
我是否为 mediasoup 打开了错误的端口?

如何解决我是否为 mediasoup 打开了错误的端口?

I'm trying to launch this on AWS Ubuntu

它在本地主机上的 Chrome 下运行良好。 (Firefox 有一个问题,希望使用 HTTPS 远程运行会使问题消失。但这与此问题无关。)

我使用 AWS 控制台打开了 readme.MD 上指定的端口(入站 TCP 到端口 3000,入站 UDP 到端口 40000-49999,允许所有出站流量。)

然后将 config.json 修改为:

module.exports = {
  // http server ip,port,and peer timeout constant
  httpIp: "",httpPort: 3000,httpPeerStale: 15000,// ssl certs. we'll start as http instead of https if we don't have
  // these
  sslCrt: "local.crt",sslKey: "local.key",mediasoup: {
    worker: {
      rtcMinPort: 40000,rtcMaxPort: 49999,logLevel: "debug",logTags: [
        "info","ice","dtls","rtp","srtp","rtcp",// 'rtx',// 'bwe',// 'score',// 'simulcast',// 'svc'
      ],},router: {
      mediaCodecs: [
          kind: "audio",mimeType: "audio/opus",clockRate: 48000,channels: 2,{
          kind: "video",mimeType: "video/VP8",clockRate: 90000,parameters: {
            //                'x-google-start-bitrate': 1000
          },mimeType: "video/h264",parameters: {
            "packetization-mode": 1,"profile-level-id": "4d0032","level-asymmetry-allowed": 1,//                        'x-google-start-bitrate'  : 1000
          },"profile-level-id": "42e01f",],// rtp listenIps are the most important thing,below. you'll need
    // to set these appropriately for your network for the demo to
    // run anywhere but on localhost
    webRtcTransport: {
      listenIps: [
        { ip: "172.3.-.-",announcedIp: "" },// { ip: "",announcedIp: null },// { ip: '',initialAvailableOutgoingBitrate: 800000,};

使用我在 AWS 控制台上找到的值:

enter image description here



enter image description here


(过了一会儿 Chrome 的控制台显示 mediasoup-client:Transport connection state changed to disconnected +17s


我将非常感谢您的帮助。提前谢谢你... :)



listenIps: [
        { ip: "172.3.-.-",announcedIp: "" },

尝试将您的 EC2 的公共 IP 放在 ip 中,并将 announcedIp 设置为 null。

或者,做我所做的here,因为我厌倦了摆弄 config.js 设置。

function getListenIps () {
  const listenIps = []
  if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
    const os = require('os')
    const networkInterfaces = os.networkInterfaces()
    const ips = []
    if (networkInterfaces) {
      for (const [key,addresses] of Object.entries(networkInterfaces)) {
        addresses.forEach(address => {
          if (address.family === 'IPv4') {
            listenIps.push({ ip: address.address,announcedIp: null })
          /* ignore link-local and other special ipv6 addresses.
           * https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-address-space/ipv6-address-space.xhtml
          else if (address.family === 'IPv6' 
                   && address.address[0] !== 'f') {
            listenIps.push({ ip: address.address,announcedIp: null })
  if (listenIps.length === 0) {
    listenIps.push({ ip: '',announcedIp: null })
  return listenIps

并且,请注意 WebRTC 可以在 mediasoup 网络服务器端口以外的端口上与 TLS 连接。



1.) 确保在用于 EC2 实例的安全组操作系统的防火墙(在Ubuntu 的情况是 ufw)。要在 ubuntu 上启用端口,您可以使用 sudo ufw allow 4000:4999/udp

2.) 对于 listenIps,使用 [{ ip: "",announcedIp: process.env.ANNOUNCED_IP }] 其中 ANNOUNCED_IP 环境变量等于 EC2 实例的公共 IPV4 地址

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