
如何在 Angular 应用程序启动之前获取提供者数据

如何解决如何在 Angular 应用程序启动之前获取提供者数据

我的目标是从 AppConfigService 异步获取“clientId”,并在应用启动之前将其用作“GoogleLoginProvider”函数的“clientId”。


我使用的是 Angular 8。

import { APP_INITIALIZER } from '@angular/core';

export function getGoogleClientId(appConfigService: AppConfigService) {
    return () => appConfigService.getGoogleClientId().toPromise().then((clientId) => {
        // service reliably returns clientId here

const getGoogleId: Provider = {
    provide: APP_INITIALIZER,useFactory: getGoogleClientId,deps: [AppConfigService],multi: true

    providers: [
            provide: 'SocialAuthServiceConfig',useValue: {
                autoLogin: false,providers: [{
                    id: GoogleLoginProvider.PROVIDER_ID,provider: new GoogleLoginProvider(clientId),//<-- How do I get the service's "clientId" here?
                }],} as SocialAuthServiceConfig
export class AppModule {}


您的问题是您使用 useValue 注入对象,但您需要使用 useFactory 根据运行时之前不可用的信息创建可更改的依赖值,从而允许依赖(API 服务、配置服务等)。

那么我建议修改您此时使用的库 (angularx-social-login) 以允许您想要的行为。


You can check It here

因此,我创建了一个示例来处理 promise 并从我们的服务器 (API) 中获取我们的配置。


export function AppConfigServiceFactory(
  configService: AppConfigService
): () => void {
  return async () => await configService.load();

  imports: [BrowserModule,FormsModule,SocialLoginModule,HttpClientModule],declarations: [AppComponent,HelloComponent],bootstrap: [AppComponent],providers: [
      provide: APP_INITIALIZER,useFactory: AppConfigServiceFactory,deps: [AppConfigService],multi: true
      provide: "SocialAuthServiceConfig",useValue: new Promise(async resolve => {
        // await until the app config service is loaded
        const config = await AppConfigService.configFetched();

          autoLogin: false,providers: [
              id: GoogleLoginProvider.PROVIDER_ID,provider: new GoogleLoginProvider(config.googleClientId)
        } as SocialAuthServiceConfig);
export class AppModule {}


export class AppConfigService {
  static config: AppConfig | null = null;

  constructor(private api: ApiService) {}

  static configFetched(): Promise<AppConfig> {
    return new Promise(async resolve => {
      // wait for the app config service is loaded (after 3000 ms)
      const sleep = (ms: number) => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r,ms));
      const waitFor = async function waitFor(f) {
        // check each 500 ms
        while (!f()) await sleep(500);
        return f();
      await waitFor(() => AppConfigService?.config); 


  async load(): Promise<AppConfig> {
    try {
      // simulating HTTP request to obtain my config
      const promise = new Promise<AppConfig>(resolve => {

        // after 3000 ms our config will be available
        setTimeout(async () => {
          const config: AppConfig = await this.api.getConfig().toPromise();
          AppConfigService.config = config;

      }).then(config => config);

      return promise;
    } catch (error) {
      throw error;

My complete solution is here on stackblitz.

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