
我想在 C 中创建一个链表并对其执行某些功能但是在我的代码中找不到错误

如何解决我想在 C 中创建一个链表并对其执行某些功能但是在我的代码中找不到错误

函数 display 不打印学生的 id,而是一些数字。指针的值被正确分配,当我打印它们时,它们应该是。但我无法打印学生的 id。你能帮我解决这个问题吗?


Enter Student ID
New Student Created
The id of student at position 1 is 12672416
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>

void displayList();
void insertAtFirst();
struct Student * createStudentNode();

struct Student {
    int id;
    struct Student * nextStudent;
struct Student * startStudent;

int main(int argc,char * argv[]) {
    return 0;

void displayList() {
    int x = 1;
    struct Student * tempStudent = (struct Student * ) malloc(sizeof(struct Student * ));
    if (startStudent == NULL) {
        printf("The list is empty.\n");
    } else {
        tempStudent = startStudent;

        while (tempStudent != NULL) {
            printf("The id of student at position %d is %d\n",x,tempStudent -> id);
            tempStudent = tempStudent -> nextStudent;

void insertAtFirst() {
    struct Student * t;
    struct Student * tempStudent;

    tempStudent = createStudentNode();
    printf("Enter Student ID\n");
    scanf("%d",tempStudent -> id);
    printf("New Student Created\n");
    tempStudent -> nextStudent = NULL;

    if (startStudent == NULL) {
        startStudent = tempStudent;
    } else {
        tempStudent -> nextStudent = startStudent;
        startStudent = tempStudent;

//This method creates a new Student structure and returns it address
struct Student * createStudentNode() {
    struct Student * n;
    n = (struct Student * ) malloc(sizeof(struct Student));
    n -> nextStudent = NULL;
    return n;

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