


我如何知道球坐标是否在针孔相机/内在矩阵的视图内? 我有一个大小为 2048 x 1024 的空等距柱状图。我想遍历等距柱状图像素并将像素位置转换为球面坐标,并找出尺寸为 1280 x 720 像素的相机,以及具有已知偏航、俯仰和滚转的 90 x 45 度 FOV 看到这一点。如果点可见,我们将对应于球面坐标的正确像素复制到等距柱状图图像中。由于相机在游戏内,因此相机 FOV 和尺寸已知且 100% 准确,因此无需校准等。

Mat eul2rotm(double rotx,double roty,double rotz)//pitch,yaw,roll ///industry standard is Z-Y-X because that corresponds to yaw,pitch and roll :/
    cv::Mat R_x = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) << 

    cv::Mat R_y = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) << 

    cv::Mat R_z = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) << 

    cv::Mat R = R_z * R_y * R_x;

    return R;

double radians(double degrees)
        return degrees * pi / 180;

double yaw,pitch,roll;
yaw = radians(0);  
pitch = radians(0); 
roll = radians(0);

Mat Rot = eul2rotm(pitch,roll);

int w,h;
w = 1280;
h = 720;

#define FOV2FOCAL(pixelssensorsize,fov) ((pixelssensorsize) / (2 * tan((fov) / 2)))
double fx = FOV2FOCAL(w,radians(90));
double fy = FOV2FOCAL(h,radians(45));

Mat K = (cv::Mat_<double>(3,3) <<//Camera 1280 x 720 pixels / 90 x 45 degrees
            fx,w / 2,fy,h / 2,1);

//function loops through all the pixels inside the EquirectangularImage/EquirectangularCanvas.
for (int v = 0; v < EquirectangularImageHeight; ++v)//EquirectangularImageHeight = 1024
        for (int u = 0; u < EquirectangularImageWidth; ++u)//EquirectangularImageWidth = 2048
           /*This posision 0,0 at center*/
           double Longitude = -M_PI + 2 * M_PI * u / _EquirectangularImage.Width;
           double Latitude = M_PI / 2 - M_PI * v / _EquirectangularImage.Height;

           RK = Rot * K.inv();
           //Than here we should check if camera see point corresponding to the spherical coordinates.
           //and if point is visible we find the corresponding pixel and copy it into the Equirectangular image.
           //This is the place i am stuck at. How can i kNow if point is visible and anslo find the correct point in the camera/image to copy the pixel from?



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