如何解决从 Firebase 实时数据库获取数据到 Tableview 单元格
我正在从 firebase 实时数据库中检索数据并使用它来设置表格视图单元格中的标签文本。现在,每当我在模拟器和/或在我的 iPhone 上打开 tableview 时,它都会出现空白。我已经确保可重用标识符是正确的,TableViewController 的名称在 swift 文件和故事板等中匹配。我已经运行了一些测试试图查看出了什么问题,我认为代码只是没有阅读数据库中的数据,即使我知道它在那里。这是 TableViewController 的当前代码:
import UIKit
import FirebaseDatabase
import FirebaseAuth
class RemoveSpots: UITableViewController {
var spotRef:DatabaseReference?
@IBOutlet weak var spotView: UITableView!
var postData = [SpotModel]()
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell",for: indexPath) as! SpotCell
let spot: SpotModel
spot = postData[indexPath.row]
cell.TypeLabel.text = spot.type
cell.PriceLabel.text = spot.price
cell.AvailLabel.text = spot.avail
cell.ContactLabel.text = spot.contact
return cell
override func viewDidLoad() {
spotView.delegate = self
spotView.dataSource = self
let userID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
spotRef = Database.database().reference().child("\(userID)")
func fillTable() {
spotRef?.observe(.childAdded,with: { (snapshot) in
for spots in snapshot.children.allObjects as![DataSnapshot] {
let spotObject = spots.value as? [String: AnyObject]
let spottype = spotObject?["Type"]
let spotPrice = spotObject?["Price"]
let spotAvail = spotObject?["Availability"]
let spotContact = spotObject?["Contact"]
let cell = SpotModel(type: spottype as! String,price: spotPrice as! String,avail: spotAvail as! String,contact: spotContact as! String)
import UIKit
class SpotCell: UITableViewCell {
@IBOutlet weak var ContactLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var AvailLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var PriceLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var TypeLabel: UILabel!
override func awakeFromNib() {
// Initialization code
override func setSelected(_ selected: Bool,animated: Bool) {
super.setSelected(selected,animated: animated)
// Configure the view for the selected state
连同第二个 swift 文件:
class SpotModel {
var type: String?
var price: String?
var avail: String?
var contact: String?
init(type: String?,price: String?,avail: String?,contact: String?) {
self.type = type
self.price = price
self.avail = avail
self.contact = contact
我不知道这里出了什么问题,已经解决了四分之一天,认为解决方案一定很简单,并且会以永恒的感激之情回报任何帮助。 Here is an example of the database layout. This is one User ID,with a few entries (titles with random numbers) within it. I am only trying to access the children of one user ID at a time (that of the current user),as you can see by the code
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