
使用selectize js清除后如何在输入标签中设置值

如何解决使用selectize js清除后如何在输入标签中设置值

早上好我是 selectize.js 的新手我想在使用 selectize.js 的清除功能后在输入标签中设置值这里是我的代码

const endUsers = "america,japan";
  plugins: ['remove_button'],delimiter: ',',persist: false,create: true,});



我已经解决了问题 这是代码

//set the value to a constant variable and use split function to make the two string separated by comma will become array
 const endUsers = "america,japan".split(',');

//intialize the input tag into selectized        
            plugins: ['remove_button'],delimiter: ',',persist: false,create: true,});

  //clear the input that selectized      

     //set the value into the input tag that selectized Note: use for loop if the value given is separated in delimeter 
   for (const user of endUsers) {

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