


我使用自定义 CSS 为 my portfolio page 创建了一个图像叠加效果。它在桌面浏览器上工作得很好,但它完全不适用于手机。谁能建议我在这里可以做什么?我怎样才能使这个响应?

  <Meta charset="utf-8">
<Meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,shrink-to-fit=no">
.flex-container {
    position: inherit;
    display: flex;

.img1-wrap {
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 280px;
    padding: 50px;

.image {
    width: 2000px;

.overlay {
    display: block;
    position: sticky;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    background-color: #ad0909;
    overflow: hidden;
    height: 0%;
    transition: .5s ease;

.img1-wrap:hover .overlay {
    height: 100%;

.text {
  color: white;
  font-size: 12px;
 font-family: Reggae One;
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  -webkit-transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
  -ms-transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
  transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
  text-align: center;
<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Reggae One' rel='stylesheet'>
<div class="flex-container">
    <div class="img1-wrap">
        <img src="/s/BBBook" alt="Avatar" class="image">
        <div class="overlay">
            <div class="text">BBBook is a community-based reading platform that facilitates collaborative study for university and school students.</div>
    <div class="img1-wrap">
       <a href="https://www.cash.live/">
        <img src="/s/Cash-Live-logo.png" alt="Avatar" class="image">
        <div class="overlay">
            <div class="text">Cash Live is a live-streamed,free to enter poker game show featuring daily tournaments where players compete for cash.</div>
    <div class="img1-wrap">
       <a href="https://codeblugames.com/">
        <img src="/s/CBG" alt="Avatar" class="image">
        <div class="overlay">
            <div class="text">Code Blue Games is developing 6degrees,a Third Person Action Adventure/Tower Defense game.</div>
    <div class="img1-wrap">
        <img src="/s/Acces-Job" alt="Avatar" class="image">
        <div class="overlay">
            <div class="text">Accessible Jobs is developing an online job portal focused on helping people with disabilities find accessible work.</div>
<div class="flex-container">
    <div class="img1-wrap">
       <a href="https://dineeasy.ca/">
      <img src="/s/dinenew" alt="Avatar" class="image">
        <div class="overlay">
            <div class="text">DineEasy is a one-stop platform for powering the digital infrastructure for restaurants,cafes,and hotels.</div>
    <div class="img1-wrap">
                  <a href="https://www.gamejobs.ninja/" target="blank">
        <img src="/s/gamesninja.png" alt="Avatar" class="image">
        <div class="overlay">
            <div class="text">GameJobs.Ninja is a recruitment platform focused on the video games industry.</div>
    <div class="img1-wrap">
                  <a href="https://www.myhubly.com/" target="blank">
        <img src="/s/hubli" alt="Avatar" class="image">
        <div class="overlay">
            <div class="text">Hubly is building technology to power the future of financial planning and advice.</div>
    <div class="img1-wrap">
                  <a href="https://www.ludare.com/" target="blank">
        <img src="/s/Ludare" alt="Avatar" class="image">
        <div class="overlay">
            <div class="text">Ludare Games Group is a publisher of free-to-play mobile games featuring top-tier licensed intellectual properties.</div>
<div class="flex-container">
    <div class="img1-wrap">
                  <a href="https://pepper.gg/" target="blank">
        <img src="/s/pepac.png" alt="Avatar" class="image">
        <div class="overlay">
            <div class="text">PEPPER lets gamers and organizers discover and create local and online events for cash prizes. Acquired by TGS Esports.</div>
    <div class="img1-wrap">
                  <a href="https://storiiitime.com/" target="blank">
        <img src="/s/StoriiTime" alt="Avatar" class="image">
        <div class="overlay">
            <div class="text">StoriiiTime empowers online influencers to earn more with less work through its no-code narrative game templates. </div>
    <div class="img1-wrap">
        <img src="/s/Startup" alt="Avatar" class="image">
        <div class="overlay">
            <div class="text">Startup Arena is building a model for co-working startup spaces in a post-COVID world.</div>
    <div class="img1-wrap">
        <img src="/s/SuperCommerce" alt="Avatar" class="image">
        <div class="overlay">
            <div class="text">SuperCommerce is a buyer,operator,and scaler of ecommerce websites.
<div class="flex-container">
    <div class="img1-wrap">
        <img src="/s/v2ac.png" alt="Avatar" class="image">
            <a href="https://victorysquare.com/" target="blank">
        <div class="overlay">
            <div class="text">V2 Games is a developer and publisher of casual mobile games. Acquired by Victory Square Technologies.
    <div class="img1-wrap">
        <img src="/s/Vetsie" alt="Avatar" class="image">
      <a href="https://www.vetsie.com/" target="blank">
        <div class="overlay">
            <div class="text">Vetsie is making veterinary care more accessible by Leveraging innovative technology to transform pet care.</div>



  1. 移除除第一个 .flex-container div 以外的所有 div。相反,将所有 .img1-wrap 元素放在第一个(也是唯一一个).flex-container 中。
  2. flex-wrap: wrap; 添加到 .flex-container 元素的 CSS 规则中。
  3. justify-content: center; 添加到 .flex-container 元素的 CSS 规则中。
  4. width CSS 属性从 280 更改为 270

当然可以进一步改进,但以上内容足以使内容以任何宽度呈现,并应作为您进一步定制的基础。在上面的建议中,我也没有解决与 flex 相关的规则的特定于浏览器的前缀,如果感兴趣,您可以进一步研究。

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