
攻击 Pygame 时敌人的武器和位置故障如何修复?

如何解决攻击 Pygame 时敌人的武器和位置故障如何修复?

VIDEO 每当我的敌人碰撞箱与玩家碰撞时,y 位置似乎发生了变化,我不知道为什么它会发生变化,而且看起来又乱又乱,有什么办法可以解决这个问题吗?


        if hitting:
            if playerman.rect.colliderect(launch1.rect):
                if arms1.x < playerman.x  - 170:
                    arms1.x += playerman.speed
                if arms1.x > playerman.x - 190:
                    arms1.x -= playerman.speed
                arms1.y = math.cos(math.radians(arms1.time)) * 95
                arms1.time += 1

在这里,如果玩家没有与 launc1 碰撞箱发生碰撞,则保持 Boss 的手臂浮动

        if not playerman.rect.colliderect(launch1.rect) and not attacks2 and not pausemove:
            arms1.y =  math.cos(math.radians(arms1.time)) * 95
            arms1.time += 1

接下来我检查了我的 hits2 是否为 true 并且玩家与 Boss 的武器碰撞箱碰撞以欺骗攻击,然后使 attack1 = True

        if hittings2:
            if playerman.rect.colliderect(arms1.sing1):
                 attack1 = True

如果我的attack1是真的,那么把我的boss arm1移高一点,如果它的grader然后190把它关掉并使attack2真,这将使我的boss手臂向下移动并同时转动hits2和hits

        if attack1:
            hittings2 = False
            arms1.y = math.cos(math.radians(arms1.time3)) * 95
            arms1.time3 += 1
            if arms1.time3 >= 190:
                attack1 = False
                arms1.time3 = 0
                attacks2 = True
                hittings2 = False
                hitting = False 

然后在这里我检查了attacks2是否是真的,并且它没有与collidtest3 rects底部发生碰撞,然后继续将其放下

        if attacks2:
            if not arms1.rect.bottom > collidtest3.rect.bottom:
                arms1.y += math.cos(math.radians(arms1.time)) * 15
                arms1.time += 1
                if arms1.time >= 190:
                    arms1.time = 0


        if arms1.rect.colliderect(collidtest3.rect):
            pausemove = True
            attacks2 = False
            attack1 = False
        if pausemove:
            if attack1timer < 270:
                attack1timer += 1
                arms1.y -= 1
                hittings2 = False

                hitting = True
                hittings2 = True
                pausemove = False
                attack1timer = 0
                if attack1:
                    arms1.time = 0


        if hitting:
            if playerman.rect.colliderect(launch1.rect):
                if arms1.x < playerman.x  - 170:
                    arms1.x += playerman.speed
                if arms1.x > playerman.x - 190:
                    arms1.x -= playerman.speed
                arms1.y = math.cos(math.radians(arms1.time)) * 95
                arms1.time += 1

        if not playerman.rect.colliderect(launch1.rect) and not attacks2 and not pausemove:
            arms1.y =  math.cos(math.radians(arms1.time)) * 95
            arms1.time += 1

        if hittings2:
            if playerman.rect.colliderect(arms1.sing1):
                 attack1 = True

        if attack1:
            hittings2 = False
            arms1.y = math.cos(math.radians(arms1.time3)) * 95
            arms1.time3 += 1
            if arms1.time3 >= 190:
                attack1 = False
                arms1.time3 = 0
                attacks2 = True
                hittings2 = False
                hitting = False 
        if attacks2:
            if not arms1.rect.bottom > collidtest3.rect.bottom:
                arms1.y += math.cos(math.radians(arms1.time)) * 15
                arms1.time += 1
                if arms1.time >= 190:
                    arms1.time = 0
        if arms1.rect.colliderect(collidtest3.rect):
            pausemove = True
            attacks2 = False
            attack1 = False
        if pausemove:
            if attack1timer < 270:
                attack1timer += 1
                arms1.y -= 1
                hittings2 = False

                hitting = True
                hittings2 = True
                pausemove = False
                attack1timer = 0
                if attack1:
                    arms1.time = 0


很难说,因为你还没有解释一切是什么。垂在手臂上的绿色部分是?如果是这样,那么我认为问题就在这里,您通过 cos(arms1.time) 移动 arm1.y。碰撞似乎是在任何碰撞检查完成之前设置的,所以我不明白它是在哪里设置的。

    if hitting:
        if playerman.rect.colliderect(launch1.rect):
            if arms1.x < playerman.x  - 170:
                arms1.x += playerman.speed
            if arms1.x > playerman.x - 190:
                arms1.x -= playerman.speed
            arms1.y = math.cos(math.radians(arms1.time)) * 95
            arms1.time += 1

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