVideo(self,data):
            cv_image = self.red_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data,"bgr8")                                                    # CV_Bridge Video
        except CvBridgeError as e:

        (rows,cols,channels) = cv_image.shape

        frame = cv_image
        blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(frame,(21,21),0)                                                                # resize the frame,blur it,and convert it to the HSV (11,11),0
        hsv = cv2.cvtColor(blurred,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)                                                                # color space.
        red_mask = cv2.inRange(hsv,self.RedLower,self.RedUpper)                                                     # Construct a mask for the color "red",then perform
        red_mask = cv2.erode(red_mask,None,iterations=2)                                                            # a series of dilations and erosions to remove any small 
        red_mask = cv2.dilate(red_mask,iterations=2)                                                           # blobs thats left in the mask.

        green_mask = cv2.inRange(hsv,self.GreenLower,self.GreenUpper)                                               # construct a mask for the color "green",then perform
        green_mask = cv2.erode(green_mask,iterations=2)                                                        # a series of dilations and erosions to remove any small
        green_mask = cv2.dilate(green_mask,iterations=2)                                                       # blobs thats left in the mask.    

        yellow_mask = cv2.inRange(hsv,self.YellowLower,self.YellowUpper)                                            # construct a mask for the color "yellow",then perform
        yellow_mask = cv2.erode(yellow_mask,iterations=2)                                                      # a series of dilations and erosions to remove any small
        yellow_mask = cv2.dilate(yellow_mask,iterations=2)                                                     # blobs thats left in the mask.   

        red_cnts = cv2.findContours(red_mask.copy(),cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)                      # find contours in the mask and initialize the current
        red_cnts = imutils.grab_contours(red_cnts)
        red_center = None
        self.red_radius = 0

        green_cnts = cv2.findContours(green_mask.copy(),cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)                  # find contours in the mask and initialize the current
        green_cnts = imutils.grab_contours(green_cnts)
        green_center = None
        self.green_radius = 0

        yellow_cnts = cv2.findContours(yellow_mask.copy(),cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)                # find contours in the mask and initialize the current
        yellow_cnts = imutils.grab_contours(yellow_cnts)
        yellow_center = None
        self.yellow_radius = 0



        if len(red_cnts) > 0:                                                                                         # only proceed if at least one contour was found

            red_c = max(red_cnts,key=cv2.contourArea)                                                                # find the largest contour in the red_mask,then use
            ((self.red_x,self.red_y),self.red_radius) = cv2.minenclosingCircle(red_c)                               # it to compute the minimum enclosing circle and
            red_M = cv2.moments(red_c)                                                                                # centroid
            red_center = (int(red_M["m10"] / red_M["m00"]),int(red_M["m01"] / red_M["m00"]))

        if self.red_radius > 5:                                                                                       # only proceed if the radius meets a minimum size

            cv2.circle(frame,(int(self.red_x),int(self.red_y)),int(self.red_radius),(0,255),2)             # draw the circle and centroid on the red_frame,cv2.circle(frame,red_center,5,-1)                                                         # then update the list of tracked points

            msg = VarRed()
            msg.r_visible = True
            #if self.red_y == self.red_y and self.red_x == self.red_x:
            r_length = cv_imaged[int(self.red_y),int(self.red_x)]                                                 # length to object
            msg.r_x = self.red_x
            msg.r_y = self.red_y
            msg.r_rad = self.red_radius

            ToRad = 2*np.pi/360      # = 0.01745329252
            ToDeg = 360/(2*np.pi)    # = 57.29577951308
            # Printing pixel values

            cv2.putText(frame,str("L: %.3f" %r_length),((int(self.red_x)),cv2.FONT_HERShey_COMPLEX,1,2)
            cv2.putText(frame,str("RX: %.1f" %msg.r_x +" px"),(10,30),0.8,(255,1)
            cv2.putText(frame,str("RY: %.1f" %msg.r_y + " px"),60),1)

            # For X-direction
            red_l_cm = (r_length*100)                                                                             # Converting to Centimeters
            start_x_r = 960/(math.tan((55*ToRad)))                                                                    # finding start x-length in px
            ang_x_r =  (math.atan((self.red_x-960)/start_x_r))*ToDeg                                                  # finding horizontal angle
            red_x_cm = (red_l_cm*math.sin((ang_x_r)*ToRad))

            cv2.putText(frame,str("RXC: %.1f" %red_x_cm + " cm"),90),str("X Ang: %.1f" %ang_x_r),150),1)

