


好的,长话短说:我的老板希望我修改这个我一直在努力(并且这里的人已经帮助过)的脚本,以具有一种“仅记录”功能。用'-log'(或其他任何东西)运行它,并让它像正常一样处理,除了只记录它会做的事情。在这种情况下,我已经尝试过 -WhatIf... 不够解释。

所以我添加了两个新函数,它们是现有函数的副本,只是添加了一些写入日志,而不是实际的 cmdlet。我想这正是他要找的,只是我不知道如何称呼他们。


#  Dot Source required Function Libraries
#. "\\server\e$\scripts\Logging_Functions.ps1" 
. "c:\users\documents\powershell\Logging_Functions.ps1"

#  Error Action
$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
#  Debug preference
#$global:DebugPreference = "continue"
#  WhatIf Preference,uncomment to run script in a logging only function
#$WhatIfPreference = $true

#  Script Version
$sScriptVersion = "1.0"

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

#  Log File Info
$sLogPath = "C:\Users\Documents\powershell\Logs"
#$sLogPath = "\\server\e$\Logs"
$sLogName = "Set-LitmosGroups_$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss).log"
$sLogFile = Join-Path -Path $sLogPath -Childpath $sLogName
$LogLine = $null 

#  Variable Initializations
#  Org Unit where the target groups reside (Litmos)
$OU = "ou=test_litmos,ou=test accounts,ou=company,dc=domain,dc=net"
#  Org unt containing the All Managers security group
$OU2 = "CN=All Managers,OU=Organizational,OU=Groups,OU=company,DC=domain,DC=net"

#  Get member of the 'ALL Managers' security group
$Managers = Get-ADGroupMember -identity $OU2 | Select-Object -expandproperty samaccountname

#  Get AD groups with Report to in the name in $ou
$ReportsTo = Get-adgroup -searchbase $ou -filter "Name -like 'Report to *'" |  
Select-Object -expandproperty name

$groupcount = 0
$samecount = 0
$addcount = 0


Function Get-DirectReport {
    #requires -Module ActiveDirectory
    This script will get a user's direct reports recursively from ActiveDirectory unless specified with the norecurse parameter.
    It also uses the user's EmployeeID attribute as a way to exclude service accounts and/or non standard accounts that are in the reporting structure.
    Name: Get-DirectReport
    Author: theSysadminChannel
    Version: 1.0
    DateCreated: 2020-Jan-28
    https://thesysadminchannel.com/get-direct-reports-in-active-directory-using-powershell-recursive -  
.ParaMETER SamAccountName
    Specify the samaccountname (username) to see their direct reports.
.ParaMETER norecurse
    Using this option will not drill down further than one level.
    Get-DirectReport username
    Get-DirectReport -SamAccountName username -norecurse
    "username" | Get-DirectReport
            Mandatory = $false,ValueFromPipeline = $true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        [string]  $SamAccountName,[switch]  $norecurse
    BEGIN {}
        $UserAccount = Get-ADUser $SamAccountName -Properties DirectReports,displayName
        $UserAccount | select -ExpandProperty DirectReports | ForEach-Object {
            $User = Get-ADUser $_ -Properties DirectReports,displayName,Title,EmployeeID
            if ($null -ne $User.EmployeeID) {
                if (-not $norecurse) {
                    Get-DirectReport $User.SamAccountName
                    SamAccountName    = $User.SamAccountName
                    UserPrincipalName = $User.UserPrincipalName
                    displayName       = $User.displayName
                    Manager           = $UserAccount.displayName
    END {}

Function New-bhReportToGroup {

    $Log1 = "New group for " + $manager + " has been created."
    $Log2 = "Group for " + $manager + " already exists."
    #From on when you see the below line $script:<variable> that sets the scope for that variable to the entire script which means other functions can use the value
    $script:ReportsTo = $ReportsTo -replace ("Report to ","")

    if ($manager -notin $ReportsTo) { 
        new-adgroup -name "Report to $manager" -groupscope global -path $ou
        $addcount = $addcount +1
        $LogLine = $Log1
        Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine 
    else {
        $samecount = $samecount + 1
        $LogLine = $Log2
        Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine 

Function New-bhReportToGroup_logonly {

    $Log1 = "New group for " + $manager + " would have been created in $OU."
    $Log2 = "Group for " + $manager + " already exists in $OU."
    $script:ReportsTo = $ReportsTo -replace ("Report to ","")

    if ($manager -notin $ReportsTo) { 
        $addcount = $addcount +1
        $LogLine = $Log1
        Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine 
    else {
        $samecount = $samecount + 1
        $LogLine = $Log2
        Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine 

Function Get-bhDReports {
    $script:directreports = Get-Directreport $manager -norecurse  | Select-Object samAccountName
    if ($null -ne $directreports) {        
        $LogLine = "Gathering direct reports for " + $manager
        Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine 
    else {
        $LogLine = $manager + " has no reports."
        Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine 

Function Set-bhRTGmembers {
    #  Get manager's 'report to <manager>' group again to update members
    $managerReportToGroup = Get-ADGroup -SearchBase $OU -Filter "Name -like 'Report to $Manager'"
    if ($managerReportToGroup) {
        Add-ADGroupMember -identity $managerReportToGroup.Name -members $DirectReports
        Add-ADGroupMember -identity $managerReportToGroup.name -members $Manager
        $LogLine = "Report to " + $Manager + " updated."
        Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine 
    else {
        $LogLine = "Could not find group for " + $Manager
        Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine 

Function Set-bhRTGmembers_logonly {
    #  Get manager's 'report to <manager>' group again to update members
    $managerReportToGroup = Get-ADGroup -SearchBase $OU -Filter "Name -like 'Report to $Manager'"
    if ($managerReportToGroup) {
        $LogLine = "Report to " + $Manager + " would be updated with $DirectReports."
        Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine 
    else {
        $LogLine = "Could not find group for " + $Manager
        Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine 

#----------------------------------------------[ Execution ]------------------------------------------------
Foreach ($Manager in $Managers) {

Foreach ($Report in $ReportsTo) {
    $report = $report -replace ("Report to ","")
    if ($Report -notin $managers) {
        Remove-ADGroup -Identity "Report to $Report" -confirm:$false
        $LogLine = $report + " user has fell out of scope,Report group removed."
        Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine
    else {
        $LogLine = "No groups deleted.`n"
        Log-Write -LogPath $sLogFile -LineValue $LogLine 
#Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; Remove-Module *; $error.Clear(); Clear-Host

您可以看到 '_logonly' 函数.. 我如何使用开关从 cmdline 调用它们?


如果给每个参数添加一个 [Switch]$LogOnly 参数,然后用这样的 if 语句将“work”括起来:


#do the work
#do the logging


if(-not $LogOnly){
  #Do the work
#Do the logging

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