
Coldfusion - 使用 Oauth2.cfc 获取“元素 STATUS_CODE 在作为表达式的一部分引用的 CFML 结构中未定义”

如何解决Coldfusion - 使用 Oauth2.cfc 获取“元素 STATUS_CODE 在作为表达式的一部分引用的 CFML 结构中未定义”

我是 oauth2 的新手,正在尝试按照此处的说明进行操作:https://github.com/coldfumonkeh/oauth2

在我的 bspace-callback.cfm 页面上请求访问令牌时出现以下错误

Element STATUS_CODE is undefined in a CFML structure referenced as part of an expression.
The error occurred in C:/...oauth2.cfc: line 80

78 :        }
79 :        var result = httpService.send().getPrefix();
80 :        if( '200' == result.ResponseHeader[ 'Status_Code' ] ) {
81 :            stuResponse.success = true;
82 :            stuResponse.content = result.FileContent;



<cfset myCfcObject = createObject("component","brightspace")>

<cfset oOauth2 = myCfcObject.init(
    client_id           = 'xxx',client_secret       = 'xxx',redirect_uri        = 'https://.../bspace-callback.cfm')>
<cfdump var="#myCfcObject#" label="myCfcObject's information."><BR>

<cfset strURL = oOauth2.buildredirectToAuthURL('enrollment:orgunit:create group:resource:permissions')>
    <a href="#strURL#">LOGIN!</a>


<cfsetting requestTimeOut = "9000" />

<cfset myCfcObject = createObject("component","brightspace")>
<cfset oOauth2 = myCfcObject.init(
    client_id           = 'xxx',redirect_uri        = 'https://.../bspace-callback.cfm')>
<cfdump var="#myCfcObject#" label="myCfcObject's information."><BR>

<cfif isdefined('url.code')>

  <cfset returnData = oOauth2.makeAccesstokenRequest( code = url.code )>

  <cfdump var="#returnData#" label="the access token information">


component extends="oauth2" accessors="true" {

    property name="client_id" type="string";
    property name="client_secret" type="string";
    property name="authEndpoint" type="string";
    property name="accesstokenEndpoint" type="string";
    property name="redirect_uri" type="string";
    * I return an initialized Brightspace object instance.
    * @client_id The client ID for your application.
    * @client_secret The client secret for your application.
    * @authEndpoint The URL endpoint that handles the authorisation.
    * @accesstokenEndpoint The URL endpoint that handles retrieving the access token.
    * @redirect_uri The URL to redirect the user back to following authentication.
    public brightspace function init(
        required string client_id,required string client_secret,required string authEndpoint = 'https://auth.brightspace.com/oauth2/auth',required string accesstokenEndpoint = 'https://auth.brightspace.com/core/connect/token',required string redirect_uri
            client_id           = arguments.client_id,client_secret       = arguments.client_secret,authEndpoint        = arguments.authEndpoint,accesstokenEndpoint = arguments.accesstokenEndpoint,redirect_uri        = arguments.redirect_uri            
        return this;

    * I return the URL as a string which we use to redirect the user for authentication.
    public string function buildredirectToAuthURL(
    required string scope
        var sParams = {
            'response_type' = 'code','scope'         = arguments.scope
        return super.buildredirectToAuthURL( sParams );

    * I make the HTTP request to obtain the access token.
    * @code The code returned from the authentication request.
    public struct function makeAccesstokenRequest(
        required string code
        var aFormFields = [
                'name'  = 'grant_type','value' = 'authorization_code'
        return super.makeAccesstokenRequest(
            code       = arguments.code,formfields = aFormFields


oauth2.cfc(来自上面的 github 网站)

* @displayname oauth2
* @output false
* @hint The oauth2 object.
* @author Matt Gifford
* @website https://www.monkehworks.com
* @purpose A ColdFusion Component to manage authentication using the OAuth2 protocol.
component accessors="true"{

    property name="client_id" type="string";
    property name="client_secret" type="string";
    property name="authEndpoint" type="string";
    property name="accesstokenEndpoint" type="string";
    property name="redirect_uri" type="string";

