
由于不活动,重定向后 URL 抛出 500 错误

如何解决由于不活动,重定向后 URL 抛出 500 错误

我有一个 .net Core 3.1 应用程序,在 20 分钟没有活动后,我重定向一个已注销的页面。在那个页面上,我有一个指向主站点的 URL 的链接用户应该能够点击它返​​回到主登录页面。但是,单击该链接显示 500 错误而不是登录页面。我什至无法输入网址。重新访问该站点的唯一方法关闭并重新打开浏览器。

我猜这与会话有关,但我不确定如何更正。这是在我的 statup.cs

services.AddSession(options => { 
    options.IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20);
    options.Cookie.SecurePolicy = CookieSecurePolicy.Always;

我正在使用 bootstrap.session.timeout


(function($) {
/*jshint multistr: true */
'use strict';
$.sessionTimeout = function(options) {
    var defaults = {
        title: 'Your Session is About to Expire!',message: 'Your session is about to expire.',logoutButton: 'logout',keepAliveButton: 'Stay Connected',keepAliveUrl: 'Home/KeepSessionAlive',ajaxType: 'POST',ajaxData: '',redirUrl: 'Home/logout',logoutUrl: '/log-out',warnAfter: 900000,// 15 minutes
        redirAfter: 1200000,// 20 minutes
        keepAliveInterval: 5000,keepAlive: true,ignoreUserActivity: false,onStart: false,onWarn: false,onRedir: false,countdownMessage: 'Redirecting in:',//countdownMessage: false,countdownBar: true,countdownSmart: true

    var opt = defaults,timer,countdown = {};

    // Extend user-set options over defaults
    if (options) {
        opt = $.extend(defaults,options);

    // Some error handling if options are miss-configured
    if (opt.warnAfter >= opt.redirAfter) {
        console.error('Bootstrap-session-timeout plugin is miss-configured. Option "redirAfter" must be equal or greater than "warnAfter".');
        return false;

    // Unless user set his own callback function,prepare bootstrap modal elements and events
    if (typeof opt.onWarn !== 'function') {
        // If opt.countdownMessage is defined add a coundown timer message to the modal dialog
        var countdownMessage = opt.countdownMessage ?
            '<p>' + opt.countdownMessage.replace(/{timer}/g,'<span class="countdown-holder"></span>') + '</p>' : '';
        var coundownBarHtml = opt.countdownBar ?
            '<div class="progress"> \
              <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped countdown-bar active" role="progressbar" style="min-width: 15px; width: 100%;"> \
                <span class="countdown-holder"></span> \
              </div> \
            </div>' : '';

        // Create timeout warning dialog
        $('body').append('<div class="modal fade" id="session-timeout-dialog"> \
          <div class="modal-dialog"> \
            <div class="modal-content"> \
              <div class="modal-header"> \
                <h4 class="modal-title">' + opt.title + '</h4> \
              </div> \
              <div class="modal-body"> \
                <p>' + opt.message + '</p> \
                ' + countdownMessage + ' \
                ' + coundownBarHtml + ' \
              </div> \
              <div class="modal-footer"> \
                <button id="session-timeout-dialog-keepalive" type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal" data-backdrop="false">' + opt.keepAliveButton + '</button> \
              </div> \
            </div> \
          </div> \

        // "logout" button click
        $('#session-timeout-dialog-logout').on('click',function() {
            window.location = opt.logoutUrl;
        // "Stay Connected" button click
        $('#session-timeout-dialog').on('hide.bs.modal',function() {
            // Restart session timer

    // Reset timer on any of these events
    if (!opt.ignoreUserActivity) {
        var mousePosition = [-1,-1];
        $(document).on('keyup mouseup touchend touchmove',function(e) {
            if (e.type === 'mousemove') {
                // Solves mousemove even when mouse not moving issue on Chrome:
                // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=241476
                if (e.clientX === mousePosition[0] && e.clientY === mousePosition[1]) {
                mousePosition[0] = e.clientX;
                mousePosition[1] = e.clientY;

            // If they moved the mouse not only reset the counter
            // but remove the modal too!
            if ($('#session-timeout-dialog').length > 0 &&
                $('#session-timeout-dialog').data('bs.modal') &&
                $('#session-timeout-dialog').data('bs.modal').isShown) {
                // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11519660/twitter-bootstrap-modal-backdrop-doesnt-disappear


    // Keeps the server side connection live,by pingin url set in keepAliveUrl option.
    // KeepAlivePinged is a helper var to ensure the functionality of the keepAliveInterval option
    var keepAlivePinged = false;

    function keepAlive() {
        if (!keepAlivePinged) {
            // Ping keepalive URL using (if provided) data and type from options
                type: opt.ajaxType,url: opt.keepAliveUrl,data: opt.ajaxData
            keepAlivePinged = true;
            setTimeout(function() {
                keepAlivePinged = false;

    function startSessionTimer() {
        // Clear session timer
        if (opt.countdownMessage || opt.countdownBar) {

        if (typeof opt.onStart === 'function') {

        // If keepAlive option is set to "true",ping the "keepAliveUrl" url
        if (opt.keepAlive) {

        // Set session timer
        timer = setTimeout(function() {
            // Check for onWarn callback function and if there is none,launch dialog
            if (typeof opt.onWarn !== 'function') {
            } else {
            // Start dialog timer

    function startDialogTimer() {
        // Clear session timer
        if (!$('#session-timeout-dialog').hasClass('in') && (opt.countdownMessage || opt.countdownBar)) {
            // If warning dialog is not already open and either opt.countdownMessage
            // or opt.countdownBar are set start countdown
        // Set dialog timer
        timer = setTimeout(function() {
            // Check for onRedir callback function and if there is none,launch redirect
            if (typeof opt.onRedir !== 'function') {
                window.location = opt.redirUrl;
            } else {
        },(opt.redirAfter - opt.warnAfter));

    function startCountdownTimer(type,reset) {
        // Clear countdown timer

        if (type === 'dialog' && reset) {
            // If triggered by startDialogTimer start warning countdown
            countdown.timeLeft = Math.floor((opt.redirAfter - opt.warnAfter) / 1000);
        } else if (type === 'session' && reset) {
            // If triggered by startSessionTimer start full countdown
            // (this is needed if user doesn't close the warning dialog)
            countdown.timeLeft = Math.floor(opt.redirAfter / 1000);
        // If opt.countdownBar is true,calculate remaining time percentage
        if (opt.countdownBar && type === 'dialog') {
            countdown.percentLeft = Math.floor(countdown.timeLeft / ((opt.redirAfter - opt.warnAfter) / 1000) * 100);
        } else if (opt.countdownBar && type === 'session') {
            countdown.percentLeft = Math.floor(countdown.timeLeft / (opt.redirAfter / 1000) * 100);
        // Set countdown message time value
        var countdownEl = $('.countdown-holder');
        var secondsLeft = countdown.timeLeft >= 0 ? countdown.timeLeft : 0;
        if (opt.countdownSmart) {
            var minLeft = Math.floor(secondsLeft / 60);
            var secRemain = secondsLeft % 60;
            var countTxt = minLeft > 0 ? minLeft + 'm' : '';
            if (countTxt.length > 0) {
                countTxt += ' ';
            countTxt += secRemain + ' seconds';
        } else {
            countdownEl.text(secondsLeft + " seconds");

        // Set countdown message time value
        if (opt.countdownBar) {
            $('.countdown-bar').css('width',countdown.percentLeft + '%');

        // Countdown by one second
        countdown.timeLeft = countdown.timeLeft - 1;
        countdown.timer = setTimeout(function() {
            // Call self after one second

    // Start session timer


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