
将 http 获取请求图像转换为 Excel ActiveSheet.Pictures

如何解决将 http 获取请求图像转换为 Excel ActiveSheet.Pictures

我有一张从 request.responseBody 获取的图像,如何在不使用计算机存储中的临时文件的情况下将其传递给 excel?


  • 我在响应正文中使用带有图像的 rest API

  • 我不想在我的桌面上有临时文件

  • 挑战是将来自 API 的响应转换为 Pictures.Insert 或 Shapes.AddPicture


Sub GetPicAPI()
    Dim myUrl As String         ' path of image
    Dim myPicture As Picture    ' embedded image
    Dim MyImage As String       ' create string to receive image in text format
    Dim myFile As String
    Dim datim As String
    Set request = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    datim = Format(CStr(Now),"yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss") 'datetime to generate file
    myFile = Application.DefaultFilePath & "\phototemp" & datim & ".jpeg"
    myUrl = "https://images.contoso.com/api/GetPic?pwd=1234=&id=1234res=low"
    request.Open "GET",myUrl,False         ' Where to get image
    request.send                             ' Send the request for the webpage.
    MyImage = StrConv(request.responseBody,vbUnicode)  ' Get the webpage response text into response variable.
    Open myFile For Output As #1  'open file to save image
    Print #1,MyImage             'write to file
    Close #1                      'close file
    Set myPicture = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(myFile) 'put image into cell
End Sub

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