
堆栈中的 SwiftUI TextField 锁定无法访问

如何解决堆栈中的 SwiftUI TextField 锁定无法访问

经过一段时间的故障排除(并将整个视图剥离到测试文件中),导致堆栈中的文本字段“锁定”或无法访问,我发现这是堆栈中的一些修饰符存在。 在这种情况下,是因为 .Shadow



@State private var tempName: String = ""
@State private var tempSurname: String = ""
@State private var tempPhone: String = ""

var body: some View {

        vstack  { //Stack 1
            Text("Please provide your details")
                vstack (spacing: 16) {
                       #warning ("check out why below textfields wont accept interaction")
                            TextField("User Name",text: $tempName)
                            TextField("User Surname",text: $tempSurname)
                            TextField("User Phone",text: $tempPhone)
                  .shadow(radius: 8,x: 2,y: 4)




但是,您可以使用 compositingGroup 将修饰符应用于仅最外层视图

VStack(spacing: 16) {
    // ...
.compositingGroup() // add before `shadow`
.shadow(radius: 8,x: 2,y: 4)


/// Wraps this view in a compositing group.
/// A compositing group makes compositing effects in this view's ancestor
/// views,such as opacity and the blend mode,take effect before this view
/// is rendered.
/// Use `compositingGroup()` to apply effects to a parent view before
/// applying effects to this view.
/// In the example below the `compositingGroup()` modifier separates the
/// application of effects into stages. It applies the ``View/opacity(_:)``
/// effect to the VStack before the `blur(radius:)` effect is applied to the
/// views inside the enclosed ``ZStack``. This limits the scope of the
/// opacity change to the outermost view.
///     VStack {
///         ZStack {
///             Text("CompositingGroup")
///                 .foregroundColor(.black)
///                 .padding(20)
///                 .background(Color.red)
///             Text("CompositingGroup")
///                 .blur(radius: 2)
///         }
///         .font(.largeTitle)
///         .compositingGroup()
///         .opacity(0.9)
///     }
/// ![A view showing the effect of the compositingGroup modifier in applying
/// compositing effects to parent views before child views are
/// rendered.](SwiftUI-View-compositingGroup.png)
/// - Returns: A view that wraps this view in a compositing group.
@inlinable public func compositingGroup() -> some View

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