


我想知道我是否应该制作基于指针的二叉树版本或二叉树的并行数组版本。主要操作是通过fisher yates shuffle进行插入和随机遍历。


Operations and Fequency:
Insertion (Very Frequent) 
Random Ordering (Each key,value once in a random order)  (Very Frequent) 
Set item with key (Somewhat frequent) 
Get item with key (Somewhat frequent) 

The random ordering has to visit every node and be exactly once 
I kNow I can make a pointer based data structure which can share nodes (space efficency) 
Also,I kNow I can make a data structure from parallel arrays (is this more efficent?) 

from typing import Generics 
from typing import TypeVar

K = TypeVar('K') 
V= TypeVar('T') 

#Psudeo Code Ideas:
class PointerBasedTree:
    __key: K 
    __val: V 
    __length: int 
    __is_head: bool #Alllows part of one tree to share nodes with another 
    #allows immutable data to be "deleted",insertion function can just early return to enforce deletions 
    __is_removed: bool 
    __left_tree: PointerBasedTree = self #self is sententail node 
    __right_tree: PointerBasedTree = self #self is sententail node 
    __ordering: List[PointerBasedTree] #can NOT have senentail nodes since self is a possible order for an entry (do NOT yield None)  
class ArrayBasedTree: 
    __keys: List[K]
    __vals: List[V]
    __is_removed: List[bool] #lazy delete to insert to array element in middle of list  
    __left_keys: List[int] #int is row of left key (left tree val is same row) 
    __right_keys: List[int] #int is row of right key (right tree val is same row) 

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