

当我在 Dataframe 上方运行时,它显示错误字符串索引必须是整数。我不知道如何解决这个问题。


# Dictionary of English contractions
contractions_dict = {"ain't": "are not","'s":" is","aren't": "are not","can't": "cannot","can't've": "cannot have","'cause": "because","Could've": "Could have","Couldn't": "Could not","Couldn't've": "Could not have","didn't": "did not","doesn't": "does not","don't": "do not","hadn't": "had not","hadn't've": "had not have","hasn't": "has not","haven't": "have not","he'd": "he would","he'd've": "he would have","he'll": "he will","he'll've": "he will have","how'd": "how did","how'd'y": "how do you","how'll": "how will","I'd": "I would","I'd've": "I would have","I'll": "I will","I'll've": "I will have","I'm": "I am","I've": "I have","isn't": "is not","it'd": "it would","it'd've": "it would have","it'll": "it will","it'll've": "it will have","let's": "let us","ma'am": "madam","mayn't": "may not","might've": "might have","mightn't": "might not","mightn't've": "might not have","must've": "must have","mustn't": "must not","mustn't've": "must not have","needn't": "need not","needn't've": "need not have","o'clock": "of the clock","oughtn't": "ought not","oughtn't've": "ought not have","shan't": "shall not","sha'n't": "shall not","shan't've": "shall not have","she'd": "she would","she'd've": "she would have","she'll": "she will","she'll've": "she will have","should've": "should have","shouldn't": "should not","shouldn't've": "should not have","so've": "so have","that'd": "that would","that'd've": "that would have","there'd": "there would","there'd've": "there would have","they'd": "they would"}

# Regular expression for finding contractions
contractions_re=re.compile('(%s)' % '|'.join(contractions_dict.keys()))

# Function for expanding contractions
def expand_contractions(text,contractions_dict=contractions_dict):
  def replace(match):
    return contractions_dict[match.group(0)]

# Expanding contractions in the reviews
dataset['entitas bernama']=dataset['entitas bernama'].apply(lambda x:expand_contractions(x))


dataset['entitas bernama']=dataset['entitas bernama'].apply(lambda x:expand_contractions(x))
error : string indices must be integers





Dicts 可用于为不同的现有值指定不同的替换值。例如,{'a': 'b','y': 'z'} 将值 'a' 替换为 'b',将 'y' 替换为 'z'。要以这种方式使用字典,value 参数应为 None


contraction_dict = {...} # redacted

In []: twt = pd.read_csv('twitter4000.csv')
                                                      tweets    sentiment
       0    is bored and wants to watch a movie any sugge...    0
       1.               back in miami. waiting to unboard ship  0
       2    @misskpey awwww dnt dis brng bak memoriessss,...   0
       3                    ughhh i am so tired blahhhhhhhhh    0
       4    @mandagoforth me bad! It's funny though. Zacha...   0
    ...     ...     ...
    3995                                    i just graduated    1
    3996            Templating works; it all has to be done     1
    3997                    mommy just brought me starbucks     1
    3998    @omarepps watching you on a House re-run...lov...   1
    3999    Thanks for trying to make me smile I'll make y...   1

    4000 rows × 2 columns

# notice in a glance only the last row has contraction in head +5 tail -5

In []: # check which rows has contractions
                                                       tweets   sentiment
       2    @misskpey awwww dnt dis brng bak memoriessss,...   0
       4    @mandagoforth me bad! It's funny though. Zacha...   0
       5    brr,i'm so cold. at the moment doing my assig...   0
       6    @kevinmarquis haha yep but i really need to sl...   0
       7    eating some ice-cream while I try to see @pete...   0
    ...     ...     ...
    3961                                gonna cousin's b.day.   1
    3968    @kat_n Got to agree it's a risk to put her thr...   1
    3983    About to watch the Lakers win game duece. I'm ...   1
    3986    @countroshculla yeah..needed to get up early.....   1
    3999    Thanks for trying to make me smile I'll make y...   1

    937 rows × 2 columns

In []: twt.tail(5).tweets.replace(to_replace=contractions_dict,regex=True)

    3995                                    i just graduated 
    3996            Templating works; it all has to be done  
    3997                     mommy just brought me starbucks 
    3998    @omarepps watching you on a House re-run...lov...
    3999    Thanks for trying to make me smile I will make...

    Name: tweets,dtype: object 

inplace=True 使用参数 Series.replace 以避免分配回 df 即 twt.tweets = twt.tweets.replace(...)

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