
如何在后台运行 chokidar (persistent: true)?

如何解决如何在后台运行 chokidar (persistent: true)?

我正在编写一个需要监视文件夹中(添加/删除/更新)文件的 node.js 程序。我正在使用 chokidar 来观看文件。这是代码

async function updateIndexFile() {
    console.log({ path });
    const pathArray = []

    // Chokidar Code
    const options = {
      ignored: /(^|[\/\\])\../,// ignore dotfiles
      persistent: true

    // Initialize watcher.
    const watcher = chokidar.watch(path,options);

      .on('add',async (path) => {
        console.log(`File ${path} has been added`)
        let answer = await prompt({
          type: 'list',name: 'adventure',// * Key
          message: 'Choose your own adventure',choices: ['Indexify','Undo'] // * Add Feature Names Here
      })  // Run indexify again on these files
      .on('change',path => console.log(`File ${path} has been changed`)) // Run indexify again on these files
      .on('unlink',path => console.log(`File ${path} has been removed`));  // Run indexify again on these files

But,with persistent: true. I

但是,我无法使用终端,因为 chokidar 正在查看文件。所以,我想让 chokidar 在后台观看文件。所以,我仍然可以提示用户提出更多问题并做我的事情。


我知道我迟到了 3 个月,您现在可能已经找到了答案,但这是为以后访问的任何人准备的。 您可以使用调用的节点模块使用 spawn 子进程。 简单地将您的代码放在一个文件中并使用以下代码执行该文件

 const {spawn}=require(child_prcoess);
let detached_process = spawn(process.argv[0],["program_name","arg1","arg2","arg3"],{ detached: true}); //launch program_name and detach it from program_name with args provided

            detached_process.unref(); //tell main program to do not wait for the completion of program_name

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