使用 MaterializeCSS 居中图像的问题

如何解决使用 MaterializeCSS 居中图像的问题

我正在制作一个网站作为学校项目,并且添加了一张无法居中图片。我已经尝试了 10 多种将其居中的方法,但没有任何效果。它只是停留在屏幕的左侧。我正在使用 Materialise CSS。所有的 HTML 和 CSS 都在下面。附注如何将相同的图片添加到导航栏以使其适合?我尝试了几种方法,但没有奏效。

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            <a class="brand-logo">PCC</a>

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            <img class="responsive-img" src="C:\Users\Jakov\Desktop\edit\zadnjiProjekt\resources\logo.png">
            <p class="text flow-text">PC Configurator is a webiste designed to make PC building easy and accessible to
                We have a selection of PC building guides and tools at your disposal. The best part - it's totally
            <a href="#" class="btn deep-purple darken-4 waves-effect flow-text">Build a PC<i
                    class="material-icons right flow-text">build</i></a>
            <p class="text">OR</p>
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            <p class="title flow-text">Choosing the right components</p>
            <p class="text flow-text">Choosing the right components for your brand new PC can be hard,especially if you
                kNow nothing about PCs. In this guide,we will show you all you need to kNow about PC components. Simply
                click on one of the components to learn about it.</p>
    <div class="carousel components center-align">
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            <a class="waves-effect waves-light modal-trigger title flow-text" href="#cpuModal">
                <img src="C:\Users\Jakov\Desktop\edit\zadnjiProjekt\resources\cpu.png" class="responsive-img">
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        <div id="cpuModal" class="modal">
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                <p class="title flow-text">Processor</p>
                <p class="text flow-text">The processor,also kNow as the <b>cpu</b>,is the brain of your computer.
                    It does
                    all of the calculations and operations you throw at it. There are only two processor brands.
                    <b>Intel</b> and <b>AMD</b>. While both of them make good processors,Intel is better for
                    AMD is better for workstations. You should spend between 20% and 30% of your budget on your
        <div id="gpuModal" class="modal">
            <div class="modal-content">
                <p class="title flow-text">Graphics card</p>
                <p class="text flow-text">The graphics card,also kNown as the <b>GPU</b>,is probably the most
                    component if you are want a gaming or workstation based PC. There are two graphics card chip
                    <b>Nvidia</b> and <b>AMD</b>. There are also a lot of 3rd party brands that use those chips and
                    make the rest of the graphics card. Those are the ones you will most likely find,as the
                    <b>"founder's edition"</b> graphics cards(that are entirely 1st party) are very rare. You should
                    around 40% of your budget on your graphics card. Some processors have intergrated graphics,and
                    need dedicated graphics cards. Those processors have a <b>G</b> at the end of their name(AMD) or
                    have <b>K</b>,<b>X</b> or <b>F</b> at the end of their name(Intel).</p>
        <div id="mbModal" class="modal">
            <div class="modal-content">
                <p class="title flow-text">motherboard</p>
                <p class="text flow-text">The motherboard makes all of your components communicate. Every component
                    plugged into it. They all differ mainly by their <b>chipset</b> and <b>socket</b>. Depending on
                    cpu you have,you will need a diffirent socket(<b>AM</b> for AMD and <b>LGA</b> for Intel). It
                    recommended that you spend less than your cpu on your motherboard. For most users,the
                    features don't even matter.</p>
        <div id="ramModal" class="modal">
            <div class="modal-content">
                <p class="title flow-text">Memory</p>
                <p class="text flow-text">Memory,also kNown as <b>RAM</b> is where all of your running apps are
                    Once you power off the computer,the memory get wiped clean. There are multiple aspects too look
                    when choosing memory.<br>
                    <b>Memory speed</b> measures how often your memory communicates with your cpu(measured in MHz).
                    cpus benefit much more from higher memory speed. It is recommended to have a memory speed of
                    3000MHz or