    * I return an initialized oauth2 object instance.
    * @client_id The client ID for your application.
    * @client_secret The client secret for your application.
    * @authEndpoint The URL endpoint that handles the authorisation.
    * @accesstokenEndpoint The URL endpoint that handles retrieving the access token.
    * @redirect_uri The URL to redirect the user back to following authentication.
    public oauth2 function init(
        required string client_id,required string authEndpoint,required string accesstokenEndpoint,required string redirect_uri
        setClient_id( arguments.client_id );
        setClient_secret( arguments.client_secret );
        setAuthEndpoint( arguments.authEndpoint );
        setAccesstokenEndpoint( arguments.accesstokenEndpoint );
        setRedirect_uri( arguments.redirect_uri );
        return this;
    * I return the URL as a string which we use to redirect the user for authentication. |
    * The method will handle the client_id and redirect_uri values for you. Anything else you need to send to the provider in the URL can be sent via the parameters argument.
    * @parameters A structure containing key / value pairs of data to be included in the URL string.
    public string function buildredirectToAuthURL( struct parameters={} ) {
        return getAuthEndpoint() & '?client_id=' & getClient_id() & '&redirect_uri=' & getRedirect_uri() & buildParamString( argScope = arguments.parameters );
    * I make the HTTP request to obtain the access token.
    * @code The code returned from the authentication request.
    * @formfields An optional array of structs for the provider requirements to add new form fields.
    * @headers An optional array of structs to add custom headers to the request if required.
    public struct function makeAccesstokenRequest(
        required string code,array formfields = [],array headers    = []
        var stuResponse = {};
        var httpService = new http();
        httpService.setMethod( "post" ); 
        httpService.setCharset( "utf-8" );
        httpService.setUrl( getAccesstokenEndpoint() );
        if( arrayLen( arguments.headers ) ){
            for( var item in arguments.headers ){
                httpService.addParam( type="header",name=item[ 'name' ],value=item[ 'value' ] );
        httpService.addParam( type="formfield",name="client_id",value=getClient_id() );
        httpService.addParam( type="formfield",name="client_secret",value=getClient_secret() );
        httpService.addParam( type="formfield",name="code",value=arguments.code );
        httpService.addParam( type="formfield",name="redirect_uri",value=getRedirect_uri() );
        if( arrayLen( arguments.formfields ) ){
            for( var item in arguments.formfields ){
                httpService.addParam( type="formfield",value=item[ 'value' ] );
        var result = httpService.send().getPrefix();
        if( '200' == result.ResponseHeader[ 'Status_Code' ] ) {
            stuResponse.success = true;
            stuResponse.content = result.FileContent;
        } else {
            stuResponse.success = false;
            stuResponse.content = result.Statuscode;
        return stuResponse;

    * I make the HTTP request to refresh the access token.
    * @refresh_token The refresh_token returned from the accesstokenRequest request.
    public struct function refreshAccesstokenRequest(
        required string refresh_token,array headers    = []
        var stuResponse = {};
        var httpService = new http();
        httpService.setMethod( "post" ); 
        httpService.setCharset( "utf-8" );
        httpService.setUrl( getAccesstokenEndpoint() );
        httpService.addParam( type="header",name="Content-Type",value="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" );
        if( arrayLen( arguments.headers ) ){
            for( var item in arguments.headers ){
                httpService.addParam( type="header",name="refresh_token",value=arguments.refresh_token );
        httpService.addParam( type="formfield",name="grant_type",value="refresh_token" );
        if( arrayLen( arguments.formfields ) ){
            for( var item in arguments.formfields ){
                httpService.addParam( type="formfield",value=item[ 'value' ] );
        var result = httpService.send().getPrefix();
        if( '200' == result.ResponseHeader[ 'Status_Code' ] ) {
            stuResponse.success = true;
            stuResponse.content = result.FileContent;
        } else {
            stuResponse.success = false;
            stuResponse.content = result.Statuscode;
        return stuResponse;
    * I return a string containing any extra URL parameters to concatenate and pass through when authenticating.
    * @argScope A structure containing key / value pairs of data to be included in the URL string.
    public string function buildParamString( struct argScope={} ) {
        var strURLParam = '';
        if( structCount( arguments.argScope ) ) {
            for( var key in arguments.argScope ) {
                if( listLen( strURLParam ) ) {
                    strURLParam = strURLParam & '&';
                strURLParam = strURLParam & lcase( key ) & '=' & trim( arguments.argScope[ key ] );
            strURLParam = '&' & strURLParam;
        return strURLParam;

    * Returns the properties as a struct
    public struct function getMemento(){
        var result = {};
        for( var thisProp in getMetaData( this ).properties ){
            if( structKeyExists( variables,thisProp[ 'name' ] ) ){
                result[ thisProp[ 'name' ] ] = variables[ thisProp[ 'name' ] ];
        return result;




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