
无法通过 Amplify 将 graphql 架构更改推送到 AWS 后端

如何解决无法通过 Amplify 将 graphql 架构更改推送到 AWS 后端

我有 reactJS-app,它连接到 AppSync API(带 graphql)。
我最近对我的 schema.graphql 文件进行了更改,我想将其推送到后端(使用 amplify push)。当我尝试这样做时,我收到以下错误

Following resources Failed

× An error occurred when pushing the resources to the cloud

Resource is not in the state stackUpdateComplete
An error occurred during the push operation: Resource is not in the state stackUpdateComplete


amplify push
amplify configure project
amplify push
amplify api gql-compile
amplify push
amplify pull # so that I am in sync with the backend (then I update my changes to the schema.graphql file again...)
amplify push

架构文件位于 .../react-project/amplify/backend/api/react-project/schema.graphql
我唯一改变的是将 @key 添加到表中。
我的放大/cli 版本是 4.45.0
我的节点版本是 v12.16.1
我的 npm 版本是 6.13.4

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