
如何从 Texture2D 获取原始像素数据?

如何解决如何从 Texture2D 获取原始像素数据?

我试图从 SharpDX Texture2D 获取像素(rgba)值,然后将它们分配给位图,但我得到了这个错误的图像:

distorted screen image

我知道问题是当我从 srcPtr 读取值时(见下面的代码),我认为偏移量是错误的...


SharpDX.dxgi.Resource screenResource;
OutputDuplicateFrameinformation duplicateFrameinformation;

// Try to get duplicated frame within given time is ms
duplicatedOutput.AcquireNextFrame(5,out duplicateFrameinformation,out screenResource);

// copy resource into memory that can be accessed by the cpu
using (var screenTexture2D = screenResource.QueryInterface<Texture2D>())

// Get the desktop capture texture
var mapSource = device.ImmediateContext.MapSubresource(screenTexture,MapMode.Read,SharpDX.Direct3D11.MapFlags.None);

// Create Drawing.Bitmap
using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(width,height,PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
    var boundsRect = new Rectangle(0,width,height);

    // copy pixels from screen capture Texture to GDI bitmap
    var mapDest = bitmap.LockBits(boundsRect,ImageLockMode.ReadOnly,bitmap.PixelFormat);

        byte* srcPtr = (byte*)mapSource.DataPointer;
        byte* destPtr = (byte*)mapDest.Scan0;

        var curRowOffs = 0;
        var stride = width * 4;

        byte[] rgbaValues = new byte[width*height*4];

        for (uint y = 0; y < height; y++)

            var index = curRowOffs;

            for (uint x = 0; x < width; x++)
                // ARGB = bytes [B,G,R,A]
                rgbaValues[index] = srcPtr[index];
                rgbaValues[index + 1] = srcPtr[index + 1];
                rgbaValues[index + 2] = srcPtr[index + 2];
                rgbaValues[index + 3] = srcPtr[index + 3];

                //copy rgba to bitmap
                destPtr[index + 3] = srcPtr[index + 3];
                destPtr[index + 2] = srcPtr[index + 2];
                destPtr[index + 1] = srcPtr[index + 1];
                destPtr[index] = srcPtr[index];

                index += 4;

            // Increase row offset
            curRowOffs += stride;


    // Release source and dest locks

在这里做错了什么? 如何将原始像素数据放入字节数组?

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