
尝试使用 python 上传 Facebook 离线 evet

如何解决尝试使用 python 上传 Facebook 离线 evet

我正在尝试使用 python 脚本上传 facebook 离线事件,但最终退出代码为零,但没有做任何事情。 任何人都可以建议我什么是可能的解决方案或代码有什么问题。

import Json
Import pandas as pd

from facebook_business.adobjects.offlineconversiondataset import OfflineConversionDataSet
from facebook_business.api import FacebookAdsApi
class FacebookService:
def __init__(self):
    self.api = FacebookAdsApi.init(app_id='myappid',app_secret='MYappsec',access_token='My Access Token')
    self.offline_dataset = OfflineConversionDataSet('2763361757229939')
def upload_offline_conversion(self,example_events_file):
    df = pd.read_csv("UPLOADS.csv",sep=";",dtype=object)
    # df columns are 'order_id','value','event_time','event_name','email','phone','fn','ln','currency'
    df['value'] = pd.to_numeric(df['value'])
    # event times have to be sent in UNIX timestamp format
    df['event_time'] = (pd.to_datetime(df['event_time']).astype(int) / 10 ** 9).astype(int).astype(str)
    df['match_keys'] = df.apply(lambda row: json.dumps({k: [row[k]] if k in ['email','phone'] else row[k] for k in ['email','ln'] if pd.notnull(row[k])}),axis=1)
    del df['email']  # deleting match_keys single columns since they are Now useless
    del df['phone']
    del df['fn']
    del df['ln']
    data = df.to_dict(orient="records")
    batch_limit = 2000  # Maximum number of events permitted in a single call
    for i in range(0,len(data),step=batch_limit):
        params = {
            'upload_tag': 'purchases_upload',# This must be a string,unique for all your uploads,that will let you identify them
            'data': data[i:i+batch_limit],}


每当我们需要在 facebook API 中创建/更新 itens 时,Facebook API 都会建议我们使用不同的方法来执行批处理操作,请尝试使用以下方法:

def remote_create_itens(itens,api):

  batch_limit = 50

    for batch_itens in generate_batches(itens,batch_limit):
        api_batch = api.new_batch()
        for item in batch_itens:
            def callback_success(response,item=None):
                logging.debug(f"Item {item['id']} successfully read.")
                print(f"Item {item['id']} successfully read.")
            callback_success = partial(callback_success,item=item)

            def callback_failure(response,item=None):
                logging.debug(f"Failed to read {item['id']}.")
                print(f"Failed to read {item['id']}.")
                raise response.error()

            callback_failure = partial(callback_failure,item=item)

        #Execute the create
  except Exception as err:
      logging.error("Error in create: "+str(err))

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