            # For Y-direction
            start_y_r = 540/(math.tan((35*ToRad)))                                                                              # finding start y-length in px
            ang_y_r = ((math.atan((self.red_y-540)/start_y_r))*ToDeg)*-1                                                        # finding vertical angle
            red_y_cm = (red_l_cm/math.tan((ang_y_r*ToRad)+(math.pi/2)))*-1                                                      # finding the y-length

            cv2.putText(frame,str("RYC: %.1f" %red_y_cm + " cm"),120),str("Y Ang: %.1f" %ang_y_r),180),1)

            red_z = (math.cos(abs(ang_x_r)*ToRad))*red_l_cm

            msg.r_length = red_l_cm
            msg.r_xc = red_x_cm
            msg.r_yc = red_y_cm
            msg.r_angle = ang_x_r                                                                                     # update the points queue
            msg.r_z = red_z            

            for i in range(1,len(self.red_pts)):                                                                     # loop over the set of points
                if self.red_pts[i - 1] is None or self.red_pts[i] is None:                                            # if either of the tracked points
                    continue                                                                                          # are None,ignore them.

                thickness = int(np.sqrt(64 / float(i + 1)) * 2.5)                                                     # otherwise,compute the thickness of the line and
                cv2.line(frame,self.red_pts[i - 1],self.red_pts[i],thickness)                         # draw the connecting lines

        if self.red_radius < 5:
            msg = VarRed()
            msg.r_visible = False


        if len(green_cnts) > 0:                                                                                       # same as in red,but for green

            green_c = max(green_cnts,key=cv2.contourArea)
            ((self.green_x,self.green_y),self.green_radius) = cv2.minenclosingCircle(green_c)
            green_M = cv2.moments(green_c)
            green_center = (int(green_M["m10"] / green_M["m00"]),int(green_M["m01"] / green_M["m00"]))

        if self.green_radius > 5:

            ToRad = 2*np.pi/360      # = 0.01745329252
            ToDeg = 360/(2*np.pi)    # = 57.29577951308

            msg1 = VarGreen()
            msg1.g_visible = True
            g_length = cv_imaged[int(self.green_y),int(self.green_x)]   
            msg1.g_x = self.green_x
            msg1.g_y = self.green_y
            msg1.g_rad = self.green_radius

            # Printing pixel values

            cv2.rectangle(frame,(1740,(1920,200),str("L: %.3f" %g_length),((int(self.green_x)),str("GX: %.1f" %msg1.g_x +"px"),str("GY: %.1f" %msg1.g_y + "px"),1)

            # For X-direction
            green_l_cm = (g_length*100)
            start_x_g = 960/(math.tan((55*2*np.pi/360)))
            ang_x_g = (math.atan((self.green_x-960)/start_x_g))*57.295779513
            green_x_cm = (green_l_cm*math.sin((ang_x_g)*ToRad))

            # For Y-direction
            start_y_g = 540/(math.tan((35*2*np.pi/360)))
            ang_y_g = ((math.atan((self.green_y-540)/start_y_g))*57.295779513)*-1
            green_y_cm = green_l_cm/math.tan(ang_y_g*ToRad+(math.pi/2))*-1

            cv2.putText(frame,str("GXC: %.1f" %green_x_cm + "cm"),str("X Ang: %.1f" %ang_x_g),str("GYC: %.1f" %green_y_cm + "cm"),str("Y Ang: %.1f" %ang_y_g),1)

            green_z = (math.cos(abs(ang_x_g)*ToRad))*green_l_cm
            msg1.g_length = green_l_cm
            msg1.g_xc = green_x_cm
            msg1.g_yc = green_y_cm
            msg1.g_angle = ang_x_g
            msg1.g_z = green_z

            for i in range(1,len(self.green_pts)):                                                                   

                if self.green_pts[i - 1] is None or self.green_pts[i] is None:

                thickness = int(np.sqrt(64 / float(i + 1)) * 2.5)
                cv2.line(frame,self.green_pts[i - 1],self.green_pts[i],thickness)

        if self.green_radius < 5:
            msg1 = VarGreen()
            msg1.g_visible = False


        if len(yellow_cnts) > 0:                                                                                      # only proceed if at least one contour was found

            yellow_c = max(yellow_cnts,key=cv2.contourArea)                                                          # find the largest contour in the yellow_mask,then use
            ((self.yellow_x,self.yellow_y),self.yellow_radius) = cv2.minenclosingCircle(yellow_c)                   # it to compute the minimum enclosing circle and
            yellow_M = cv2.moments(yellow_c)                                                                          # centroid
            yellow_center = (int(yellow_M["m10"] / yellow_M["m00"]),int(yellow_M["m01"] / yellow_M["m00"]))

        if self.yellow_radius > 5:                                                                                    # only proceed if the radius meets a minimum size

            cv2.circle(frame,(int(self.yellow_x),int(self.yellow_y)),int(self.yellow_radius),2)    # draw the circle and centroid on the yellow_frame,yellow_center,-1)                                                      # then update the list of tracked points

            ToRad = 2*np.pi/360      # = 0.01745329252
            ToDeg = 360/(2*np.pi)    # = 57.29577951308

            msg2 = varyellow()
            msg2.y_visible = True
            y_length = cv_imaged[int(self.yellow_y),int(self.yellow_x)]                                            # length to object
            msg2.y_x = self.yellow_x
            msg2.y_y = self.yellow_y
            msg2.y_rad = self.yellow_radius

            cv2.putText(frame,str("L: %.3f" %y_length),((int(self.yellow_x)),2)