                    higher for AMD cpus.<br>
                    The <b>latency</b> or <b>CAS timing</b> is how much cycles it takes for your RAM to send data
                    by the cpu. Generally,everything below <b>CL-20</b> is considered OK,and everything below
                    is considered fast.<br>
                    The <b>number of memory sticks</b> affects your performance the most. It simply tells you how
                    sticks of RAM you are getting in the package. One is Ok for simple tasks,but having two or more
                    significantly increases performance,as long as you install them in <b>dual-channel mode</b>.
                    possible amount of ram sticks can be 1,2,4,8,16 and even 32. Most computers use 1-4 RAM
                    sticks since
                    that is what most motherboards support.<br>
                    The <b>capacity</b> of your RAM simply tells you how much <b>GB</b> of RAM you are getting. 4GB
                    enough for very slight tasks,8GB is enough for some gaming or every-day tasks,16GB is OK for
                    games and workstation applications while 32GB+ is only used in expensive beastly computers that
                    handle everything you throw at them.
        <div id="storageModal" class="modal">
            <div class="modal-content">
                <p class="title flow-text">Storage</p>
                <p class="text flow-text">The storage does what the name says - it stores all of your data,even
                    PC is off. There are 3
                    types of storage: <b>SSD</b>,<b>HDD</b> and <b>hybrid</b> drives. SSDs are the fastes of them
                    by a
                    lot. They don't have as much storage as the other parts and cost more. HDDs are the slowest but
                    have the most storage and cost the least. Hybrid drives or SSHDs are a hybrid of the two. They
                    faster than HDDs but slower than SSDs but have more storage than SSDs. Their cost is somewhere
                    the two. There are mulpitle for factor: <b>3.5"</b>(HDDs and SSHDs),<b>2.5"</b>(SSDs),<b>M.2</b>(SSDs),and <b>PCIe</b>(SSDs).</p>
        <div id="psuModal" class="modal">
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                <p class="title flow-text">Power supply</p>
                <p class="text flow-text">The power supply,or the <b>PSU</b> is responsible for powering your
                    <b>Modular</b> PSUs have all the cables seperate,so you can only plug in the ones you need.
                    <b>Non-modular</b> PSUs have all the cables attached. It is important not to cheap out on your
                    only buy from trusted brands. Those brands are: <b>Corsair</b>,<b>Coolermaster</b>,<b>Asus</b>,<b>Gigabyte</b>,<b>Silverstone</b>,<b>be quiet!</b>,<b>Phanteks</b>,<b>Thermaltake</b>,<b>Seasonic</b> and <b>Fractal Design</b>. You should always get a PSU with more wattage than
                    For example,if your system uses 400W you should get a 550W PSU. Better PSUs also have power
                    These tell you how good their power efficiency is. They start with <b>80+</b> and go all the way
                    <b>80+ Platinum</b>.</p>
        <div id="caseModal" class="modal">
            <div class="modal-content">
                <p class="title flow-text">Case</p>
                <p class="text flow-text">The case houses all of your components. The only performance factor of
                    cases is their airloflow. Some come with preinstalled fans,more intake space and much more. The
                    case is often the cheapest part of any PC.</p>
        <div id="coolingModal" class="modal">
            <div class="modal-content">
                <p class="title flow-text">Cooling</p>
                <p class="text flow-text">Most of your components need cooling. Some of them,like the cpu,GPU and
                    PSU usually come with one or more fans. But sometimes that is not enough,especially for more
                    powerful hardware. There are 3 types of coolers. <br><b>cpu coolers</b> cool the cpu. They can
                    be water coolers or air coolers.<br><b>GPU coolers</b> cool the GPU. Most GPUs come with
                    excelent air-cooling but you can step it up further with a custom water cooler.<br><b>Case
                        coolers</b> or <b>case fans</b> are as they sound - fans that are mounted inside the case
                    and help with the intake of cold air and with the exhaust of hot air.</p>
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