
在 Matlab RRT-planner 中创建自定义转向方法

如何解决在 Matlab RRT-planner 中创建自定义转向方法

我正在尝试实现自定义转向方法(即定义自定义状态空间而不是例如 stateSpaceSE2 或 dubin,使用多项式作为转向方法。)我收到以下错误


变量 state2 似乎是 NaN(不是数字),这似乎是由于插值路径似乎在障碍物内部而产生的错误。但是,我看不到 state2 在哪里变成 NaN 值。有没有人遇到过这个非常具体的问题?


%   This class defines a template for creating a custom state space 
%   that can be used by the sampling-based path planners like plannerRRT and
%   plannerRRTStar. The state space allows sampling,interpolation,and 
%   the distance between states.
%   To access documentation for how to define a state space,enter the following
%   at the MATLAB command prompt:
%    >> doc nav.StateSpace
%   For a concrete implementation of the same interface,see the following
%   nav.StateSpace class:
%    >> edit stateSpaceSE2
%   To use this custom state space for path planning,follow the steps
%   outlined below and complete the class deFinition. Then,save this
%   file somewhere on the MATLAB path. You can add a folder to the
%   path using the ADdpath function.

%global goal; %added,change later

classdef polynomial_StateSpace < nav.StateSpace & ...

% Step 1: Define properties to be used by your state space.
% All properties in this section are user-defined properties.
    %Uniformdistribution - Uniform distribution for sampling
    %normaldistribution - normal distribution for sampling
    % Place your properties here or replace default properties.

properties (Access = {?nav.algs.internal.InternalAccess})
    %skipStateValidation Skip validation in certain member functions
    %   This switch is used by internal functions only

% Step 2: Define functions used for managing your state space.
    % a) Use the constructor to set the name of the state space,the
    %    number of state variables,and to define its boundaries.
    function obj = polynomial_StateSpace
        spaceName = "polynomial_Optimization";
        numStateVariables = 4;
        v_max = 50/3.6; % keep here for Now
        % sample pos_x,pos_y,angle,speed
        % For each state variable define the lower and upper valid
        % limit (one [min,max] limit per row)
        stateBounds = [-100 100; -100 100; -pi pi; -v_max v_max];
        % Call the constructor of the base class
        % Create the probability distributions for sampling.
        obj.normaldistribution = matlabshared.tracking.internal.normaldistribution(numStateVariables);
        obj.Uniformdistribution = matlabshared.tracking.internal.Uniformdistribution(numStateVariables);
        % Place your code here or replace default function behavior.
    % b) Define how the object is being copied (a new object is created
    %    from the current one). You have to customize this function
    %    if you define your own properties or special constructor.
    %    For more help,see
    %    >> doc nav.StateSpace/copy
    function copyObj = copy(obj)
        % Default behavior: Create a new object of the same type with no arguments.
        copyObj = feval(class(obj));
        copyObj.StateBounds = obj.StateBounds;
        copyObj.Uniformdistribution = obj.Uniformdistribution.copy;
        copyObj.normaldistribution = obj.normaldistribution.copy;
        % Place your code here or replace default function behavior.
    % c) Define how states are forced to lie within the state boundaries.
    %    You have to customize this function if you want to have
    %    special bounding behavior,for example for wrapped states like
    %    angles. The STATE input can be a single state (row) or
    %    multiple states (one state per row).
    %    For more help,see
    %    >> doc nav.StateSpace/enforceStateBounds
    function boundedState = enforceStateBounds(obj,state)
        % Default behavior: States are saturated to the [min,max] interval
        boundedState = state;
        boundedState = min(max(boundedState,obj.StateBounds(:,1)'),...
        % Place your code here or replace default function behavior.
    % d) Define how you can sample uniformly in your state space.
    %    You need to support the following calling Syntaxes:
    %    STATE = sampleUniform(OBJ)
    %    STATE = sampleUniform(OBJ,NUMSAMPLES)
    %    STATE = sampleUniform(OBJ,NEARSTATE,disT)
    %    STATE = sampleUniform(OBJ,disT,NUMSAMPLES)
    %    You have to customize this function if you deal with angular
    %    state variables.
    %    For more help,see
    %    >> doc nav.StateSpace/sampleUniform
    function state = sampleUniform(obj,varargin)
        [numSamples,stateBounds] = obj.validateSampleUniformInput(varargin{:});
        % Default behavior: Sample uniformly in all state variables
        % based on the user input.a
        obj.Uniformdistribution.RandomVariableLimits = stateBounds;
        state = obj.Uniformdistribution.sample(numSamples);
        % Place your code here or replace default function behavior.
    % e) Define how you can sample a Gaussian distribution in your
    %    state space. You need to support the following calling
    %    Syntaxes:
    %    STATE = sampleGaussian(OBJ,MEANSTATE,STDDEV)
    %    STATE = sampleGaussian(OBJ,STDDEV,see
    %    >> doc nav.StateSpace/sampleGaussian
    function state = sampleGaussian(obj,meanState,stdDev,varargin)
        % Default behavior: Sample from a multi-variate normal
        % distribution based on the user input.
        [meanState,numSamples] = obj.validateSampleGaussianInput(meanState,varargin{:});
        % Configure normal distribution for sampling in all state variables
        obj.normaldistribution.Mean = meanState;
        obj.normaldistribution.Covariance = diag(stdDev.^2);
        % Sample state(s)
        state = obj.normaldistribution.sample(numSamples);
        % Make sure all state samples are within state bounds. This
        % saturation is not ideal,since it distorts the normal
        % distribution on the state boundaries,but similar to what OMPL is doing.
        state = obj.enforceStateBounds(state);
        % Place your code here or replace default function behavior.
    % f) Define how you can interpolate between two states in your
    %    state space. FRACTION is a scalar or a vector,where each number
    %    represents a fraction of the path segment length in the [0,1] interval.
    %    For more help,see
    %    >> doc nav.StateSpace/interpolate
    function interpState = interpolate(obj,state1,state2,fraction)
        % Default behavior: Calculate the linear interpolation between
        % states.
        state1 = double(state1)
        state2 = double(state2)
%             goal = [11.25,52,pi/2,6.9444]; % added for avoiding NaN error
%             if any(isnan(state1),'all')
%                state1 = 0.95*goal;
%             end
%             if any(isnan(state2),'all')
%                state2 = goal;
%             end
        if ~obj.SkipStateValidation
            [state1,fraction] = obj.validateInterpolateInput(state1,fraction);
        %stateDiff = state2 - state1;
        %interpState = state1 + fraction' * stateDiff;
        % Place your code here or replace default function behavior.
        % Algorithm to produce the interpState ...

        % outputs matrix of interpolated states along polynomial
        % segment
        interpState = double([pos_x',pos_y',theta',vel']); 
    % g) Define how you can calculate the distance between two states in
    %    your state space. The STATE1 and STATE2 inputs can be a single
    %    state (row) or multiple states (one state per row).
    %    For more help,see
    %    >> doc nav.StateSpace/distance
    function dist = distance(obj,state2)
        state1 = double(state1);
        state2 = double(state2);
%             goal = [11.25,'all')
%                state2 = goal;
%             end
        [state1,state2] = obj.validatedistanceInput(obj.NumStateVariables,state2);
        % Default behavior: Calculate the Euclidean 2-norm between each pair 
        % state1 and state2 rows
        stateDiff = bsxfun(@minus,state1);
        dist = sqrt( sum( stateDiff.^2,2 ) );
        % Place your code here or replace default function behavior.

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