            # For X-direction
            yellow_l_cm = y_length*100                                                                    # Converting to Centimeters
            start_x_y = 960/(math.tan((55*2*np.pi/360)))                                                         # finding start x-length in px
            ang_x_y = (math.atan((self.yellow_x-960)/start_x_y))*57.295779513                                 # finding horizontal angle
            #yellow_x = yellow_l_cm/math.tan((ang_x_y/57.295779513))                                              # finding the x-length
            yellow_x_cm = (yellow_l_cm*math.sin((ang_x_y)*ToRad))

            # For Y-direction
            start_y_y = 540/(math.tan((35*2*np.pi/360)))                                                         # finding start y-length in px
            ang_y_y = ((math.atan((self.yellow_y-540)/start_y_y))*57.295779513)*-1                                 # finding vertical angle
            #yellow_y = yellow_l_cm/math.tan((ang_y_y/57.295779513))                                              # finding the y-length
            yellow_y_cm = yellow_l_cm/math.tan(ang_y_y*ToRad+(math.pi/2))*-1   

            yellow_z = (math.cos(abs(ang_x_y)*ToRad))*yellow_l_cm

            msg2.y_length = yellow_l_cm
            msg2.y_xc = yellow_x_cm
            msg2.y_yc = yellow_y_cm
            msg2.y_angle = ang_x_y                                                                               # update the points queue
            msg2.y_z = yellow_z

            for i in range(1,len(self.yellow_pts)):                                                             # loop over the set of points
                if self.yellow_pts[i - 1] is None or self.yellow_pts[i] is None:                                 # if either of the tracked points
                    continue                                                                                     # are None,ignore them.

                thickness = int(np.sqrt(64 / float(i + 1)) * 2.5)                                                # otherwise,self.yellow_pts[i - 1],self.yellow_pts[i],thickness)              # draw the connecting lines

        if self.yellow_radius < 5: 
            msg2 = varyellow()
            msg2.y_visible = False


            if (self.green_radius > 5) & (self.red_radius > 5):                                                # if you can see both colors,proceed               
                ToRad = 2*np.pi/360      # = 0.01745329252
                ToDeg = 360/(2*np.pi)    # = 57.29577951308

                red_z = (math.cos(abs(ang_x_r)*ToRad))*red_l_cm
                green_z = (math.cos(abs(ang_x_g)*ToRad))*green_l_cm
                Delta_z = abs(red_z-green_z)
                Tot_x = abs(green_x_cm) + abs(red_x_cm)

                if Delta_z == Delta_z and Tot_x == Tot_x:
                    red_green_angle = (math.atan(Delta_z/Tot_x))*ToDeg
                    normal_angle =  red_green_angle
                    if green_l_cm >= red_l_cm:
                        normal_angle =  red_green_angle*-1
                    if green_l_cm < red_l_cm:
                        normal_angle =  red_green_angle

                    MidPoint_data = MidPoint()
                    MidPoint_data.angle = normal_angle

                    length_between_x = math.sqrt((Tot_x*Tot_x)+(Delta_z*Delta_z))

                    Delta_y = abs(red_y_cm-green_y_cm)
                    length_between = math.sqrt((length_between_x*length_between_x)+(Delta_y*Delta_y))

                #dx = green_x_cm - red_x_cm                                                                    # Finding the space between the colors in x-direction
                #dy = green_y_cm - red_y_cm                                                                    # Finding the space between the colors in y-direction  

                                                                         # Calculating the direct length between the colors in cm
                #cv2.putText(frame,str("dist: %.1f" %length_between + " cm"),1)

                #Middle_x = dx
                #Middle_y = dy

                MP_X = (msg1.g_x + msg.r_x)/2
                MP_Y = (msg1.g_y + msg.r_y)/2

                #Middle_Point_Angle = (math.atan((MP_X-960)/start_x_g))*57.295779513

                #Middle_Point_Angle = ang_x_g - ang_x_r

                #Middle_Point_Length =(red_x_cm-abs(Middle_x))/(math.sin((math.pi/2)-(Middle_Point_Angle*((2*math.pi)/720))))
                #Middle_Point_Length =((red_x_cm-abs(Middle_x))/(math.cos(Middle_Point_Angle*((2*math.pi)/720))))

                #cv2.putText(frame,str("MX: %.1f" %Middle_x + " cm"),1)
                #cv2.putText(frame,str("MY: %.1f" %Middle_y + " cm"),1)
                if MP_X == MP_X and MP_Y == MP_Y: 
                    cv2.circle(frame,(int(MP_X),int(MP_Y)),8,str("M_L: %.1f" %Middle_Point_Length + " cm"),str("M_ang: %.1f" %Middle_Point_Angle),1)


                #MidPoint_data = MidPoint()
                #MidPoint_data.z = Middle_Point_Length       


        except CvBridgeError as e:

def main(args):
    ic = image_converter()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("Shutting down")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Image of code in action

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