
是否可以将 _wfopen 重构为 std::filesystem?

如何解决是否可以将 _wfopen 重构为 std::filesystem?

我想用 C++17 重构这段代码在这种情况下,我可以使用 std::filesystem 吗?

 #if defined(BOOSTER_WIN_NATIVE)
 bool open(std::string const &file_name,std::string const &encoding)

     // Under Windows,we have to use "_wfopen" to get
     // access to paths with Unicode in them.
     // As not all standard C++ libraries support nonstandard std::istream::open(wchar_t const *)
     // we would use good old stdio and _wfopen CRTL functions.

     std::wstring wfile_name = conv::to_utf<wchar_t>(file_name,encoding);
     file = _wfopen(wfile_name.c_str(),L"rb");
     return file!=0;

 #else // POSIX systems do not have all this Wide API crap,as native codepages are UTF-8
       // We do not use encoding as we use native file name encoding
 bool open(std::string const &file_name,std::string const &/* encoding */)
      file = fopen(file_name.c_str(),"rb");
      return file!=0;

utf8 utf16 的转换我已经改过了,但是好像没有这个价值了。

 std::wstring wfile_name;
 typedef std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t> codec;
 std::wstring_convert<codec> converter;
 wfile_name = converter.from_bytes(file_name);
 file = _wfopen(wfile_name.c_str(),L"rb");
 return file != 0;

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